What are you planning to hunt with a double rifle?
500 NE is for elephant or PH backup or for experienced many times hunted Africa with double rifle hunters....
Or for crazy Belgians

What are you planning to hunt with a double rifle?
500 NE is for elephant or PH backup or for experienced many times hunted Africa with double rifle hunters....
Going for buffalo, but also planning for any potential future expeditions I hopeWhat are you planning to hunt with a double rifle?
500 NE is for elephant or PH backup or for experienced many times hunted Africa with double rifle hunters....
Having never hunted Africa you may be better off with a 375 H&H flanged magnum or a 450/400 3" NE or even 500416 3 1/4 NE.......at most a 470 NE......
From a practical useability point of view anyway ....
Heym or Krieghoff.....
I’d be curious on resale also…There's a Krieghoff here, 500, never shot. Paid $18+ with sales tax. I don't know what resale value would be? .. or what they’re d be asking now... View attachment 656864
View attachment 656865
50% more recoil than a .416 Rigby? How do you figure that?One thing to keep in mind is that the 500 Nitro has about 50% more recoil than a 416 Rigby in average weight guns. As you mentioned hunting with 10 gauges, you are used to some recoil but trigger control on a 10 gauge versus a big bore rifle is very different. You can slap a 10 gauge trigger but that's a disaster in a big bore rifle on dangerous game. You can hunt any DG in the world with a 416 Rigby and do just fine. Also, there is a huge difference in felt recoil when goose hunting with a 10 gauge in heavy coat and swinging the barrel versus a thin shirt in the heat, shooting off the sticks. You don't notice in the field so much but you will notice in practice.
We can recommend new and used guns all day long but get into that 416 Rigby and see what you think. If you get comfortable with it, you are in the top 10% of shooters. Then check out some shops online like Champlins, talk to JJ Perrodeau, get to some shows and look at a few guns. You have a lot in front of you but enjoy the journey.
I think this is a fair observation.50% is on the high end of the numbers but it's easily 20-25 ft lbs more recoil...1/3 more. You can split hairs on the math but it's a lot more recoil. It's about the same difference between 338 win mag and 416 Rigby.
Well, happy birthday when it arrives and thanks for the input!I hunt, for the most part, buffalo, and I have been using a Rigby 500 NE for over 25 years.
I'm glad i had it during a buffalo charge and when I shot my largest buffalo a quartering going away shot in Niassa, .Two shots, R hip at 25 yards or so. Who knows if a soft would have worked.
Reloading is straight forward, 109 grains RL19 & 570 gn Woodleigh
Gun weighs 13# and I carry it every hunt. As to recoil, my niece weighs 125# and likes to shoot it.
Enjoy the journey. A lot of good guns in the market and a lot of excellent bullets
And you're never too old , I turn 70 next month.
My 2 cents.
Thank you very much.Well, happy birthday when it arrives and thanks for the input!
I seen that. But I guess what could go wrong buying a used double? Not knowing the load it’s regulated for? Something else?There is a like new Merkel 500 NE with 80 rounds of factory ammo on GI for 15k.
I could be wrong but I believe that Chapuis never produced a .500 NE. And it is definitely not in their current line up. Merkel is out of modern double productions in large safari calibers. It's down to VC, Sabatti, Krieghoff, and Heym if you want a new .500 NE in a non-British double. You can find old Blaser S-3's or Merkel and others out there. I picked up a Merkel in .500 NE on Rock Island Auction but it's not new.For that price I’d look at Chapuis, Merkel or Keighoff
Merkel stopped making big bore double rifles ?I could be wrong but I believe that Chapuis never produced a .500 NE. And it is definitely not in their current line up. Merkel is out of modern double productions in large safari calibers. It's down to VC, Sabatti, Krieghoff, and Heym if you want a new .500 NE in a non-British double. You can find old Blaser S-3's or Merkel and others out there. I picked up a Merkel in .500 NE on Rock Island Auction but it's not new.