The last minute guest and the PH.


AH member
Sep 29, 2024
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England, France, Mauritius, Namibia, Spain
Here is the story of a little misadventure that happened to me earlier this year.

To begin with, I apologize in advance for some faults, because english isn't my mother tongue and I can't practice it where I am. However, I'll try my best to describe this hunting trip and everything around. Hunting won't be the main subject, but you're gonna understand why after reading it ! I have thought quite a bit before posting it here but I think it might be interesting ! If no, moderators can delete it !

Everything ended quite well I would say, but it shows that you have to be careful and find out about certain people, and sometimes try to get more infos about them. There are some black sheeps in our community that we wouldn't like to meet and who also tarnish what hunting is all about, especially sharing and conviviality !

I start this story from the beginning and everyone can understand exactly what happened !
I haven't invented anything and everything that follows is authentic ! I will just not quote the place where we went, and I have changed names of the three persons involved for that story.

I had promised to introduce Africa hunting to a friend met in 2018, and with whom I have always stayed in touch since.
This woman is Elsa and she is a great girl, to put it simply, and also a real hunter far from some of superficial influencers we see these days on social medias.

In 2023, this young lady told me that she wanted to accompany me in 2024 to discover hunting in the well known Africa. As promised earlier, she is welcome to come with me !
She then told me that one of her hunting friend, Caroline, would also like to join us if it was possible.

I talked about her to a guide, Jean, to know what will be the rate he offered. I knew him for more than a decade now and he accepted to welcome this second girl directly without any negotiation.
Indeed, he had told me for several years to bring friends with me and especially Elsa, but this time, he even told me he will offer the stay to this last-minute guest ! As I always came alone, he really wanted to see me coming with other hunters for quite a while.

I didn't know Caroline, but being friends with Elsa, I naively thought this woman was probably not bad at all!
I met Caroline in June 2023 during a hunting show and we opened just after a Whatsapp group with Elsa to keep each other informed about this hunting trip, because I am the one who will organize everything!

When booking the plane tickets at the end of 2023, I already noticed the lack of seriousness from Caroline !
She didn't call the travel agency back to pay her plane ticket, which I had pre-booked for her, contrary to what she had promised me few days before!

The boss of the agency called me in the evening to tell me the bad news, and I had to advance the money for Caroline's plane ticket at the last minute, otherwise we would had lost the two plane tickets that Elsa and I had already paid for on the chosen dates!

I called Caroline right away, and I arrived to reach her (not easy sometimes) and she gave me a reason that left me perplexed to justify her failure, but she promised me to send me a cheque immediately for refunding me !
I checked just after on the internet what she told me as an excuse out of curiosity, and I couldn't find anything that justified what she said ! Nobody killed himself on the railway, where she was, and the train she took wasn't stopped ! Lies or not ? I started to have doubts about her !
I received her cheque 2 weeks later, and it was clearly not made immediately as she had said previously ! But at least, I was refunded !

Time passed and I still had no passport and European firearms pass from Caroline while Elsa sent me everything on time !

I had said many times to do everything in June 2023 ! Once again, Caroline's explanations made me doubt !!
She told me that there was a mistake for her passport, and she had to send it back twice ! Officially, her gender was written "male" on it, while she is a true female. A mistake can happen once.... but twice ?
As for the European firearms pass, nothing, even though she told me she had filed a file a few months before this call! All her explanations were strange and she reinforced my doubts about her !

One month before the departure, I had to be more insistant, and finally, after several messages and calls, I obtained the long-awaited passport that was delivered a short time before ! And for the European firearms pass, it was the new dematerialized version that was printed on an A4 sheet, and not the usual little booklet from before !
I was not fooled, everything was done at the last minute, but despite this characteristic lack of concern and probably big lies once again, I was not nitpicking!

For this trip, since all 3 of us were officially single, I had told to Elsa and Caroline very transparently that I wouldn't make any advances on them out of respect, and anyone who knows me knows that I know how to behave, maybe too much ! I learned quickly after, it was much more "complicated" for Caroline, and she wasn't really single.
In return, I just expected good behavior from them! We went to Africa to hunt and for nothing else!

If Elsa behaved exemplarily as I expected, this wasn't really the case for Caroline whose grievances against her are multiple in the end! The person was rather nice like that to be around, but it was far from compensating for the rest in the end, when I do a little recap!

