SOUTH AFRICA: Question For Tootabi Hunting Safaris

The fact here is that promises were made to the public that everything will be rectified and done the right way.

A hunt is conducted under " Tootabi Hunting Safaris" as we can see on the clothing. I cannot see anybody in this world having clothing made with his " compeditor's" logo on or wearing it, no matter what industry you are in. We all live next to each other in a small community and know what is going on.

Yes there is an outfitter in the foto. It is illegal to use someone else's OP to fill in the nessasary registers. I cannot use someone else's permit and practice as a doctor and call myself a doctor.

The person who's OP were used is also standing a chance to be investigated in this matter and the client might loose his trophies is DEA find such a hunt illegal.

I do not think that it is smart to work in such a manner. While still being under investigation by DEA and still carry on conducting a hunt without the nessasary documentation.

This was my concern in my first post. Lets say the client looses his trophies. Tootabi gets mentioned in this matter. As someone mentioned earlier in this tread that if you Google Tootabi this thread comes up as well with both my bussiness and Loodt's websites. This thread already leaves a stain together with something like a client loosing trophies will make it even worse.

Yes I have not been involved in other threads but that will come with time. As for now my concern is that all clients coming to this wonderful country of ours leave with fond memories and to be able to hang their trophies on the wall and relive these hunts in their memories.

What's right is right and wrong is wrong. Let's keep to the truth.

I did not handled this forum right and on this thread became involved in mud slinging. I appoligize for that.

Happy hunting to everyone!

Best regards to all

If the signed contract is with a licensed outfitter, all should be good, yes?

The outfitter will employ a licensed PH?

Is there a problem with this?
Well brickburn the other fellow in the picture is a licensed outfitter and loodt is a licensed ph.What they wear is up to them plain and simple.Maybe there really good friends and he liked the tootabi hunting clothing better then his own or loodt gave them all stuff to wear for the picture.Again bad talk about illegally hunts with no facts to back it up.

Some PH's should stick to hunting or get a LICENSE to be a lawyer or private eye.One may need a lawyer soon if he keeps slandering others with out facts
I may have to tell my daughter about this thread. There may be some lawyering work for her here! :LOL:
The other gentleman is a registered HO. He also acted as the ph on this hunt.

Was this hunt conducted under Tootabi Hunting Safaris?

This comes back to the point where you cannot act as a doctor, receive money for it and use someone else's registration and conduct business as if it is yours.

This is where this thread started and it is repeating itself after the public were told that all would be rectified and done in an appropriate manner. Is this the appropriate way to handle the matter?

I have no intention to become a lawyer, I have valid ph and Outfitter licenses. I see stuff on my front porch that is not done the right way and as long as it is for the better of the hunting industry I will not keep quiet about it!

A simple explanation would probably clear up this matter and as always will I apologize if I have said anything that was wrong if there is proof for it.

There will be no problems when you sign up with an Outfitter if he is the owner of the company and the Outfitter License is made out in his name. He will use a licensed ph. Call as many references as possible and see if he is a member of PHASA. That is a good point to kick off from.
The fact here is that promises were made to the public that everything will be rectified and done the right way.

A hunt is conducted under " Tootabi Hunting Safaris" as we can see on the clothing. I cannot see anybody in this world having clothing made with his " compeditor's" logo on or wearing it, no matter what industry you are in. We all live next to each other in a small community and know what is going on.

Yes there is an outfitter in the foto. It is illegal to use someone else's OP to fill in the nessasary registers. I cannot use someone else's permit and practice as a doctor and call myself a doctor.

The person who's OP were used is also standing a chance to be investigated in this matter and the client might loose his trophies is DEA find such a hunt illegal.

I do not think that it is smart to work in such a manner. While still being under investigation by DEA and still carry on conducting a hunt without the nessasary documentation.

