I have a (not so) hypothetical question. Let's say you tip the PH $100 a day. You have 3 trackers/skinners in camp who communally skin the game. Lets say the outfitter suggests to tip the skinners $100 a day split 3 ways. So if there are 3 hunters in camp and everyone tips the same, the skinners are making the same as the PH. Does not seem fair to the PH.
For a PG only hunt, and it depends on the PG I am hunting, I generally start out at a mean amount of $50.00USD tip for the PH and $25.00 USD tip for the tracker per day for the normal PG like impala, blesbok, warthog, and springbok.
For the bigger and harder PG like eland, gemsbok, bushpig, bushbuck, and baboon. I generally start out a mean of $75.00USD tip for the PH and $35.00USD tip for the tracker.
The "mean" tip amounts are my starting point. When I shoot an above average animal, or it has been a hard hunt to get a specific species I increase that days daily tip. If I shoot a mediocre animal or the hunt wasn't much of a hunt then I decrease that days daily mean.
I always have an opportunity animals lists....it's Africa....always expect the unexpected. When I get an opportunity animal and it's a really nice animal, or the animal wasn't really expected to be seen I increase the tip, maybe double that days daily tip for both PH and tracker.
If we are doing a lot of "joy riding", multiple days spent looking over the same herd of less than the quality animal that I expect, or see ear tags/notches, my daily mean tip is significantly decreased or zeroed. I'm in Africa to hunt! To enjoy the scenery after my hunts.
Lodge Staff tips: are the same regardless if it is a; PG only hunt, DG and PG hunt, or a DG only hunt.
Skinner(s): R20 - R30 per animal for the normal PG, R40 - R50 for the larger PG, and for animals I intend to full body mount, and if the skinners were needed to help recover my animal.
Cook, laundress, maid: this one is tricky and complicated because it may be 1 or more people.
If one person does it all my mean daily tip is R20 - R50 per day.
If 2 people are involved and they are both equally performing, assisting each other my mean daily tip is R20 - R30 per day, per per staff member.
The variations for mean daily tip is dependent on meals served, time spent at/in the lodge:
Breakfast:most of the time we serve ourselves, PH and I just have coffee, juice, maybe cereal, and toast for bearkfast.
Lunch maybe packed, or roadside stop, or at the lodge.
Dinner maybe roadside stop, make our own sandwiches back at the lodge, or we get back to the lodge in time for dinner.
If we can't get out to hunt due to weather and the cook waits on us with snacks and such, I increase the daily rate because of the extra attention.
Where USD is preferred over Rand I do a check on the exchange rate and round to the nearest USD.
Should I spend a lot of time hunting with my tracker his mean daily tip rate is increased or decreased using the same standards that I use to increase or decrease the PHs mean daily tip rate.
For a DG plus PG hunt: I separate my mean daily tip rate for the PH and tracker. Doubling the mean daily rate when we are hunting DG. Keeping the same mean daily tip rate as mentioned earlier when we are hunting PG.
FOR a DG hunt only: I double my mean daily tip rate and adjust it using the same parameters as mentioned earlier for the PH, tracker, and skinner(s).
Skinners are usually tipped per animal that is actually skinned not per day. Unless they are part of a bush camp and perform other camp duties.
I have even tipped the taxidermist and members of his staff for doing such great work on my mounts, hides, and "feet".
Tips are not a guarantee. Tips are just a monetary way to show one's appreciation to those that go above one's expectations of service.