Fixed height vs. flexible height...
You will like them

They are very strong and the ability to switch easily the Switcheroo head is great if you happen to be on a hunt in very open country/mountains where you use large 20x binoculars or a spotting scope.
I completely abandoned the Primos Trigger sticks. The ones I used in 2018 were owned by my PH and it was impossible to lean on them, even a little bit, without the clutch slipping and the head tilting and/or the legs retracting. I tried to use them for a few days and we finally reverted to bush-made wooden sticks... Sticks are worthless if you cannot lean on them...
I like the ASC sticks too, but the challenge with them - beside the $400 price

although I notice that there is finally a more affordable $200 model

but it is only a 2 sections model

- is that
they are very slow to adapt to a sitting situation and awkward to move around with detached sections...
Conversely, what I really like about the Bog Adrenaline is that:
- they are rock solid and stable - they will not collapse if you lean on them (maybe my opinion will change if they fail me, but so far so good...);
- they can be set at any height (the ASC sticks are essentially fixed height 2 or 3 sections);
- their height can be changed very fast, including when the rifle if on the sticks (the ASC sticks sections are slow to screw on or unscrew; you need two hands to do it; the rifle needs to come off to do it; and it is a pain to handle the unscrewed sections if you need to move around).
There is no question the ASC sticks win the romantic competition, but in my book the Bog Adrenaline win the practical competition. I have personally moved past fixed or semi-fixed length sticks toward flexible height sticks... I keep pretty reliably in the 6" steel plate out to 200 yards standing with the sticks, but I need to seat with the sticks to stay in it at 300 yards, and sometimes there is not much time to go from standing to seating... Admittedly, this may be irrelevant in dense bush, but it is really useful in open savanna, grassy plains or mountains sides...
Just my $0.02