May 4th
My last full day here and will wind down today with a photo/gamedrive. This morning we saw: warthogs ,eland, impala, steenbuck, giraffe, gemsbuck, wildebeest, zebra, francolin, collared dove, white breasted crow, grey hornbill, tickbirds, Egyptian geese, green rock pigeon, a troop of vervet monkeys, a troop of banded mongoose, and a dwarf mongoose.
Late in the morning we rounded a corner and surprised a Marshall eagle on the ground. It took flight and dropped the cobra it was eating.
This afternoon Louis graciously lent me his Grandfathers Sauer side by side 12 gauge to shoot some birds. Shooting this beautiful shotgun reminded me of shooting my Grandfathers Parker 20 gauge 40 years ago and brought back many memories. I was lucky to shoot 4 crested and 1 Natal francolin.
Pieter stuffed them with sliced jalapenos,select spices,and wrapped them in a fabulous bacon then grilled them to perfection over sicklethorn and redwood coals. They were a delicious appetizer and followed by an equally delicious main course of eland fillets.
After dinner we all gathered around the fire for my last night in camp. I told Louis,Pieter and Juan that I am proof positive I will never be able to top this first time safari. But I would like to try.
This has been an excellent experience and I only wish I had come sooner.
May 5th
I'm on the big bird over the Atlantic as I write this.
Where did the 10 days go?
Louis was so generous,thoughtful, and kind,as were his team and all the South African people I met while on my all too short journey.
Louis, thank you for offering me the opportunity of a lifetime, for all the planning before and the hard work during the hunt. You, Pieter, and Juan are three young gentlemen who give me great hope for the future of hunting and I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Sincerely.
I haven't forgotten about you my friend. Your website is where this all began. A great place where respectful, like minded hunters can share their dreams, realities, and important information. Your "Ultimate Safari Planning Guide" was a GODSEND.
I did not use a booking agent and I am sure that without the aid of the planning guide I would have been "a day late and a dollar short"
So, thank you also for your hard work and making this opportunity of a lifetime possible for me.
Thomas "Ty" Beaham