The “458 Winchester Magnum, all the cartridge you’ll ever need” thread

I’ve used the 325 gn ftx as a culling round on soft skin animals, mentioned elsewhere on here, very effective, but messy, not the projectile to use if you want to retain meat, 300 gn Sierra or Speer hollow point projectiles work well for general work, my pick of the lighter projectiles is the woodleigh 405 gn PP , pushed at modest speeds

I have had good success with the jacketed 350 grain RN from Hornady and the 350 grain FN from Speer, in .45-70 and .450 Marlin, but the Hornady feeds slicker, I had to take a file to the Speer's to stop them from catching on feeding. I'm going to work up a load with these.
Having never tested or hunted with that bullet, I did not know it was that soft.
300-gr/.458 Nosler Ballistic tip.
Must be meant for .458 SOCOM and .45-70 single shots, and don't push it there either.
1800 fps MV would probably be plenty fast for that bullet.
Your load was probably doing ~2200 fps MV.

It would probably vaporize at 2800 fps as soon as it exits the muzzle, like the Sierra 300-gr HP/FN "ProHunter."

Monometals only should be used at .458 WinMag speed,
for caliber size entrance hole on a deer and 3" diameter exit hole from a tough bullet.
250-gr GMX at 2700 to 3000 fps or
400-gr TSX proprietary to Buffalo Bore factory load, advertised at 2250 fps, did 2350 fps in my 25" barrel. See deer images on page 6 of this thread.
Or 404-gr Shock Hammer at 2500 to 2600 fps: Pinhole entrance, explodes inside heart and lungs, and an approximately 225-gr stub goes straight out the other side for a good blood trail, if not DEAD RIGHT THERE,
whether on deer at 200 yards or cape buffalo at 30 yards.

Speaking of Sierra, the 300-gr Nosler BT ought to behave about like the Sierra 300-gr HP/FN regarding powder charge versus MV produced, both being cup&core jacketed bullets of similar bearing surface and same weight.

21-1/2" Savage Model 116 .458 WinMag
Federal case trimmed to 2.490"
Primer F-210
60.3 grains >>> 2200 fps
68.0 grains >>> 2550 fps
When loaded to 2130 FPS, the .458 Winchester Magnum will drop game just fine.
Buff Double .458.jpeg
I tested what Nosler called the Ballistic Silvertip some years ago, and it went to hell at a bit over 2300 fps tested in one of my 458 Super Shorts........ I assume this Ballistic tip is very similar ..............


After this test I never loaded anymore of these for anything.......

Reduced loads for 458 Winchester, for deer/bear, one needs to consider the bullet seriously. Bullets designed for 45/70 velocities, are fine, as long as you run them at 45/70 velocities in your 458 Win........... 1600-1800 fps on the upper ends............ They will certainly perform well at those velocities, above that, they might go all to hell........

One of the best conventional non premiums I have tested here are the 350 Speer, Hot Cor, or something like that....... they did very good at two different velocities tested........



Now, this is assuming that the bullets I tested 14 years ago are the same bullets today.

Stepping up to what I would call Premium Conventionals, we have this Barnes X Blue Tip... I forget the official name of this bullet, and I assume it is still made today..........It did very well at different velocities....






Another bullet I like a lot in 458s at higher velocity is the standard 300 Barnes X, however, it does not perform the same as the Blue Tip version at lower velocity impacts..........



Another excellent Premium is the 300 North Forks.................


350 North Forks.............



I saw mentioned the Hornady 350 RN Soft......... In the beginning, many years ago, indeed this was a 458 Winchester Bullet and could handle 2400 fps velocities.......... The first Flat Nose Version of these for the lever guns was that same Round Nose Version with the nose flattened......... This is it;


I don't have a photo of more recent versions of the 350 Hornadys but they were tested again some years later and were much softer expanding at much lower velocities........Wait, sorry I do have a photo of a later test where you got expansion at 1538 fps impacts, showing changes were made later....


Another 458 Winchester Bullet I would vote for easy is the 350 Barnes X................. This would be a superb bullet for bears, moose and such..........