This was my concern in my first post. Lets say the client looses his trophies. Tootabi gets mentioned in this matter. As someone mentioned earlier in this tread that if you Google Tootabi this thread comes up as well with both my bussiness and Loodt's websites. This thread already leaves a stain together with something like a client loosing trophies will make it even worse.

Yes I have not been involved in other threads but that will come with time. As for now my concern is that all clients coming to this wonderful country of ours leave with fond memories and to be able to hang their trophies on the wall and relive these hunts in their memories.

What's right is right and wrong is wrong. Let's keep to the truth.

I did not handled this forum right and on this thread became involved in mud slinging. I appoligize for that.

Happy hunting to everyone!

Best regards to all



Here is the issue that I have personally with what you say (others may very well disagree with me). You don't know it to be fact, or if you do you haven't shared that proof. You are making assumptions from what I can tell. You have a lot of IFs and MAYBEs in all of your statements. For example, just because you wouldn't outfit a hunt for a competitor doesn't mean someone else won't, nor do shirts mean that an illegal hunt was conducted.

The photos you shared mean nothing by themselves. They show people drinking a beer in a bar. If anything, the concern I have from the photo is regarding Loodt's ability to legally drink based on that baby face of his! ;)

I completely agree with one thing you say. These posts do have the potential to have a negative impact on BOTH of your businesses. So I hope they will stop, or at least until such time as actual facts come out that cause the need for more posts.

As you say, let's stick to the truth, which for me means fact and not assumption of what happened, or didn't. I hope you will take this reply in the manner in which it is intended, which is simply a respectful difference of opinion.


If the signed contract is with a licensed outfitter, all should be good, yes?

The outfitter will employ a licensed PH?

Is there a problem with this?

There would be no issue IF:
A Licensed Outfitter did both the advertising and promoting AND signed the contract!
A licensed PH was employed and guided the hunter.
Well brickburn the other fellow in the picture is a licensed outfitter …... ……….

By the way this is merely a moot discussion for the sake of clarity and consistency about people making assertions without sharing the facts.

I have no clue who is or was in the picture; Hunter, PH, Outfitter, bar tender, buddy of the mayor of PE, Chinese clothing manufacturers rep. Could be any and or all of them for all I am aware.

bill I asked YOU a reasonable question in relation to your assertion. In which you stated that there was an Outfitter in the picture.
You have failed to answer my question and only replied with another assertion without facts that there " a licensed outfitter".

You know the guy and that he has an Outfitters license? If yes, then who is he? It's all I asked. I did make any assertions about legality. I asked a neutral question for clarity.

This whole thread started with a concern about operating LEGALLY with proper permits and licenses.

The consequences to international hunters contracting hunts with unlicensed individuals is huge. You do not want that hassle. Read a couple of the disaster hunt reports to remind yourself what you are trying to avoid.

Two hunters were just JAILED in Zimbabwe for hunting Elephant on a PAC permit with a PH that was not carrying the proper TR2. He is licensed, so is the RSA PH and so is the RSA outfitter involved.
Although that does not mean they had the proper permits and licenses in the area and country they were actually found to be hunting.

I have never seen arrest and detention in jail as one of the day rate options advertised on any Outfitters price list.

It has made me sick to my stomach repeatedly to read stories of some poor dupe that contracted his once in a lifetime hunt and then got screwed in one fashion or another. Although relatively rare, it continues to happen.
In reality it is a great fear for any hunter and certainly for me.

It is not just the first timers that get taken. The folks who have been a couple times can also become complacent, "because they know what they are doing now", and become adventurous and take a chance and don't quite look as hard at the deal. No one is immune.

As a hunter and part of this community I have volunteered my time to help other hunters avoid issues / problems when they go on a safari to Africa. (My repayment is always those great hunting reports being posted by members)

I wish everyone a hunt of a lifetime when ever they head to Africa.

I also wish every lunatic that is interested in being a PH or Outfitter the best of luck.
Brickburn I did not space my reply out the comment to you was only about the other guy being the outfitter.I did not think you were questioning if legal or not.Remember my typing skills suck to but it mildly.

