Fellow Hunters,
In my limited experiences of speaking with anti-hunter people (aka: emotional wrecks) it appears that they will hate us, no matter what we set out to bag, except fish for some unknown reason (figure that one out).

These self-righteous people seem to be haters and they hate because they love to hate …. they love it.
If this world had no hunting whatsoever, these goofballs would quickly make up reasons to hate other folks, no matter what.
And so, wether we take a bull or cow, buck or doe, ram or ewe, we are evil in their childish and emotionally charged thought processes.
The non-hunting masses however might see things a little bit different than the anti-hunting zealots, again judging from my limited conversations with such types.
It appears to me that at least some of these well meaning but misinformed people are OK with hunting for the lean, antibiotic free game meat.
Many are also OK with shooting for predator control, especially on livestock farms and / or to keep predator numbers in balance, as a management tool toward keeping hoofed game and lesser prey species numbers, up to healthy levels.
What they tell me is that, they do not understand and therefore tend to dislike what many (myself included) refer to as “tape measure hunting” and / or “trophy hunting”.
Don’t get me wrong here.
I have dead critters and photos of same, all over my walls, in my home.
So, I’m not especially popular with at least one of my mixed up neighbors.

That said, I cannot tell you what any of my critters would “score” or “measure”, neither do I care.
Looking at them reminds me of my happy times in the bush, while hunting and fishing.
I do have a tape measure and I use it when building things out of lumber.
Another thing that the people I’ve spoken with, among the non-hunting types, (again, not the hater types), about this do not like captive bred animals being released into a small property, just shortly before being shot for their horn length, black mane, hybrid weird color horns, whatever.
Certainly we all here disagree with the anti-hunting people.
And, I’m not insisting that anyone agree or disagree with myself or the non-hunting general public on these thoughts.
I’m just submitting what I have learned from conversing with folks.
And I know that my opinion on tape measures, record books and shooting pen raised - freshly released critters, aka: put & take “hunting” on small plots is not welcome with some members here.
Nonetheless, I began hunting hoofed game (deer) at age 15 and now I’m age 70.
I have felt this way since the beginning.
Hunting and fishing are extremely important to me.
But, I believe that we are shooting ourselves in the foot by all this tape measure and trophy book culture, as it shouts the wrong message to the general public.
These well meaning folk might otherwise be a bit more accepting of our hunting culture.
Again, I’m not referring to the anti-hunters.
There is little hope for them.
As for the non-hunter’s opinion of us, although it is only partly true that some (some) hunters only want the horns, antlers, tusks and do not themselves eat the meat, many of us do eat and truly enjoy the meat.
I sure do.
The more reasonable non-hunters, apparently would like to understand why we enjoy hunting and fishing but, are put off by what they see as the wrong reason to hunt and fish, IE: “trophy hunting”.
Let ‘er rip, very likely I’ve had worse.
Best Regards,
Velo Dog.