A few days before the departure, I asked to Caroline to pay a deposit to the hunting company, to show her seriousness to the PH who invited her, and she accepted, but that was also under the conditions at the start!

She said her bank apparently no longer made transfers abroad outside the euro zone, something that was apparently not true after a little lie once again !
Therefore, she told me she must used a specialized website for that!
She carried out the process and gaves me a link. I transfered that link to the secretary of the hunting organization in Africa! This secretary tried several times, but nothing worked ! She wasn't able to get the deposit paid! After checking, the country where we go hunting wasn't on the list and she sent it to another country close by ! Very strange this Caroline once again !
Faced with this problem, I gave my bank details to Caroline expecting she paid me after with a bank transfer ! She told me to wait 4 days to collect her money back from the website, and then she will make the desired transfer after, because I am the one who will pay the guide in the end!

The day of the departure arrived, but still nothing in terms of money! Patient, I waited because I supposed she will end up paying me I thought, but it also allowed me to test people and their seriousness !

We landed in Africa early the next morning where we were welcomed by our guide, Jean. We picked up our rifles without any problems and after a good road transfer, we arrived at the farm around noon.
We made a little outing in the bush the afternoon, and I shot an impala.

We ended this first day at the bar at the request of Jean.
This first evening, after classic discussions, I saw Caroline who started to look at me in a very explicit way!
She constantly blinked to try to attract my attention and stares at me, while I mainly talked to Elsa and to Jean, because I was the translater !
I was not fooled by Caroline's intentions, but if many men would love to be approached like this, this kind of behavior doesn't work with me! Worse, it annoys me to the highest degree!
Very embarrassed, while I had clearly said that for my part I would not seek anything with her, I tried at first to avoid meeting her gaze. But she kept insisting. I ended up saying that I didn't want anyone in a conversation that came just the right time!
Caroline stopped abruptly and seemed a bit disoriented in her gaze by this kind of response that must have been unthinkable in her mind!
Unlike some men, I have no sympathy for this kind of character! I want to stay single, or if I have to start a relationship with a girl, it will be with someone more serious. Therefore, it means this person who was too eager and rather "very horny" had absolutely no chance and deep down, I even had the audacity to immediately think that all this was mainly "interested"! And the future gave me reason !
She reminded me strongly of the few gold diggers that I ejected in the past! Fortunately for her, she was not more enterprising otherwise she would had problems ! I noticed a slight change in her behaviour after this story. She became indeed a bit more distant with me, but it didn't matter at this stage.
And the next day after the lunch, I heard she called a man who seemed to be... her boyfriend ! Elsa confirmed me later that she had indeed a boyfriend but her private life was also extremely "chaotic".

Back to this first evening around the bar, our guide, Jean, started to get drunk. It can happen and especially to him, but this time it was at a level I have never seen before ! Losing all of his seriousness, he started to approach girls and especially Elsa.
Becoming very enterprising and horny, we decided to leave the bar to avoid problems.
We went in our respective rooms. But less than 5 minutes after, I heard someone walking toward girls'rooms while I was unpacking my stuffs in my cottage.
It was Jean, fully drunk, and who really wanted to spend more time with women. He was clearly more animated by his boilling hormones than by the common sense.

I went out of my room and I had to tell him to go because it was already late. He didn't want to listen me so I just told him I will make a video with my phone about his behaviour and I will show it to him tommorow, then he will be able to see in what conditions he was ! In the past, he had told me he stopped drinking and this evening, he clearly didn't keep his promise.
Not so happy by such reply, and probably the fact in his mind I ruined his attempt on girls, he left the place and told me a couple of nasty things. But I didn't care because if something went wrong, I just had to speak to his father and he would solved the problem quickly.

The next morning, girls told me that Jean came back to them just after my little altercation with him, and Caroline told him to leave them quiet with a couple of signs and bad and universal words ! It was effective from what she said !
Honestly, at this stage, Jean didn't impress Caroline at all and the whole day, she said that guy was just a drunkard and a stupid ugly fat man, nothing less. Well things didn't start well between them !
After the breakfast, Jean was still sleeping and I started to speak with his brother, who was speechless when I described him what happened last night.

Finally, Jean stood up and with very small eyes he came to us for his morning coffee. I looked at him and I told him what happened once again. He seemed very surprised by what I said and also really ashamed, especially when I mentionned him a message he sent me on Whatsapp ! He appologized a couple of times and after, he never got drunk again the whole stay, drinking mainly coke and coffee, even during parties. But this first day, he was not able to hunt and slept in the car. Did he think what he told me last night ? Probably ! "In vino veritas" is so true most of time !

