alright got a minute so lets talk about the nyala hunt. Obviously I missed one on day one so
I was a little apprehensive. Apparently the world rugby tournament was underway and Marius says
I will help you till 9:00 in the morning but we must get him early there is rugby to watch
I'm laughing but they take their rugby serious!!!
So we get up early and head to the back of the property where the lodge is. Yes this is the one with big fact I was chatting with Marius back around Christmas and he say's Kevin don't have to much dinner we have big mountains!! He was not kidding. So we go to the highest point at the farthest point on the property and begin to glass. Marius was glassing from another vantage point.
Lloyd had dropped sevae off a little lower to glass from another angle. We are glassing and glassing
me out of obligation every one else to find a nyala,lol. It was still very early when Lloyd whispered that he found one. Needed to get the spotting scope for a better look. He checks him out and says I'm
pretty sure this is the bull you missed, Well that helped the anxiety. just kidding a little redemption would be nice. Lloyd ranged him and said we have to drop way down so we start over the side. I'm
using the shooting sticks to help me descend and literally can barely hold myself back. We zig zag down a long way and stop Lloyd finds him again and ranges, he says we need to drop further.
We continue down until Lloyd thinks we might bump him. he ranges and he was 230 yards and at a crazy steep angle. Waterbuck was up nyala was down. Now I was out of breath and bleeding from around a thousand thorn wounds so hey lets take the shot. No seriously Lloyd gets me on the sticks and tells me to take my time no rush he is feeding and has no idea we are within a thousand miles.
It was a very difficult set up leaning way forward and trying to keep good footing on the steep terrain.
He just kept feeding up and away and would not turn. Lloyd tells me we have to wait till he turns.
so after what was probably two minutes that seemed like ten I say Lloyd I think my back is going out

. Lloyd says get off the sticks and take a rest. so a little rest get back on the sticks and he turns.
I squeeze and he drops. were watching him and he is down but he keeps moving his head.
Lloyd says we need to hit him again but he's concerned we'll hit horns. He radios Marius who has been moving closer to the nyala's position and Marius ask's if I'm okay with him finishing him?
I said absolutely and we guide him in. Well actually Rigby and Gypsy guided him in. I was very concerned about the dogs but thankfully he was about expired when they got to him and Marius finished him with no incidents.