Tipping Guide

Hi all, the OP was a great read! That said, it's from 2008. Is there an updated tip guide? I read the most recent couple pages though it tends to cover various aspects.
This is my hunt partner and my first African hunt. We live/hunt Montana DIY. Not really familiar with tipping outfitted adventures.

I've been told a rough overall guide is the following: 10% avg-good and 15% for good-great for the complete experience paid at the end. The owner/head operator has a % the tip is divided, based on each person's responsibility.

This a fair practice or?
Where are you going hunting? A ranch hunt in South Africa or Namibia is very different than a concession hunt in Zimbabwe. A ranch hunt is generally +/- $100 a day to PH, maybe $10-15 a day each to tracker and skinner, $20 a day to cook, $5-10 a day to housekeeping. A hunt in concession area is usually +/- $150 day to PH and generally the same amount divided amongst the much larger staff. I generally don’t base tips on a percentage of the hunt unless maybe it was a very low cost package hunt. Tips get adjusted up or down based on the trip and work put in.
Where are you going hunting? A ranch hunt in South Africa or Namibia is very different than a concession hunt in Zimbabwe. A ranch hunt is generally +/- $100 a day to PH, maybe $10-15 a day each to tracker and skinner, $20 a day to cook, $5-10 a day to housekeeping. A hunt in concession area is usually +/- $150 day to PH and generally the same amount divided amongst the much larger staff. I generally don’t base tips on a percentage of the hunt unless maybe it was a very low cost package hunt. Tips get adjusted up or down based on the trip and work put in.
Appreciate the info.
We are going to South Africa. As I understand we're hunting moutains and coastal/low land - two locations. I believe one is on their ranch, the other is a concession. Daily PH fee for 2+1 is $350 each + trophy fee. Accommodations, etc are part of the $350 daily.

Communication has been great though this is the one question I'd like to understand entering the scene. Also, from reading some of the posts here, cash USD or Rand is preferred and it sounds as though the SA Rand is better than USD, at the equivelant rate?
As I read your post, do you tip daily upon service or at the end of the hunt when wrapping up the bill?

I may sound new because I'm flat out of my element. Hah! Do people share the company they're using on the forum or after, if intending to share the success and give a nod for their service?
Appreciate the info.
We are going to South Africa. As I understand we're hunting moutains and coastal/low land - two locations. I believe one is on their ranch, the other is a concession. Daily PH fee for 2+1 is $350 each + trophy fee. Accommodations, etc are part of the $350 daily.

Communication has been great though this is the one question I'd like to understand entering the scene. Also, from reading some of the posts here, cash USD or Rand is preferred and it sounds as though the SA Rand is better than USD, at the equivelant rate?
As I read your post, do you tip daily upon service or at the end of the hunt when wrapping up the bill?

I may sound new because I'm flat out of my element. Hah! Do people share the company they're using on the forum or after, if intending to share the success and give a nod for their service?
I try to take Rand to tip out the staff. I tip US cash to my guide. I tip on the very last day, so when I get to camp, I lock up my cash and paperwork in my gun case and that is where it stays. I see no reason or value in tipping daily.

You are certainly welcome to say who you are hunting with, in fact I suggest you do so that others who have already hunted there may have tips or suggestions for where you are hunting.
We were referred to LJ Safaris from a well respected hunter on a US DIY (primarily) based hunt forum. As I mentioned, the communication with Juan has been great! We are set for mid/end of this September. It's finally here and now it seems time suddenly began ticking much faster and questions I should have asked earlier are now at the forefront.
Hi all, the OP was a great read! That said, it's from 2008. Is there an updated tip guide? I read the most recent couple pages though it tends to cover various aspects.
This is my hunt partner and my first African hunt. We live/hunt Montana DIY. Not really familiar with tipping outfitted adventures.

I've been told a rough overall guide is the following: 10% avg-good and 15% for good-great for the complete experience paid at the end. The owner/head operator has a % the tip is divided, based on each person's responsibility.

This a fair practice or?
I think the best example is what each of us has done. On my April hunt of 7 days for my elephant I did the following given it was an outstanding hunt:
PH: $1,000
Trackers: $200 each
Staff: $100 each
Government people each: $100
This was just what I chose to do
Appreciate the info.
We are going to South Africa. As I understand we're hunting moutains and coastal/low land - two locations. I believe one is on their ranch, the other is a concession. Daily PH fee for 2+1 is $350 each + trophy fee. Accommodations, etc are part of the $350 daily.

