Rifles you will NEVER sell

I dont have a huge collection yet. Ones I wont part with regardless how the collection grows are:
Les Baer Boss 1911 customized for a lefty
Christenson Arms CA-15
Blaser R8... will never sell, will only buy more barrels for it!
Wow, your government really sucks....

Yeah, in some aspects it does. Out of all of it I wish we could have handguns again. I've only ever used them in Canada. Once we have rifles or shotguns the hunting is pretty free though as long as we have the land so that's a positive. No tag system for deer etc. I reckon I've shot getting on for 1000 deer since I started in 2007 and I've only paid to shoot four of them if my memory serves me correctly! The rest were on land where the owner has given me the go ahead and I can do what I like as long as they're in season. The roe deer I have in my area are open all year around, bucks from April 1st to October 31st and does from November 1st to March 31st. That's pretty cool because when the freezer gets low I can just go and get another. We don't have many shooters because of the tight rules so there are plenty to be had, and there's next to no chance of meeting another shooter on the land either.

Every country has stupid rules somewhere. Britain just happens to hate firearms which is a shame but they system allows enough for those of us who know how to get what we want some degree of access. Some countries don't allow civilian firearm ownership at all and that really would be depressing! I'm just happy to be allowed some long guns to hunt with. The rest is no big deal. If I could buy guns freely whenever I wanted I'd never have any money!
If I could buy guns freely whenever I wanted I'd never have any money!

Gee that would never happen to any of us in the USA and we can pretty much buy guns freely.:whistle:

That reminds me, gotta pick up a Ruger Express in 270 and have my first Drilling on the way.... Good thing I'm up town now... Gonna need a 5th safe:sneaky:
Gee that would never happen to any of us in the USA and we can pretty much buy guns freely.:whistle:

That reminds me, gotta pick up a Ruger Express in 270 and have my first Drilling on the way.... Good thing I'm up town now... Gonna need a 5th safe:sneaky:

What's the drilling if you don't mind me asking? I have a soft spot for them. I have a J.P Sauer 16 gauge/8x60R myself.
One thing I have learned is "never say never".

I'd be very unlikely to sell:
CZ550 375H&H - unless something more reliable comes along.
Springfield Armory XD-M9 w/ reflex optic - unless something more handy comes along.
Beretta O/U 686's 12 & 20 gauges - unless something more versatile comes along.
For me it's a Winchester 94 in 32 Winchester Special that I got from my Grandfather. Then a Remington pump .22 that was the first gun I bought myself at about age 12. Sold sweetcorn for that, and also bought a Montgomery Wards 12 gauge pump that kicked the hell out of me. It had a hair trigger and was downright dangerous so sold it fir cheap to a gunsmith.

Otherwise I don't think I could part with either of my 505 Gibbs'. Or my trusty Ruger Predator in 6.5 Creedmoor. Or the Ruger Express in 300 win mag I've been hunting with a lot lately... But have another like new one I may sell;) Otherwise I'm not sure.... Never sold more than a handful.
I don't think I will sell any of my firearms. Now if my wife outlives me, she might sell them all.
For me it's a Winchester 94 in 32 Winchester Special that I got from my Grandfather.

Kinda like this one?

I was one of those fellows who went through a lot of rifles and shotguns over the years. I would buy something at a great price knowing I could put it together in a trade for something much better. I always religiously followed the principle of never ever trading down. Now, most will end up in an auction house. My son will have a choice of a half dozen or so, but my bride will do very well by the rest.

I do have favorites among them. My Rigby .275 Highland Stalker is my current favorite deer rifle. I think I am going to like Bailey Bradshaw’s magnificent single shot 7x65r a lot. Just equipped it with a S&B scope and owe a report to a couple of you how it shoots (lights out). I have a now nearly ancient No. 1 in .270 that was my first real big game rifle. I used it extensively in Europe and took many dozens of deer with it. And of course there is my R8. In .375 livery, it is the single most effective firearm I have ever used.
Wow, your government really sucks....
I was there for 7 months in 2017. In the UK , it's now against the law to order a cheese burger rare :(
I'm not kidding.
That said , there are other countries who have it much worse.
South Korea allows no gun ownership at all ( which worked terribly for civilians when an armed cop went crazy once and went on a shooting spree )
India prohibits imported fire arms except if the gun was imported into the country prior to 1986 . You can't import Ammunition into the country if that Ammunition is made locally ( .315 , .30-06 , .22 LR , 12 gauge ) . Local Ammunition is trash and has a shelf life of 4 years.
During the previous Political party's rule in Bangladesh , people could only own ONE handgun ( either a pistol or a revolver . You couldn't own both ) and ONE long gun ( either a shotgun or a rifle . You couldn't own both ). Luckily , last time l was there in 2016 , the new government increased civilian's fire arms owning potential to up to 6 arms licenses ( certainly an improvement ) and unlike India , Imported Fire arms are readily available to civilians ( Of course , the problem is what while you can legally own anything you like except 9mm pistols or .303 rifles , the only shotgun ammunition available in stores is 12 gauge , and the only rifle Ammunition available is .22 LR and .22 WMR and the only handgun Ammunition available is .32 ACP , .22 LR and .22 WMR ) . Unless you privately purchased arms and Ammunition from another country , these are the only available calibers to the local hunters there ( though my friends there tell me that other calibre's will soon start getting readily imported too , in a few years ) . They did open up more areas for Deer hunting though , and l was rather suprised seeing how well the hunters there can drop deer ( Sambar , l think ) with neck shots from the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire
Being a Winchester addict and having several dozen in the collection, I have zero intention of selling any. That being said I don't like the word "never", just bad juju.
Very much so:) Just without that cool side mount sight.

