Hi rookhawk, good question.
In my reply here, when I use the words rod /
reel, I’m referring only to fly rods and fly reels.
And, I apologize to all for getting off topic here.
If a hailstorm of people talking about fishing begins, I will suggest we move this to the Fishing portion of the world’s best forum.
Anyway —> Fly Rods:
E. Waldon Powell Hexagraph rods.
Tonkin Cane rods, vintage and present day ones as well, by a multitude of makers.
I only have 2 of those, one is marked Heddon, it is a 3 piece rod but has a spare tip section so, there are 4 pieces total.
I think it’s 8.5’ but I’ve never put a tape measure to it.
It is not marked for weight but loads well with 5w tapered floating line, when using the “lighter weight” tip section.
My other “cane” rod is quite similar but totally unmarked.
The Orvis rods that were spiral wrapped full length and not sanded.
I think these were called “The Rocky Mountain Series” rods.
I’m too lazy to dig one out and read what’s printed on it.

But if it’s important, I can do so.
I have a 10’ - 7W - 3 piece one and a 2W one that I think is either 8’ or 8.5’ - it is a 4 piece one.
Other various rods, very sporadically catch my eye (once in a blue moon) at flea markets and garage sales mostly.
My tarpon and king salmon rod is such.
It is a Sage 14W - 2 piece, with forward fighting grip and fighting butt as well.
I think it is only 7.5’ long but would have to measure to be sure.
Sadly, I’ve never hooked a tarpon on this rod, but not for lack of trying.
I’ve dragged it to Belize and Honduras, as well as to Florida, intending to catch a tarpon on it.
Indeed I’ve caught them, (Key West, Florida, on a spinning rod) just not with this rod.
However, as long as their’s line in the air, there’s hope and this 14W howitzer has brought to my perhaps unworthy hand, countless salmon, including kings into the mid-40 pounds size.
Billy Pate.
One Tarpon model, one Salmon model and one bonefish model.
I only have one but it’s the bigun and I’ve caught many salmon, including kings on it (with 14W sink tip line).
Hardy Brothers.
I have both vintage and more recent ones, in various sizes, I think 7 or 8 Hardys all told.
But don’t get me started.
V. Dog.