Throughout this stay, Caroline very often talked about her stories and anecdotes below the belt. She brought the conversation back to this subject several times, boasting about things that weren't very flattering and even borderline immoral for ordinary mortals! At this level and coming from a woman, it was a first for me especially since some things were really extreme! But it confirmed the few echoes that I had had about her, including those from a good friend, unfortunately too late !
I have never met someone so vulgar and so disrespectful to this day, and it will be difficult to do worse in my opinion. But for her, it seemed normal to speak like that about such subjects !

With Elsa, we listened all her stories but that all ! Elsa confirmed me it was very often like that, but she let her speaking.
Deep down, I mocked Caroline !
Being the group's interpreter, I used to translate what the Africans said to us, but also what we spoke together and what Caroline was telling openly, without any modesty or embarrassment when we were around the table, and when they asked me, because she was very talkative and visibly, it was not a problem for her to spread her very hectic life out in the open !

I had noticed very quickly that Jean had a crush on her, but he also understood he had no chance with Elsa just before, so his choice was now limited. But for those who knows him, It is well known that he tries to date anything and everything without thinking, so it was not surprising to see him trying his luck!
In the past, he told me, he will never date a customer by respect....a big lie once again, because I heard the opposite from several people ! That's like his promise with alcohol anyway !
Jean had even told me something at the beginning that left me with little doubt about what would happenned next, because he spent a couple of outings in a blind with Caroline, but the fact he had "fun" with her didn't pose the slightest problem for me. It was even the opposite, Caroline was typically the kind of girl for him! Birds of a feather flock together as they say! As long as Jean left Elsa quiet, that was fine with me! But in no case, Elsa would have wanted a horny bastard like him !

Jean has obviously a serious problem with women, so leaving him with Caroline was the assurance that something would most certainly happen eventually, even if in terms of communication it was really "complicated" between them !
Indeed, the funniest thing in this story is that they can only communicate with an online translator on their phone and of course the universal signs ! Jean has more vocabulary in Caroline's language than the opposite, but it remains limited. At least, he tried to progress in this new language, because he already spoke 3 languages, while Caroline only one.

If he visibly has some feelings towards her, the opposite is more questionable from what I have noticed ! At the very beginning, she criticized him a lot but she definitely changed her mind in the meantime because she also really appreciated the farm and the life here, and she wanted to leave her job in Europe too ! Good plan she found !
No one with a bit of experience is fooled, this relationship that quickly developed between these two people is mainly interested on Caroline side, and it didn't even surprised me coming from this girl with no self-esteem!
To continue on her actions and despite my requests to behave, she was seriously drunk on several occasions, including one time when I heard her screaming like a hysteric until 3 am around the bar, while the other people were much calmer.
Although my room was located at around 80 meters from the bar in question, everything was clearly audible! It was the only time during my stay that I had to show her my dissatisfaction the next morning, because I wanted to sleep, and not hear the yelling of a heavily intoxicated person as background noise! Yes, I'm someone who is very calm and I don't like party.

Following a disagreement later, she even insulted me by reflex, but the hunting action that was taking place was so intense, I didn't notice this low-level provocation!
That same day, she almost killed me by mishandling a rifle! I clearly heard the bullet whizzing just behind me. Jean said immediately that the barrel was in the air. I said no, but he repeated that it was, and it was a minor accident because the barrel was pointing toward the sky when the shot was fired.
What rubbish ! He was in front of me and didn't see what exactly happened! It was a big lie to protect his new girlfriend whose skills in handling a rifle are actually mediocre, and even for hunting, it sometimes left you doubtful!
Unlike to Elsa, she remains a "young" huntress and I don't think she was well surrounded at the beginning. I have trained several girls to shoot and all were excellent, better than boys, but Caroline didn't listen any advices and still believes to know everything.