Just dont need the witch hunt starting over with he said this or I seen this stuff again.He has this shirt on and he should have this shirt on.There are people who handle hunts that are not legal and it is not othe outfitters.Show proof or tell facts that stick not bs to make trouble.No one needs to prove or show anything to any one from tootabi valley safaris to be legal in the hunts.You prove that something was not right.As for making sure they are a phasa member what are they going to do.How about just letting people pick who they want to hunt with and we few will be happy.
Hi Gentleman

We live in a small community where everybody knows everybody.

Back home it is a known fact that Loodt was hosting a client and the other gentleman who also live very close to me was ph for him. Him and his father's HO lisence was used for doing the hunt.

His father was called by someone who knows all of this and was friendly informed to be careful not to be dragged into this mess.

I know what I have said to be true.

Loodt owe this forum an explanation, short and simple. Is this true what I just said. Yes or no.
Good morning AH Members,

Thank you to all members waiting patiently, being impartial, supportive and those very excited hunters in our community whom all waited in anticipation for me to obtain my legal paperwork, permits and licences.

Before I continue, I have to say that I am proud to be associated with a great and wonderful hunting community forum that cares, supports, investigates, advise, deliberate, joke, debate and apprise members of all that is going on in the hunting industry.

The time has come where I can start announcing some good news. I have recently obtained as mentioned previously my Professional Hunters Permit (PH102/2014EC) from the Eastern Cape Department of Environmental Affairs, Tourism and Economical Affairs. Thus, this permit does still not allow me to conduct/advertise hunts that will happen in the Eastern Cape Province but do allow me to accompany/guide/escort overseas clients on hunts contracted by a Hunting Contractor in the Eastern Cape.

More recently I have travelled a distance to obtain and write my Professional Hunters Exam for exemption in the Free State Province of South Africa. I passed the required fields and interviews and the issuing authority granted me a full Professional Hunters and Outfitters/Hunting Contractor licence (Permit nr: 2014/490) to operate, conduct hunts, advertise and host overseas clients in the Free State Province of South Africa.

I have acquired a concession and the transferal of hunting rights from a private game reserve owner in the Free State to my business namely Tootabi Hunting Safaris. His facilities would be used to accommodate and entertain my clients whilst on safari in South Africa.

To be honest, I am very excited about this new venture and the doors that this open for me in a province which just as the Eastern Cape have such a diverse wildlife population, landscapes and habitat. This game reserve also host Lion and Buffalo. Not for hunting, but viewing pleasure.

I am still in communication with our Department of Environmental Affairs official, Mr Jaap Pienaar and will as soon as I have any detail inform all of you.

That is all I have to share at this moment, and if there is anyone interested to know more or see a copy of the permits – I invite you to contact me via email on
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"Lets just say people should get facts straight before talking about hunts not being legal"

It seems that you are missing the point completely.
He advertised without being licenced.
He got his PH licence. Well done!
He used an Outfitter to conduct a hunt that he (outfitter) did not advertise.
WHO recruited the clients????? Please answer this question!
The problem is.. It is illegal to recruit clients without the legal permits. My point in the beginning of this thread.

Another fact.
According to the law.
"hunting contractor" means a person who, FOR REWARD, offers or organizes
the hunting of a wild animal to or for some person not normaly resident in the Republic......

Another Outfitter being used but the reward is not for himself but for the person who recruited the client, this is fraudulant business.

I hope that this explenation will open your eyes, you've been Bshitted and smooth talked.

Please take up a Dictionary and look for the word FRAUD
Good morning AH Members,

Thank you to all members waiting patiently, being impartial, supportive and those very excited hunters in our community whom all waited in anticipation for me to obtain my legal paperwork, permits and licences.

Before I continue, I have to say that I am proud to be associated with a great and wonderful hunting community forum that cares, supports, investigates, advise, deliberate, joke, debate and apprise members of all that is going on in the hunting industry.

