SOUTH AFRICA: Pawprint Safaris Hunt 2016

Was Charlie the chef? :)

Bill thats so true...learn to roll with the punches.

Charlie was in charge of supplying some of the meat since he was there before us. He did a great job on that part. We did get to eat some of his sable and eland.

I have learned to roll with what Africa gives you as it makes the hunt much better in the end. As bad as I want some of the animals it is still not worth more then the friendship I have now in Africa.

The effort Pieter puts in to the hunts and how hard he takes it when I did not get a few on my list tells me all I need to know. He wants each hunter to have a great trip and feel there wish list but it does not all happen as hunting is hunting just not killing.
Of course you do Jeff - that's my black. LOL

I think it could be the weapon in the picture that makes you look ok in the picture.
Simon for once I as not cooking. The PHs made a great breakfast every morning and all I had to do was butter my toast. Then Heidi and her team made a great lunch and dinner! Only complaint I had with the food is that there was too much of it!
Charlie, I had to pull Bill's leg with him saying....5 hunters plus Charlie.
Yeah I thought maybe being in Africa so long you forgot how to count! LOL
Or maybe that's Dougs. I'm the last pic :)
Just love your hartebeest Bill !
Nice one simon catching me on that one. I was only counting my group but would add Charlie anytime to the fun. Now I understand how you came up with chef Charlie.

Glad everyone likes my crazy red beast. It is a once in a lifetime kind of trophy for sure.
Well next was a part of the trip I was looking forward to but wish we figured more time to look around. We went to a nee area Pieter is looking at that has not been hunted for a few years other then by local meat hunters.

We made the 3 hour drive to the new camp which we would spend 2 days at. As we meet the guy who takes care of the place and start driving in we make a stop along the road. Pieter is looking at the ground when we all decide to have a look to. Not 1000 yds in the new place and there is a leopard drag mark were it made a kill and moved the kill off leaving a trail in the sand. Was very nice to get to see and we all were hoping we may get to see the cat but no luck with a sighting.

The drive in we see tracks all over and a few impala as we make it to camp. The lodge is very nice and at one time I would say top in its class but needs some odds and ends done to bring it back to its glory. It was more then nice enough for anyone to stay there but just looking around you could see what it use to be.

We placed a pop up at a waterhole and found a place I could use a treestand also. We take a drive around to see how big the area is and to see what is moving around. we see some more impala and a few kudu in the mountains. There is sign all over and we are surprised we did not see more game. I start the next day over a waterhole with my treestand. After a few hours I could hear zebra around but they would not come in. Then out of the corner of my eye I see some small male impala come to the water. Then a small male duiker and some monkeys joined. Then all of a sudden right in front of me walks 8 female impala and the test is on for how good the stand would work. Well only being 15ft up a tree I was worried they may spot me but they walk right by me at 10 yds and never even looked at me. The first test was a pass for me as I was happy they had no idea I was around and if you can fool Impala your doing ok. The might goes on with another group of impala coming in with 3 males that were all shooter but across the pond and out of bow range at 60 yds.So day one ends plenty of animals but no shots.

I took a nice walk around seeing some giraffe and a skull of an eland that dream are made of. I would have loved to seem him walking but he died month early and just the skull was left to see.

We did get out to look around for a civet and genet but only saw plains game and a few jackal. I did not spend a lot of time night hunting as we were having to much fun around camp to be out looking for the night critters this hunt. We saw sign of civets and carcal around but no sighting.

Later that evening we found out why the game was not being seen as much as we would have liked. Some local guys had came through the fence with dogs and must have been doing it for sometime and with a few leopard working the area to the game was on high alert. I guess the one downfall of the place not being hunted much made some locals brave enough to try and poach on the area. Now with hunters around then will go away and the game will move around again over time.

The last night I went to an area that had plenty of sign. I saw a few nyala and again a bunch of impala of all sizes. I finally had enough and decide I needed another impala for a skull and rug. He is a old mature ram and a good one to take.


That would finish are hunt at the new place and I hope to get back one day to hike around the back of this place. I saw eland tracks that had my mind in overdrive as they were just massive in size. You could hunt this place for a week and never see it all it is that big. This will be a hunt for guys who want to really work for the trophies they take and I am sure the rewards from hard hunting would be really worth it.
The next part takes care of one of my main goals. Pieter was free to hunt with me now and nyala was on the list. I had hunted one of the best areas we had but the rain had messed that up so now we would trying stalking one. We decide to give the home area of flintbeck a try. WE head off to the back of the ranch to check for kudu first but as luck would have it we find 2 nyala bulls instead. We make a stalk but they get in the dry creek bed with way to thick of cover to even hope to stalk them. So Pieter thinks if we drive around to the bottom and start the stalk going up to them we just may have the luck we need. WE work are way along looking and hoping when we spot them again.

I was on the fence about taking one at this point as they did not have the classic shape I was looking for but then realize the fun we were having and how that was more then worth it. I knew I could always hunt another but this one would be a special one with the bow and Pieter. So I decide it is a go for sure and we head on and close the distance. We get to with in 20 yds and he looks like he is going back down in the thicket. He is at hard angle walking away but I feel like I can make the shot. I focus on were I want to put the arrow and release it on it way. I watch the arrow go in and all I hear is your to far back. I was like dam it felt so good and then Pieter tells me it took a step just as I left the arrow go.