Nothing fancy. I just knew I wouldn't be able to see the factory sights well enough to hunt it.

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I've had a couple of major sell offs the last 25 years. Just winding up the second one now. Some great rifles/handguns, some rare rifles/handguns, some old rifles/handguns, some crappy rifles/handguns and some old, some great and some new shotguns all down the river! I used to think back on the great ones and thought I would miss them but age changes perspective. Really haven't missed any of them. hmm- eh

Currently own a few "key" bolt guns 222 Rem, 270 Win 70, 338-06 Win 70, 450 Watts M99 Montana custom, Glock self defense handgun, 54 cal custom Hawken-type ML I built in about 1972, a couple of plain shotguns for birds and various original Civil War era long guns- muskets, rifles and rifle muskets.

The only gun, old or new, I would truly miss not having and shooting is an original US Model 1841 54 cal rifle- aka the "Mississippi Rifle". :)
TC Contender Pistol I had since I was 13.
It started off as a 357 Mag., but I've had many other barrels over the years, and shot quite a few deer with it. My first large caliber handgun.

Ruger MK2 22 Target Pistol I had since 14.
Too many squirrels, rabbits, and small game to count.

Remington 700 243 Win my dad gave me. My first deer rifle.

Browning Lever Action 22 my Granddad left me.

Sheridan Blue Streak 20 cal Air Rifle I bought when I was 12, after I completely wore out a Benjamin 22 Air Rifle.

RWS Model 45 177 cal Air Rifle I bought when I was 15. I just wish I knew the number of birds, squirrels, and rabbits this one has shot.

Marlin 22 Mag Bolt Action I used as a deer tracking rifle. I shot many big whitetail bucks with this rifle while tracking wounded deer for people, with a tracking dog.

Marlin 22LR Bolt Action. Too many squirrels to count!

Browning BPS 12Ga Shotgun. My Turkey Killing Machine! Bought this the day my best friend's son was born.

Winchester 70 Stainless 7mm Rem Mag. One of my best friends gave me. He's getting older now, and this will be my keepsake from our friendship. He's like my second dad.

Sako 75 Stainless 30/06. Have shot some of my best Whitetail deer with this one over the last 18 years. Deadly accurate.

Winchester 70 Stainless 30/06. No sentimental value here. Have shot a few deer and several hogs with this, but it's just so accurate and dependable, I doubt I'd ever part with it. Perfect deer rifle.

Sako 85 Kodiak 375 H&H. Have shot 3 Water Buffalo, 1 Cape Buffalo, Lioness, Eland, Wildebeest, Impala, and Gemsbuck. And a Whitetail deer for practice.

Kimber Talkeetna 375 H&H. Have shot Kudu, Waterbuck, Zebra, Wildebeest, Impala, Blesbuck, Gemsbuck and Wild boar.

I have many others, but I never say never with any of the rest.
My list of top three would start with:
#1. My dad gave me a 22 that had a tube that held ? 10 long Rifle shells.
We would go out and shoot gophers shoot up a box of shells. He would use a old 22 open sites on an old 22 his dad gave him.
When I was heading out on my own he asked me if I was going to take my 22. I told him I would rather take his 22 that only shot 22 shorts.
I took his and he kept mine. It went to my sister and brother/in law when dad died.
Winchester model 02A.
Here is the rifle.


#2. Ruger #1 300WM
I have always a #1. Seed it in SA in my safari there.
#3. Either 204 Ruger or 375 Ruger.
I have only a couple that wont be sold, but plenty I wish I would have kept.

The keepers under all circumstances are:
- Savage MKII 22lr which was my first real gun, from my non-hunting/non-shooting parents for my 12th bday
- Winchester M70 XTR 264wm inherited from my late FIL
- Winchester 94 Trapper 30-30 inherited from my late FIL
My list of top three would start with:
#1. My dad gave me a 22 that had a tube that held ? 10 long Rifle shells.
We would go out and shoot gophers shoot up a box of shells. He would use a old 22 open sites on an old 22 his dad gave him.
When I was heading out on my own he asked me if I was going to take my 22. I told him I would rather take his 22 that only shot 22 shorts.
I took his and he kept mine. It went to my sister and brother/in law when dad died.
Winchester model 02A.
Here is the rifle.
View attachment 304975
View attachment 304976
#2. Ruger #1 300WM
I have always wanted a #1. Used it in SA in my safari there.
#3. Either 204 Ruger or 375 Ruger.

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CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you