The ratio of bullets fired per animal killed was really not good at all !
She was not able to zero her scope, and didn't care about it. She said her rifle was bad while I was able to put 3 shots in a half Moa at 100 meters with it and factory ammos.
Yes, I am the one who had to zero in her scope and I also improved her trigger pull as well, because it was far too heavy. Despite it, Elsa and I noticed she flinched a lot when squeezing triggers of different rifles she used. She wounded two animals (not recovered), and missed many others, including at least 8 warthogs rested on the top of the 4x4 during a culling, and very often in perfect conditions. It gives an idea how bad she was !
In comparison, Elsa confirmed her talent and she killed 8 animals with 9 bullets and again, the only animal she missed was pretty far, the wind was blowing and her silencer was no longer tighten to her rifle. I saw the bullet very close to the impala but that was a miss...not a problem because she killed a bigger one later after a nice stalk.

Long story short, as I had told to Elsa from the beginning, Caroline won't be the kind of girl I would make a friend of! Personally, in my mind it was clear that I would avoid this person who was the opposite of my very calm life when returning to Europe. But I didn't want to ruin the trip, so I prefered to say nothing against her !

Caroline, who started a relationship more and more openly with Jean, while before they tried to stay hidden (but no one was fooled), was then offered several animals for free at the end of the stay! Yes, she eventually killed some animals despite all her misses. Good for her in a way, and I appreciated even more the fact of having rejected this uninteresting person from the first evening ! She found the good deal with this guide to hunt without paying anything, at least for the last animals she killed. Her attempt to date me the first night was well a way to pay less this stay, hoping to get a free hunting trip after giving a bit of her "person".

When we were in the airport, the guide was saddened to her forced separation, but conversely, Caroline showed no visible emotion! Worse, once in the departure lounge, she seemed to think more about her future and easy life in this country than about her new partner !
For me, it was even more evident that she has found the "big sucker" in her mind! A very gullible guy, who has been blinded by love, and who should be able to support her and improve her life! But I didn't know if she broke off with the boyfriend she had at the beginning ? It's her problem, not mine !
She said once during a lunch she already had several boyfriends in the same time and she boasted to cheat everybody and laughed to get caught everytime. But scary fact about one of this man cheated, she told us a guy sent her a message with death threads during that stay ! When I told her to lodge a complain against him, she said it was useless and she was a bit embarrased !

Once back in Europe the next morning, I picked up my 4x4, quickly said goodbye to the two women and I returned home. I was sad to leave Elsa, but happy to separate from Caroline !
Elsa gave me news quite regularly as always, but nothing from Caroline ! A detail and to tell the truth, it was not that bad once again, because if I never see her again in my life, it will only be better!
Nevertheless, I had to check my bank account very often, no money came in.... time passed and nothing! Elsa told me at the end of the trip she will push her to pay me...because I remembered what happened for the plane ticket and she agreed with me.

I waited patiently and a little less than three months after our return, I learnt from a knowledge that Caroline has been invited back by Jean, and all expenses paid by him please ! Better still, Jean boasted everywhere that he was going to marry this awesome girl at the end of the year before her arrival....not bad while he only spent 2 weeks with Caroline !
I knew he was stupid with women and many think the same, but then, he proved it to me masterfully once again! Strictly speaking, I didn't care and I even laughed a lot about it because I knew him very well and his tulmutous life too. I even made several bets, and several friends agreed with me.

As for me, it was my money that interested me above all in this story and I didn't received any cent of what Caroline owed me because yes, the first animals she hunted are on the bill that I paid ! Jean was indeed not able to make an invoice for each of us !

I decided to call Elsa who was flabbergasted when she learnt that I wasn't be paid yet. Elsa had also told to Caroline to inform me of her return to Africa, because it was thanks to me that she got to know this country at a very advantageous rate, and her now boyfriend. But Caroline didn't.

Elsa managed to reach Caroline afterwards and of course, she said she was no longer able to make a bank transfer from her phone, so I had to wait her come back to Europe ! Great excuse once again!
I contacted Elsa again a few days later and I told her that I started to get angry with this particularly indelicate person. Caroline started to tell her that all animals she hunted were free and offered by her boyfriend, Jean ! So, I had to send the invoice with plenty of details to show it was not true.
Elsa called Caroline back and after the prove that she owed me money, she told me that Caroline had contacted her brother, and this young man will pay me soon!
However, still nothing the following week on my bank account ! I learnt later that the young man didn't actually want to advance her any more money, because she already owed him some !

I decided to contact a friend who is policeman and he told me to keep pressure and to threat to lodge a complain against Caroline if she doesn't pay me soon. With such a threat, she should pay me quickly or she will face problems !
In the meantime, Caroline was back to Europe and she said to Elsa she went to her bank and made the transfer. However, 72 hours later, still nothing on my account !