The nyala hunches up and slowly walks a few steps and we are both like dam now what. My arrow looks to be sticking out a way back and like it did not get very far in at all. I was thinking it all over and knew I watched my arrow go in more then it is showing. With that we had to decide what to do and we decide finish it with the gun before we lose it or it suffers to much. So I take the shot he goes down and we are all still very happy. We are now like what happened and why.We now see the arrow was forward more then we thought and had gone in and pushed back out making it look like it was a bad shot that was really a good one.

WE head back to skin it and see what really happen. Well we get a surprise when we cut the nyala opened but still feel we did the right thing. The arrow had hit the spleen went through the stomach hitting the lungs and ending in the spine. Which broke the arrow about 2" back behind the broadhead letting the arrow work it way back out making it look like it was bad. The arrow went in over 25" but at such a hard angle and with him taking a step as I released made us worry for no reason.

I am not entering any record book and we both know he would have died from the arrow. We did what we thought was right for the animal and I do not regret taking the rifle to end it early rather then just letting him bleed out. So here is my nyala bull that I am proud to have taken.


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Nothing like dogs chasing game to make it scare. In more ways than one.

Need a little cull quota on those dogs.
Nothing like dogs chasing game to make it scare. In more ways than one.

Need a little cull quota on those dogs.

You are not kidding and yes some dog quota maybe needed.

This is the second time I have seen it the first being on my first trip over with Jacques. The fence does not stop poachers at all. It seems to happen on the bigger areas were the landowners just can not watch all the land all the time.
Great Nyala! Congrats on doing it with a bow
Well with some time to hunt yet we decide to head out to look for a bushbuck after taking care of the nyala. Bushbuck and bushpig are next on my list and we went all out to find one. We came across some young rams and some females but no animals heading to the salt after a fun hunt.

Pieter was happy to tell me he had a new chance for me on bushpig even after his left the bait. The Ph scubby who helped just happened to have 4 baits going and one had a monster pig coming in. He even had a video to show me and boy this pig was a monster for sure. So we make plans to head out for a chance at the monster pig. On the way we looked over Pieter bird hunting area as we drove right past it going after the pig. The bird area is huge with birds all over it. I was hoping to do some birds but the pig was tops for me so on we went.

I was pumped for the chance at this monster pig but Pieter was even happier at this point. We have had some bad luck with pigs and he wants me to get one even more then I want one I think. We meet up with scubby and he is ready to go and thinking we have a great chance tonight. WE get some fresh smelly corn out and get ready for the long night.

WE get in the blind 2 hours early from when they have been hitting the bait to be sure we don't run in to them. We get there the wind is perfect and we are both thinking it is my time for my pig. He is sure by 8 we will be in the action. As we wait we hear a kudu bull bark and we get nervous as he should not be acting like he is at this point. Then we feel it the wind has switched and blowing the way we don't want. The kudu keeps barking and we know we have trouble. When all of a sudden we hear some animals walking and like clock work right on time for the 8 o clock feeding the pigs are coming. They are like 15 yards away walking right behind us now. Then all of a sudden they are off running as the wind gives us away. My heart just sank as Pieter and scubby have done all they can for me to make it happen but the wind killed us. WE wait they come back but go around us to another feeder 50 yds away to eat on the hay that was out. We watch as they feed and just walk off. It is now 11 and we are freezing at this point and call it a night.

So the bushpig win this trip but we will be back for another try next trip over. Scubbys area has the pigs and he has the set up to take them. Next trip I am planning 3 days bushpig only as it is my dream animal.

We decide to head back so we can start hunting for a bushbuck and a giant red hartebeest that was seen the day before.I was not up to my part on that long drive back as I fell asleep on Pieter as he was driving us back. I was just drain and running out of gas but Pieter got us back with no trouble at all.
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So the next day we sleep in a little later but get out by 8 to search for a giant red hartebeest the guys seen. WE find eland,blesbuck,kudu,zebra and impala. Also find some reds but not the one we wanted and pass on some 23" and 24" reds looking for the one we think is pushing 26". After 2 hours of looking I decide maybe I need a zebra rug to and we add zebra to the search now.

WE find a one zebra but she has a new born with her so we pass and keep looking. When we come up on a group of maybe 8 or 9 zebra on a hillside. There is some young ones mixed in so we wait till we know for sure we are taking one with out a young one with them. When in the back appears a zebra that stands out to us both. It is so white in the hide end that we decide I must take it as it is so different then all the others. Well I get on the zebra and let the 257 do the job. I take the shot she buckles up and runs off with the others when we see the legs start to go and down she goes. She did not make it 40 yds before going down.

We get up to her and see her strips are not on her back legs. Then we see the strips do not even go under her belly and she looks more like a mtn zebra with the strips she has. So I add another odd trophy to my harvest of animals so far.

We get up to her and see her strips are not on her back legs. Then we see the strips do not even go under her belly and she looks more like a mtn zebra with the strips she has. So I add another odd trophy to my harvest of animals so far

Pretty obvious to me you shot a Quagga. ;)

That's my favorite Bill. You know I like the odd ones and for me personally she even beats out your Red Hartebeest.
Bill great Nyala and Zebra. Sorry you didn't get the piggy but there is always next time!
Looks like 1/4 quagga on the pics in your link.

Oh geez I can just hear the BS stories from Bill starting shortly... I don't hunt zebra unless they have at least 25% of quagga genetics or are a member of the subgenus hippotigris, species E quagga. Too funny!!

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akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia
TAG SAFARI wrote on mvalden's profile.
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!