I’ve traveled to Africa with each of the four brands you mentioned, none of which were built bespoke for me - I purchased them all in the second hand market, at a substantial discount to what it would take to commission new (especially for WR and H&H; Rigby has more approachable entry points, and Jeffery is simply newer back to the scene).
The majority of the price of a bespoke gun is the custom fitting, built to your exact preferences, and the experience of having that gun made just for you. Upon delivery, whether you have scratched it or not, its resale value is substantially less.
As a financial endeavor, buying a bespoke gun with the intent to resale (whether showing signs of use or not) is abysmal. Buy it second hand, and you can likely get your money back out should you choose. I like guns with some character or patina -mine all travel, and its never been an issue.