So I got more angry, saying that if I didn't receive my money soon, as my friend suggested me, I will go to the gendarmerie (a military force active in the countryside while police stays usually in cities) where she is and I will file a complaint for breach of trust against Caroline.
I also added that I will say to some people I know in Africa what this lady is really like, but without giving any more details! Her portrait is definitely less shiny than the one she tries to give far from her native country ! She already had an awful reputation where she is native...the same could happen to Africa.

Cornered and feeling that things were going to be very bad for her, Caroline became threatening and then she decided to contact me directly while before it was complicated to get a reply from her !
Of course, she told me that it was up to me to contact her after returning from Africa, because she had had problems, that she had forgotten this bill, etc ! More big lies obviously to have a good excuse, because I know Elsa told her several times to pay me after our come back, but Caroline always postponed the deadline for different reasons !

I know it's impossible to forget to pay such bill, especially when you're thinking about going back up there as soon as possible, but the real reason is that she never has money in advance and I understood that very quickly!
She spends her money like crasy and has debt everywhere. I even heard a baillif came to see her few months before our departure, where she worked, to pick up money she owed. She is in real a big profiteer who likes to take advantages of everybody and using lies and her body to get what she can't afford, or at a lower rate !

Useless to say, she is furious with me and as a pretext to try to justify the fact she didn't pay me, she accused me of having said certain things about her, and that Jean repeated to her in the meantime.
Probably to scaried me, because she saw I was not joking about my visit, she threatened me to file a complaint against me for slander, because suddenly, she no longer assumes "her exploits" of which she was so proud before, and which she shared with us happily throughout the stay without any embarrassment.
Once again, I simply translated her stories to the guide when he asked me, and to his father too. I didn't invent anything, and frankly I would have had a hard time imagining all that, and I still didn't mention many other things !

As usual in this kind of case, it was the victimization that was put forward, and with again and again fallacious pretexts to get her head above water, while the problem comes from her and only from her !
Caroline even dared to insinuate that I was jealous, because she returned to Africa for free and also hunt for free, and that I also wanted to break up her relationship with Jean, nothing less! She is a chronic liar as I told you!

I think I am the last one to be jealous and even less of her, as for her relationship with Jean, this union especially made me laugh and I keep laughing with friends about it!
If I had wanted to try to break up this idyll, I would had told it to Jean from the beginning, because he asked me if it posed a problem for me, and of course I said no!

Not really being the person to let myself impressed by this kind of mythomaniac and perfidious woman who always wants to be right, when she is always wrong, I gave her a long and detailed answer going over point by point everything she told me. After, I thought I could also added other facts against her but it was too late, my message was already sent.
However, after this rather well-argued and truthful text, I have no longer had any news from Caroline! But, given her low level and her mentality worthy of an immature teenager, she couldn't really answer, even with her now legendary bad faith!
The money was strangely transferred immediately, which shows that threats worked and this transfer was made from her phone, while before it was no longer possible she said ! Bloody liar !

In the end, when I summarized the different things, I had the chance to spend two weeks with the worst person I have ever met to date, the scum of the female gender to put it simply and this person is unfortunately a huntress !

A dishonest, manipulative, materialistic, mythomaniac, nymphomaniac, profiteering, superficial, venal woman, and endowed with a distressing vulgarity and whose life is that of a social outcast to put it simply! Offering your body to men or practicing the now essential “Hawk Tuah” is easy, and it works with some men, but certainly not with me, and she probably hopped that in the end I would forgot what she owed me, but it failed!

And the worst part of all, she is proud to announce to anyone who will listen her that she has committed to her country! I think it is rather because she didn't know what to do with her life and that we recruit easily at this level, given the serious lack of personnel! It's also scary to know that we put uniforms on this kind of person to respect laws !

In order to protect herself, she turned the members of the safari company against me, by telling false things, and once again by victimizing herself to pass herself off as the nice little girl who was harassed by a nasty man.

I even heard that I was jealous of this union because I was the one who wanted to date this girl....! First, she wasn't really my type from a physical point of view and not at all on a psychological level !
And to finish, I suppose that my family and friends would have been "delighted" to see me starting a relationship with this kind of woman ! Then I would have been considered crazy once and for all and they would have made fun of me!

