Having used a mountain of red dot optics...always go with the smallest dot possible. Red dots bloom and grow, depending on lighting conditions, your eyes (astigmatism), setting, brightness, and reticle design.
Laser projected reticle like the EO Tech grow grainy while Aimpoints are daisy flower petals that gain circular petals as you dial up brightness.
For information, with respect to mounting a RMR or Doktor on a Heym double; the factory has mounts for both available. On the earlier Heyms the rib was not cut for the mount but J. J. Perodeau did an excellent job of adding the cuts on my 470. I believe J. J. may also have the mounts.
Just as a side comment, I recently attended a Heym USA shoot in Dallas and one of the participants that flew in had a Doctor sight on his double. In transit it took a hit hard enough to fracture the glass in the sight. Thus my comment on taking a second sight that is already on a mount and sighted in as I would need to be close enough to leave powder burns to use iron sights with my eyes.
Lockingblock, I shoot "Dots" in competition and or practice several days a week. Those funny shapes you mentioned in fact are there, I've seen them myself. But I beg to differ with you over the reason why. Those aberrations to a perfect circle in fact are caused by your eyesight. Getting a new prescription makes them go away. Done it several time already over the past 30 odd years.
I use an Aimpoint Micro H1 2MOA on my 404. I have hunted out to 150m with it with ease and with being able to adjust the brightness it basically gives the illusion of increasing and decreasing the dot size. It is indeed a wonderful tool for what you have in mind!
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