AH elite
This question might have been asked before but I would like to hear some comment from our Outfitters in SA.
The game breeding situation in South Africa seems to spin everything out of control.
How are you affected by this, I am loosing the one concession after the other, land owners are calling me and telling me they are not going to hunt this year as they have decided to sell live game to the capturing companies.
What is happening in your area.
Things are out of control.
Impala Ewes
20 available: Pregnant from Black ram
R32 500 excl. VAT each
Split Impala Package
Package consists of:
6 Ewes
5 Lambs
R 472 500 excl. VAT
Saddleback Impala Ewe
1 Ewe Available:
Price: R1 250 000 excl. VAT
Yellow Blesbuck Ram
Age: 4 years old
Estimate horn length of 17”
Price: R430 000 excl. VAT
Golden Oryx Cows
Price per animal: R500 000 excl. VAT
Copper Springbuck
3 Rams
7 Ewes
Price per animal: R45 000 excl.VAT
The game breeding situation in South Africa seems to spin everything out of control.
How are you affected by this, I am loosing the one concession after the other, land owners are calling me and telling me they are not going to hunt this year as they have decided to sell live game to the capturing companies.
What is happening in your area.
Things are out of control.
Impala Ewes
20 available: Pregnant from Black ram
R32 500 excl. VAT each
Split Impala Package
Package consists of:
6 Ewes
5 Lambs
R 472 500 excl. VAT
Saddleback Impala Ewe
1 Ewe Available:
Price: R1 250 000 excl. VAT
Yellow Blesbuck Ram
Age: 4 years old
Estimate horn length of 17”
Price: R430 000 excl. VAT
Golden Oryx Cows
Price per animal: R500 000 excl. VAT
Copper Springbuck
3 Rams
7 Ewes
Price per animal: R45 000 excl.VAT