Communication has been great though this is the one question I'd like to understand entering the scene. Also, from reading some of the posts here, cash USD or Rand is preferred and it sounds as though the SA Rand is better than USD, at the equivelant rate?
As I read your post, do you tip daily upon service or at the end of the hunt when wrapping up the bill?

I may sound new because I'm flat out of my element. Hah! Do people share the company they're using on the forum or after, if intending to share the success and give a nod for their service?
That type of hunt will fall under the ranch hunting guidelines I gave. For a 2:1 hunt I’d split the difference with both hunters and tip more or less based on service. A concession outside South Africa refers to large government or community areas usually with several dangerous game species. Some large farms might get referred to as concessions in South Africa but they are still farms/ranches and easier for outfitters and PHs to operate from. Tips are paid one time at the end of the hunt based on how you felt about the hunt as a whole. PH in US dollars. Staff in US or local currency but I find it easier to give US dollars. They have their system to get it converted.
For a 5 day hunt, about 1 grand max for the camp folks is what to expect. About half to your PH, and break it down from there. It could vary depending on the amount of animals hunted, how pleased you were with the PH and staff, etc.

I hunted for five days, trophy Waterbuck, trophy female Gemsbok and a great Impala, and tipped my PH $500 USD, he was worth so much more, but left all I could, same for the rest of the staff.

Take newer US bills, as the older ones were not accepted.
I looked at your outfitters web site and he doesn't recommend what you should trip.

My last hunt was with Frontier Safari's in the Eastern Cape and they have a good example of what to tip for the first time hunter.

Since I don't want to clutter up this thread anymore than it is I am going to send you a PM with some more information.
I looked at your outfitters web site and he doesn't recommend what you should trip.

My last hunt was with Frontier Safari's in the Eastern Cape and they have a good example of what to tip for the first time hunter.

Since I don't want to clutter up this thread anymore than it is I am going to send you a PM with some more information.
Good guidance from fronteer. I just always over tip my trackers given to me they are so important. On my last hunt my PH Lou Hallamore confirmed that the trackers are the most important. Do not misunderstand me I take great care of my PH but on my elephant hunt it was just unreal how they tracked when I could see nothing. We got my elephant on the last day last hour when I had given up but my PH and trackers did not
This is exactly the understanding that helps me navigate as a first timer. Much appreciated! Thanks to everyone for your information assessing everything shared, I piece-mealedan understanding that has greatly helped our first African hunt. Great community. Thank you! Maybe one day, I'll be able to offer a tip though I'm a few African hunts from that! Haha!
Good guidance from fronteer. I just always over tip my trackers given to me they are so important. On my last hunt my PH Lou Hallamore confirmed that the trackers are the most important. Do not misunderstand me I take great care of my PH but on my elephant hunt it was just unreal how they tracked when I could see nothing. We got my elephant on the last day last hour when I had given up but my PH and trackers did not

I also over tipped my tracker just for the job that he did.

I think that a lot of hunters do not appreciate the job that they do if they hit a animal and the tracking job begins. I had one solid hit on my kudu but he still made it to the thick stuff. Close to a mile later we had him on the ground. While I could of followed much of the trail my tracker made it so much easier for both me and my PH. We were able to get up high to watch for the kudu as the tracker was on it's trail through the thick stuff.
Same here, first day hunting, and with severe jetlag, I made a bad first shot on a Gemsbok. Was almost like my PH and tracker were smelling where the animal was, cause I wasn't able to make heads or tails on what they were following, but they found it. It was worth so much more than the tip I left because I didn't have to pay for a wounded and unclaimed animal. Again, I left what I could.

Plan on tipping your PH and fellow camp associates well and hopefully they will deserve it. Especially if you think enough of the outfitter to return.
Like others have said your hunt will fall into the realm of a South African Ranch Hunt. That tipping guide looks like pretty good advice. If you’re shooting a lot of animals each day, you might think about a percentage of the total hunt or your portion of it.

