Makes me queasy just thinking of this. But on my first safari back in 2003. I was sitting in a tent-style blind over a water hole bowhunting. The PH was not in the blind with me, I had my lunch, a pee bottle, and a radio. Anyhow a spitting cobra (didn't know the species at the time) came to the water hole and drank. I was recording it with a video camera when it decided to swim to my side of the water hole. It then came right at the brushed-in blind and hit the side of the blind and I could see it slithering on the outside of the blind. I was freaking out and thought for sure it was going to come under the blind at any moment.
I grabbed the radio and called for the PH to come. When he arrived and looked around he could not find the snake and almost poo-pooed it like I was exaggerating. Later in the day, I showed him the video and I quote "Shit man, that's a big snake!". I asked him what it was and he told me a spitting cobra.