The time has come where I can start announcing some good news. I have recently obtained as mentioned previously my Professional Hunters Permit (PH102/2014EC) from the Eastern Cape Department of Environmental Affairs, Tourism and Economical Affairs. Thus, this permit does still not allow me to conduct/advertise hunts that will happen in the Eastern Cape Province but do allow me to accompany/guide/escort overseas clients on hunts contracted by a Hunting Contractor in the Eastern Cape.

More recently I have travelled a distance to obtain and write my Professional Hunters Exam for exemption in the Free State Province of South Africa. I passed the required fields and interviews and the issuing authority granted me a full Professional Hunters and Outfitters/Hunting Contractor licence (Permit nr: 2014/490) to operate, conduct hunts, advertise and host overseas clients in the Free State Province of South Africa.

I have acquired a concession and the transferal of hunting rights from a private game reserve owner in the Free State to my business namely Tootabi Hunting Safaris. His facilities would be used to accommodate and entertain my clients whilst on safari in South Africa.

To be honest, I am very excited about this new venture and the doors that this open for me in a province which just as the Eastern Cape have such a diverse wildlife population, landscapes and habitat. This game reserve also host Lion and Buffalo. Not for hunting, but viewing pleasure.

I am still in communication with our Department of Environmental Affairs official, Mr Jaap Pienaar and will as soon as I have any detail inform all of you.

That is all I have to share at this moment, and if there is anyone interested to know more or see a copy of the permits – I invite you to contact me via email on


if i may ask, why not doing your Outfitters license in the EC? Why the Freestate first? Surely if you the owner of Tootabi in the EC and your propery is there, you would have done the Outfitters License there - that will be the best business practise?

if i may ask, why not doing your Outfitters license in the EC? Why the Freestate first? Surely if you the owner of Tootabi in the EC and your propery is there, you would have done the Outfitters License there - that will be the best business practise?

Because of vision,

"Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion" - Jack Welch. The Free State Province is just as diverse if not more than the Eastern Cape. Hidden potential that I recognize.

Does this answer your question sir?
Yes, it's your indaba...I myself is registered in NW, Limpopo and Free State...but operate 85% in the provice (NW) where i have my ranch!

"...ver van jou goed, naby jou skade..." - Patrick Reynecke
When you become a Professorial hunter in the Free state you automatically qualify to be a outfitter as well...... In other provinces you have to hunt actively for 3x years or own land before you can become an outfitter.

Good work on fixing your permits and good luck with your hunting season.

Best regards,

Jacques Spamer
When you become a Professorial hunter in the Free state you automatically qualify to be a outfitter as well...... In other provinces you have to hunt actively for 3x years or own land before you can become an outfitter.

Good work on fixing your permits and good luck with your hunting season.

Thank you Jacques, I appreciate your wishes. May 2014 be the best hunting season ever for you!
Hello Everyone!

This is the day we have all been waiting for and now we are ready to make a public pronouncement.

  • Hunting Contractor Number: HC 55/2014 EC
  • Professional Hunter Number: PH 102/2014 EC
Thanks to all of you wonderful members on Africa Hunting whom have carried me through this time with positive comments, calls, stacks of emails and more. Thank you to each one of you forthe commitment, trust and advice you have entrusted in me and my business thus far.

To those who have shown interest in Tootabi Hunting Safaris, thank you, and to those who will you won’t regret doing so. That is my commitment to ensure you have the best time of your live, I PROMISE.

I can and will assure you of both me and my families’ commitment to each of you and our promise as always to never disappoint but to share in experiences and memories for moons to come!

See attached the proof from our department.

Warm South African regards,


  • 2014-06-19 16.49.54.jpg
    2014-06-19 16.49.54.jpg
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I appreciate both your honesty in admitting a mistake and your perseverance in getting everything corrected and done right as well.

If you focus on your clients in the same way, which I believe you will, they will all be lucky indeed!

Congratulations!!! We will be talking soon.



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Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell
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Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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