I'm familiar with the source but have never gotten anything from them. Their descriptions have always seemed fair and correct.
You did well! That sword looks really good, shows honest wear and appears to be in well above average conditon. The price seems very fair also. Those twisted wire grip wraps are the most fragile parts of any sword with grips that have them so are of little concern to collectors. Super looking sword and scabbard!!! The scabbard's leather chape/drag is an interesting variation of the metal chape normally found on most scabbards.
An aside... A frayed wire grip wrap on a sword, belonging to the family of one of King Richard's knights, covering a secret code phrase which read, "Rise and Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions", nicked Robin Longstride's hand after Richard's death in France. Longstride discovered this hidden remembrance after unwinding the twisted wire. This reveal led to his discovering his identity as the son of one of the originators of the Magna Carta. One of several excellent plot twist imaginations in the movie,
Robin Hood, Ridley Scott 2010

And it's row me bully boys
We're in a hurry boys
We got a long way to go
We'll sing and we'll dance and bid farewell to France
And it's row me, bully boys row