AH veteran
It's a long winter.This thread reads like a lot of old hens pecking.
It's a long winter.This thread reads like a lot of old hens pecking.
Keep expecting velvet jackets and lace collars & sleeves to make a comeback. I'm old enough to remember the pirates who sailed on a Yellow Submarine.Parrot on the shoulder? Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me. LOL
Hey, a novel idea for a tattoo? Roosters though. LOLThis thread reads like a lot of old hens pecking.
Like RedLeg I don’t understand getting them late in life but I have never seen the attraction myself.I reckon we should give you Australian citizenship. And yeah, that’s meant as a compliment.
My only concern with your advice is “scotch “ . I recommend rum.
Cheers mate.
Not drinking is commendable but enjoying a beer or something you enjoy in moderation is also fine as I enjoy a drink and it’s often socially or celebratory and often because I just feel like one.Not an option. Don't drink and never have. I do appreciate hearing from both sides though, so thank you good sir.
"I couldn't do a Man Bun either". I'll bet you could if/when you buy a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle? LOLLike RedLeg I don’t understand getting them late in life but I have never seen the attraction myself.
Not drinking is commendable but enjoying a beer or something you enjoy in moderation is also fine as I enjoy a drink and it’s often socially or celebratory and often because I just feel like one.
Well I won’t be the first on here that has never seen the need and has lived through the era where females got them on their lower back 30 years ago to some having fine line work and now they seem to be a popular trend here with young people.
I have seen some quality work and awful attempts.
Both kids have them and my daughter has random images that make no sense or show strategic placement but no point fighting it and she is still the Princess. I just wish she would at least put some thought into the matter as they are permanent.
Can’t say much more on the matter as I know people who have them to remember a lost child they have lost it’s not uncommon.
I couldn’t do a Man Bun either but at least they are easily reversed.
I have plans to get a .260rem , I’m not a fan of the Creedmoor hype and snapped at too many people who say it outperforms everything else."I couldn't do a Man Bun either". I'll bet you could if/when you buy a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle? LOL