AH ambassador
@Wheels I agree with all of your points. My issue is with the president deflecting habitat loss from the dam by having 'hunting' take the hit. Also, in doing a quick search I found this article on downstream impacts of the dam to the flood plain, habitat and people. So, it's not just the impact of the flooding and lake that is created.
I also think about the impact of the dams built in the US and the loss of the habitat at the Sea of Cortez from the lack of flow from the Colorado River. So, I then think, "Are there alternatives to building a dam?" Could wind, solar or nuclear be an option? Much of Africa is going straight wireless. So, why not jump past other countries' approaches (dams) and go straight to alternatives? Such as this in Kenya?
There are many alternatives to the dam. Tanzania currently has gas or coal fired plants, however they are not in use since TANESCO (electric utility) is around $100m+ in arrears on payments. (last I knew as of a few years ago) Tanzania has one of the worlds largest natural gas fields setting off the SE shore of the country. This seems the optimum electrical source to me.
Dams also destroy large natural areas, ie: Glen Canyon, Boulder, Grand Coulee, etc. in the American west. Some dams have massive impacts on the records of human history and culture such as Three Gorges and Aswan High.
First world countries have already done massive projects to make them first world. Why dictate to third world countries what they can and can not do to try and achieve the same living standards for their people.
Do I think the Stiegler gorge dam is a good idea? I really don't know. In my mind there is a tremendous amount of unanswered questions, but does Tanzania have the right to self determination without kowtowing to ideologues in the west. Do they have the right to make their own successes and while creating corresponding problems along the way.