I tested lots of Hornady Flex Tips over the years, in 458 and .500 caliber, they have always done well up to around 2300 fps...... I would not go past that.......




And now you can move up another notch to the Super Bullets ............... Top of the list is the 250 and 260 Socom Raptors from CEB............ I have used these extensively on everything from Impala to Cape Buffalo Cows......... One of the only ones I have ever recovered was a Cape Buffalo Cow..... I have had guys use them on Moose and Elk, and that was DRT....... I have used them on many wildebeest, zebra, +++ all DRT........... This is incredibly wicked and deadly......... These are Extrreme.




Another Extreme is the Lehigh "Extremes"............. I did not use these in the field, however I did test the very first concepts of them with JD back in 2006. Lehigh brought them a long way since then. Recently I had a friend that needed a Elk and Bison loads for his 458 B&M. The 250 Socom Raptor was fine for the elk, but I could not get a heavier bullet to the same POI for the Bison. I wanted a bit more penetration on bison. Finally I matched up the 250 Socom Raptors with a 250 gr Lehigh Extreme................ My Friends Elk dropped to the shot on the spot with the 250 Raptors, and his bison at just over 50 yards dropped to the shot with the Lehigh Extreme.............. This is a test with the 225 Extreme.........


Choose your bullet wisely........... It does all the heavy lifting and will determine your success, or failure in the field............
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Wow !
Thank you Michael458.
That is an encyclopedic post on the lightweights for the .458.
I will replace my Hornady 250-grain GMX with those CEB Raptors, 250 & 260 grainers.
2700 to 3000 fps in a 24"-barreled .458 WinMag is how I would use them,
with non-compressed AA-5744 or compressed H4198.

Another bullet that is very impressive for expansion at very low or very high velocity (long range or short range), according to the MIB testing of Michael458 is that 300-gr blue-tipped Barnes bullet.
That is about the first thing I tested back in 2017 and my starting load with that was what I liked best.
At about 2640 fps MV it carries the whomp of a hot .375 H&H 300-grainer, and recoil is like that rat-killer load too.
You can go faster but little is gained from that ...




Above is the initial 50-yard 3-shot ladder from 71 to 75 grains of H4198.


71.0 grains of H4198 above, 50 yards, 3 shots, and same target is scribbled on busily below:


So I went home and loaded some more with 71.0 grain charge only, fired them over same Oehler 35-P on another day:


5 shots above appear on the two targets below, first a 100-yard three-shot,
and then shot #4 after scope adjustment,
and then shot #5 after another scope adjustment.
The fifth shot was a bullseye at 100 yards.



Ready for a try at 300 yards to see if claimed BC is correct from Barnes:


OK. Wind was blowing lightly from right to left on target. Drop was about what it should be for G1 BC 0.236.
Then it should be pretty close using the BDC reticle hold for 300 yards:


Wind drift consistent again, elevation by BDC reticle hold would certainly be good for deer/plains game at 300 yards, with rifle/scope zeroed at 100 yards for close-range varmints.
I will confess that I used to be a Lottite.
I had scorned the .458 Winchester Magnum, rebarreled & rechambered several .458 WinMag CZ 550 Magnum rifles.
Then I saw the light.
A take-off CZ 550 Magnum barrel from a .458 WinMag was expertly installed on a Pre-'64 Winchester M70 action that stated life as a .30-06.
This involved shortening at the breech (set back) of only 1/8".
The minor diameter of the CZ barrel threads are same as the major diameter of the Winchester.
So the threads got wiped clean in the re-threading to fit the Winchester.
Sights and recoil lug on the CZ barrel were timed to proper alignment by my Master Gunsmith.
A SAAMI .458 Winchester Magnum reamer was used to re-chamber the set-back barrel.
Fantastic !
Here is the parts rifle that rekindled my "passion" for the .458 Winchester Magnum in 2017:





That rifle likes the 500-gr TSX at 2250 fps MV, loaded long COL:


Not so accurate at almost 100 fps faster:


Just 50 yards, but that is where I start with load testing.
I have no doubt the 2250 fps load would do well at longer range.
I call that rifle (pet name) "Chimera" as in Chimera WinCZechster (spelled correctly that time).
I had a Dakota Safari in 458 WM I wish I wouldn't have parted with, it was a dandy. I honestly think that a little extra room in case capacity is nice for powder flexibility, as well as bullet choice. Loading a Hornady vs. Barnes for example, very different scenario. The original problem with the WM was over packing the powder, causing clumps, and erratic ignition. If I remember correctly Hunter Habib had a very interesting right up on that. With todays bullet/powder choices the WM is completely fine IMO. Wish I had the one that matches my custom Mark Moon 375 HH, they were built as a pair, saw pictures of it once from a guy that owned it, but that was many years ago.
Per Wiki:
On one notable occasion, Richard "Dickie" Cooper brought down three Albatros D.IIIfighters from Ernst Udet's squadron, Jagdstaffel 15, with his Holland & Holland .450 Nitro Express big-game double rifle. Cooper is recorded as saying: "I aimed well ahead of the leader. He came down like a pheasant, as did the one that followed, and I had time to reload and fire again at the third before he passed over - he also crashed."

Since The 458 winmag is the 450 reincarnated,
Ends the debate:)
Well said. I always planned on using mine to take a feral hog in California, but I never did. Loaded to 2160 with 500 grain bullets it works just fine on cape buffalo. Two so far.
would you mind sharing your recipe and what length barrel ?
would you mind sharing your recipe and what length barrel ?
Sure. 500 grain Hornady bullet over 74 grains of H4895. Bullet seated to the cannelure., and crimped. Shot out of my Whitworth Express with a 24" barrel. I shot this load over two different chronos, and they both read 2162 fps.

The load does not exceed the max listed in the Hornady reloading manual and does not seem to be a compressed load.
As much information there is on this thread I still love my Lott glad I bought the win mag and converted it.

But yes thanks for all the information it is really interesting what the win mag is capable off.
Of all the currently available 458 WM factory loads which do you prefer for both a 500grain class and a <500gr?

I've been primarily shooting Hornady's DGS/DGX but I'm looking to mix it up.
And mention that the .458 WinMag is operating at 60,000 psi MAP and 3.34" COL
while the .458 Lott requires 62,500 psi MAP and 3.6" COL, and even at that it has trouble getting to claimed velocity.
The .458 WinMag has no trouble at all.
That is the Hornady DGX/DGS load for the .458 WinMag.
I have chronographed it in about a half dozen 24"-barreled rifles. Just about spot on in all of them,
except it gave 2196 fps MV in a 24-inch barrel with a shorter throat on the otherwise SAAMI .458 WinMag chamber, though it still had twice the throat length of the SAAMI .458 Lott.

If I load my .458 WinMag with maximum .458 Lott loads and COL about 3.56" I still have room to pour it on.
500-gr TBSS FN at +2400 fps from a 24" barrel by LabRadar, before I had a Garmin XERO,
that is what we call the .458 WM+. That was in a factory Ruger No. 1 .458 WinMag.
If you want to get kicked harder than by a .458 Lott you can easily beat it with a SAAMI-chambered .458 Winchester Magnum.

Oh boy, don't get me started on the .458 Lott propaganda.
Well , lets hear your thoughts on the Lott, I am curious about the 458s , as I just got a model 70 ,22 inch barrel in 458 win and am wondering if I want to Lott it.
Well , lets hear your thoughts on the Lott, I am curious about the 458s , as I just got a model 70 ,22 inch barrel in 458 win and am wondering if I want to Lott it.
I would leave it as it is, but the decision is really up to you, will the Lott( though you should call it a 450 watts) fit in your action without work and if not do you gain anything by modifying it
if you want a Lott then look at the CZ550, the action is longer and with the Model 70 you are going to have to do work on it. besides unless you want to shoot 550 grains and more the 458 Win mag will do all you want. 400 to 450 grain mono bullets are the way to go. on my buff hunt this April I will be using 400 gr CEB solids and 420 CEB Raptor bullets and feel no need for anything heavier. good luck with your decision

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Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

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CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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