I posted a pretty long response on a similar thread a while back, so I won't regurgitate that.
I was a school teacher in KS a long time ago, and access to private ground was rapidly evaporating... so I moved to Alaska. Best decision of my adult life. For those of you who can afford and have leases in other states, more power to you. But you're forcing out a lot of folks. I have friends who have quit hunting because they can't get or afford access, and grounds with public access have too many hunters already. I won't say you're a part of the problem, with leasing property, but you are a part of the change that has happened.
Even here (in Alaska) things are changing. The local native corporation where I live owns the land along the best parts of the Nushagak River. Over the past decade or so they have started to restrict access so that only shareholders are able to hunt moose. A few years back they made it much, much harder for non-watershed hunters to hunt fall moose. And then it went away entirely. This year, the first week of season is now off limits completely to local non-native residents. It doesn't really affect me - I typically hunt the last week of season anyhow. But there are groups of people that will now be SOL. School teachers usually have a few days built into the beginning of the calendar to moose hunt before school starts. This effectively gives them no place to hunt, unless they want to fly out somewhere.
It's happening everywhere, in some fashion. I still feel like my best place to be, for hunting here at home, is where I am. But it's depressing, IMHO.
American Pie came out in 1971. I was five. In many ways it was a much better world back then; I did not lack for hunting, fishing, or trapping access during the days of my youth. Please, thank you, and close the gate were largely all that was required.