I found this rifle at the gunsmith's while having something repaired. It is a Marlin/Glenfield model 60 in .22LR, probably made in the 70's or 80's.
The gun jammed quite a bit, and had a cheap, 3/4" tube scope on it. I took the gun apart and cleaned what looked like several decades worth of crud from the inner workings. I gave the barrel a good scrubbing, too. While the gun still jams
occasionally, it's not near as bad as it once was. I really didn't like the squirrels and oak leaves that were branded in the grip and forearm.
I decided to do a little stock work. I sanded off the squirrels and oaks and sanded off the stain that had been applied. The stock was a nice, light birch, and I decided to keep the natural color of the wood. I made a tracing of the checkered pattern off of one of my other rifles, and penciled it in on the sanded stock.
I then got a checkering tool from Brownell's; I would do a few lines here, a few there.....never in any rush, just whenever a had a few minutes. Took my time. It didn't turn out perfectly, but most of the checkering is pleasing to the eye (or at least, MY eye).
I then decided to make a
faux rosewood nose cap. I scribed a small groove around the tip of the stock, and then applied aqua fortis with a brush. I then held a hot iron bar near the treated area, and it turned brown (read how to do this in a book on building muzzleloaders).
I then got a Birchwood/Casey gun stock refinishing kit. Followed the directions that came with the kit, and this was the end result.
So, for a $75 investment, and a little elbow grease and time, I have a nice personalized .22 sporter that is accurate enough for squirrels. As a matter of fact, it will probably be headed to the woods in a couple of weeks.
Here is my other .22 rimfire that I "customized". It's a Ruger standard MkII pistol. I wanted to hunt with it, so I replaced the factory fixed sights with some Millet adjustable target sights, with and orange blade on the front. The one grip panel broke, so I replaced it with a pair of Herter's walnut grips.
Sorry for all the pics......................