Shooting Accidents...


AH elite
Sep 3, 2009
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Tanzania, Nepal, Canada,


This guy and a buddy were sighting their rifles in. One of the guns was leaned up against the 4 wheeler he was standing on. The gun started to fall and his buddy grabbed it, or something on the bike caught the trigger. Either way, he caught a .45-70 round right under the collar bone. I think it goes with out being said, how lucky he is to still be here.

The big hole around his shoulder blade is where the bullet entered and it traveled under his skin and exited right there on his neck, above his spinal cord! Just goes to show that he truly is LUCKY! The bullet just burned the edges of the skin of the wound that you see in the picture. He's getting better & better every day, last night he was even doing push ups!! He's finally able to use his arm again! Somehow it didn't hit anything major and basically ended up being a really bad flesh wound! It is truly a miracle that he is alive and not paralyzed!




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I think this is a reminder to all , guns are dangerous .
We all know that we must be guns-safe , but we must focus while we are handling guns and not be caught
Up by other stuff and lose focus

Glad to see the guy is OK !
I think this is a reminder to all , guns are dangerous .

Guns are not dangerous. I can place a loaded, cocked, ready to shoot firearm on a table and ten years later pick it up and shoot it. It will not fire on its own.
People are dangerous. That is fact.

And to continue to be the dissenting voice I have seen this photo several times before and do not believe those wounds were caused by a gun. Had the bullet traveled from his should blade to his neck there would have been a visible wound channel along the skin. That is just my opinion. However it is a nasty wound.

I agree people are dangerous . Guns to me are dangerous and should be handled with care.

I was held up at my house the other day by 4 robbers , each had a pistol .
To me they were dangerous because they had guns . Without the guns I would not been as intimidated as without guns.

Another reason I think guns are dangerous is that I have seen first hand how a friend of mine loaded a .22
And as he loaded the gun the bullet was fired . We took the gun to the shooting range , we loaded again and same thing , the bullet was fired. So guns can malfunction

In South africa if you apply for a licence the police first come to your house to inspect your gun-safe .
Why would you need a safe if guns are not dangerous . By law there are no other items that we have to keep in a safe .

I agree "people are dangerous " but do not agree with "Guns are not dangerous"
In South africa if you apply for a licence the police first come to your house to inspect your gun-safe .
Why would you need a safe if guns are not dangerous . By law there are no other items that we have to keep in a safe .

I have to dissagree with this. The safe is not there because the guns are dangerous but to stop undesirable people from having free access to them. If children or criminals could get to them they could be used with criminal intent or carless inquisitivness.

Guns in and of themselves are no more dangerous than an axe or a car or any other inanimate mechanical devise, but like any piece of machinery they can malfunction as can a vehicle or a set of trafic lights. A vehicle used with criminal disregard for others safety can cause mahey but the vehicle left to its own is completely harmless.

Von Gruff.

I agree , an axe is also dangerous
A still standing car is not dangerous , but a moving car is dangerous.
That's why Toyota recalled all those cars , because a moving car is dangerous and especially if it malfunctions

But the comment was that "Guns are not dangerous"
It is a very relative term that we are referring to.
If people believe guns are not dangerous , I respect their view.

I wanted to state my view , as I say I respect your view

Here is the def. by internet of dangerous:
involving or causing danger or risk; liable to hurt or harm; "a dangerous criminal"; "a dangerous bridge"; "unemployment reached dangerous ...

A person can be dangerous
A bridge can alse be dangerous
A gun can be dangerous

Enjoy your weekend guys !!!

Have a great Weekend , everything living or dead is dangerous if treated & handled in a appalling way ................


This guy and a buddy were sighting their rifles in. One of the guns was leaned up against the 4 wheeler he was standing on.
Why the heck was the rifle loaded and a cartridge chambered at this stage? Improper gun handling!!
Improper gun handling, yes. Never leave a loaded and chambered round gun leaning against anything. It is a disaster waiting to happen.



This guy and a buddy were sighting their rifles in. One of the guns was leaned up against the 4 wheeler he was standing on. The gun started to fall and his buddy grabbed it, or something on the bike caught the trigger. Either way, he caught a .45-70 round right under the collar bone. I think it goes with out being said, how lucky he is to still be here.

The big hole around his shoulder blade is where the bullet entered and it traveled under his skin and exited right there on his neck, above his spinal cord! Just goes to show that he truly is LUCKY! The bullet just burned the edges of the skin of the wound that you see in the picture. He's getting better & better every day, last night he was even doing push ups!! He's finally able to use his arm again! Somehow it didn't hit anything major and basically ended up being a really bad flesh wound! It is truly a miracle that he is alive and not paralyzed!




That was a case after multiple stupidity, one for having a loaded gun in that position and 2 for trying to catch it.
The worst I have had was I turned my back on a friend shooting rabbits with a 222 Remington. The projectile hit a steel fence post boot 20 yards away and blew up. The result was a rather big piece of the jacket embedded between my shoulder blades. Stung like he'll but it was dug out from just under the skin with a pocket knife and dressed.
Nowhere near as bad as the photo but I don't turn my back any more and make sure the field of fire is clear.
Calamity of errors...yes.
Chances they do that again...only if they truly lack intelligence.

My Grandfather would say...
"You can learn something from anyone...even if it's what NOT to do."
Yes, and I’m sure there was alcohol involved either before or during this “accident”? Ha! Ha!
I was the public unmanned range some years back and another guy arrived with a handgun and 30 pack of beer. In-between drinking beers, he would use the case a rest. Well his gun jammed so he turned it around pointing the barrel at his head trying to clear it. Whatever happened, the handgun went off and probably missed his head by an inch or two.

I was already in the process of leaving but I just threw everything in the car and took off.
I don't go to public ranges anymore. Too many nitwits waving muzzles around and not obeying range commands. I don't really care for the whiz of lead around my ears when I go downrange, thank you. Lucky for the asshole, he left rather hurriedly before I could get back to the line.

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