A bit later, I received two vocal messages from Jean who insulted and threated me ! He told me I didn't have to claim my money to Caroline and he also criticized my life of confirmed bachelor ! He told me I had to think all discounts he made me throughout years compensated it ! But he forgot to mention, I have never asked any discounted prices, because they all came from his side to incite me to come back. First he really liked to hunt with me and he was also very happy to find someone who made a lot of culling, providing him a lot of meat and a lot of money too. He never had any problems with me and I knew from others, I was one of his favourite client. And I also liked him despite some faults but perfection doesn't exist in this world too. Me neither I'm not perfect !

I think he was drunk once again when he sent his messages, and I also guessed who was pulling ropes behind him at distance. It is known he is easily influenced, especially by women and even more with a perfid one like Caroline.

Once again, I'm not a person who is easily impressed, but I refused to decrease myself with insults to his extremely low level provocation. I laughed quite a lot when I listened his messages, because I had expected and bet this scenario with several friends, saying he will be brainwashed by his girlfriend and will attack me. I was spot on !

I decided to reply him after, because I didn't want to leave him the impression he scared me. He probably expected many insults against him and of course against Caroline, who would used them to victimize herself once again. But as I said previously, it's definitely not my nature !
I just wrote him a reply with a little bit of irony, but I stayed friendly of course.
First, I showed him what he said didn't hurt me. I also reminded him what he told me many time in the past, where he really envied my peaceful life, when he had huge problems with several girlfriends and children, and especially 2 special year that will stay in his mind forever.
He used to reply really quickly to my messages before, but this time, I'm still waiting ! I reckon It was definitely not the reply he expected and I think in front of some facts, he prefered to keep his mouth closed and used his brain this time. I would have paid to see his face when he read the message !

No big deal that I fell out with these people in the end and that I had known for a long time. I leave stupid people to themselves and this kind of mishap allows you to sort things out. This also allows me to appreciate good people even more, and from now, my hunting budget will go toward more serious people ! Some will lose more than they will gain in that story!
Knowing Caroline and her life, I have no doubt that the backlash will be unpleasant for her.
As I bet with friends from the beginning, Caroline got pregnant during her second trip to hook Jean even better and to insure her life in the country. Definitely not an accident and typical from such woman as I said previously. Even Elsa had no doubt about this scenario !
Now, Caroline is already planning to live in Africa soon and to organize hunting trips while she doesn't speak English at all and even less Afrikaans without her phone and her online translator.

Thanks to Elsa's loyalty who also put pressure on Caroline and gave her a good telling off, I was able to recover what Caroline owed me, but not easily!
Do I hate Caroline ? No ! I feel more pity than anything else because it is distressing to accumulate so many faults and to believe that it is the others who have problems! Nature is really unfair with some people!
Let's see for Jean, but I'm pretty sure one day he will try to come back to me because he will probably open his eyes, like in the past, and will realize his terrible mistake.

However, Caroline keeps manipulating Elsa. I warned Elsa but sometimes it's hard to understand the feminine logic. I keep the hope she will open her eyes one day and kick Caroline out of her life.

I was able to see Caroline is now sponsored by a big gunsmith who has given her a brand new rifle, topped with a good scope, and other stuffs. As usual, she boasts about her hunting experiences on social medias. She is like the influencers I spoke earlier...probably nice for those who don't know the dark side of the moon. For those who knows her, it's really pathetic for the hunting world !

In short, be careful with the people you take on certain adventures, you might be surprised by the hidden side of some!
Maybe I will take Elsa again in some adventures later, but only her, and I will continue to travel alone as I have done many time in the past. Far less problem to manage and as a loner, what a pleasure to be alone.
Interesting novella, err post.
This one's going downhill in a hurry.


I don’t intend to be mean or rude but. . .
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You ever really want to read something but just can't bring yourself to??? The replies so far are very intriguing.
Ever hear of Dear Abbey?
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My brain hurts...
The whole deal reminds me of some twisted Days of our Lives episode that I never seen.
Good riddance all the way around. Caroline and my ex must be related. Very possible. My ex's father would mate anything with a pulse. Hmmm. I wouldn't put it past him to do it with anything that didn't have pulse. My dad once quipped my ex could have had a great career with the circus. "People would pay good money to see her driving your [formerly mine anyway] Pontiac Le Mans with a mattress tied to her back." Yeah, she got around.

You seem to have been unnecessarily concerned about the money she owed you. This story could easily be sold to a soap opera. Or maybe as a movie script: "Into Africa ... With Legs Spread Apart" :D

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia