If I remember correctly, Gary Larson was a trained wildlife biologist. Today that may not mean he was a hunter but back then he probably was. This could be an urban legend I don’t know for sure.
Yeah, I am unsure about his political affiliations or stances on hunting. I did really enjoy his comics as a kid. I was just commenting on what I think the point of that cartoon was, as I didn't think it was about a guide doing all the work and then the hunter claiming the glory.
I have encountered quite a few hunters, and taxidermists (who also hunt) who don't like the aggressive poses commonly found on predator animals because they find it unnatural and somewhat fake. One taxidermist/hunter I know says "it is like if you posed a human sneezing for all eternity, yes, we sneeze, but it is not what we are looking like 99.9% of the time". Just say all that to say, Gary Larson could have been a hunter and still wanted to mock the aggressive taxidermy.
My stance on the aggressive poses is that I like them when a good taxidermist does them well, I also like the tranquil looking mounts. I don't see anything wrong with aggressive poses for animals that sometimes are aggressive.