I give my tips at the end of the hunt, with the exception being skinners and trackers. In big mixed company camps, I’ll give the skinners a little something after the first animal. Whether it’s a $20 bill with the first animal, a bag of candy or something, I’d like to believe they spend more time and are a little more thorough with my stuff after I do it. The skinners normally have other jobs and often pull some extremely long hours. I’ve hunted in some of the more remote camps where they’re also a tracker. If I have a good stalk where the trackers are clearly working overtime on a specific animal I’ll do the same. Anytime I do this, it’s in addition to what I’m giving them at the end of the hunt. I don’t even think about having already given something to them. I try to do it to incentivize them to work a little harder for me.
I might be opening Pandora's box here.
Someone I know closely just left a tip which was requested and gratified as "the best tip ever" (for a PH that has been 20 years guiding DG hunts).
What was given wasnt cash, but actually a rifle (to be more precise, 2 rifles). I was amazed of how easy was to register those guns at the airport police with a affidavit. It barely took 30 minutes and zero tipping to any officer.
A rifle that in the USA was purchased for under $1,000 at an online auction was worth over $4,000 there in Zimbabwe. The second rifle was cheap, but still was very much welcome.
I was offered a hell of a deal for my double which I got for dirt cheap, but I will return next spring and want to take another couple elephants with it before I let it go.
I might be opening Pandora's box here.
Someone I know closely just left a tip which was requested and gratified as "the best tip ever" (for a PH that has been 20 years guiding DG hunts).
What was given wasnt cash, but actually a rifle (to be more precise, 2 rifles). I was amazed of how easy was to register those guns at the airport police with a affidavit. It barely took 30 minutes and zero tipping to any officer.
A rifle that in the USA was purchased for under $1,000 at an online auction was worth over $4,000 there in Zimbabwe. The second rifle was cheap, but still was very much welcome.
I was offered a hell of a deal for my double which I got for dirt cheap, but I will return next spring and want to take another couple elephants with it before I let it go.
Other countries have made it more difficult. Namibia for instance writes on firearm permit “must be exported” because this was commonly done for both ease and to avoid import duties. I’ve heard this done in Zimbabwe, but I’d want to know it’s fully legal from US side, especially for Zimbabwe. I’d also only consider this if requested by PH since they can’t own an unlimited amount of firearms.
We were referred to LJ Safaris from a well respected hunter on a US DIY (primarily) based hunt forum. As I mentioned, the communication with Juan has been great! We are set for mid/end of this September. It's finally here and now it seems time suddenly began ticking much faster and questions I should have asked earlier are now at the forefront.
I went with Juan (pronounced JU-on and not Wan) and Lauren in early June. Number one you will get personal attention like you wouldn't believe. Number two, they work their tails off to get you on really good animals. The accommodations in both the Karoo and the coastal area are nice with the coastal area having the edge. The food in both locations was great.

My trip had both rain and snow to deal with but we persevered.
Here is an article that I wrote about tipping, feel free to comment and discuss this subject further, give your opinion or share examples of what you have given as a tip.

Tipping Guide

Tipping is something that I get asked about quite regularly, I believe this is because there is a lot of conflicting advice and confusion surrounding this topic. I have heard complaints, usually from hunters who are very satisfied with their hunt, but then have felt pressured to leave more of a tip than they were comfortable with or even told what they should leave. I will let you know what I think the beneficial or normal practices are and expose some of the less ethical ones. I will try to clarify a rather ambiguous subject so that you can make an educated choice as to how much of a tip you wish to leave, because after all it is a choice.

What is tipping for?
Tipping is a good thing, it is a straight forward way to encourage great service. However tipping looses it's most important purpose when others start deciding or dictating who should get tips, how much you should give or pooling tips and redistributing them however they see fit. These practices do not allow workers to make that connection between their effort and their compensation, after all what is a tip for?

Tipping is customary but it's also discretionary
In the hunting industry a tip is customary and should always be figured into your budget during the planning stages of your hunt. That being said, a tip is also always a reflection of the level and quality of service that you have received during the entirety of your hunt and should not be considered mandatory. It should however be a VERY rare occasion and a completely bungled hunt, due to human error, not nature or weather, when skimping on a tip should be considered acceptable. You should absolutely inform the owner or person in charge if you are dissatisfied to the extent that you do not feel that a tip is deserved by anyone involved in your hunting safari.

Why is tipping so important?
The reason is simple, P.H.'s, trackers and camp staff derive much of their income from the tips they receive which creates the incentive for them to perform at their highest level for each and every client. After all we must remember that hunting is a service industry. The custom of tipping has evolved over a long period of time and is responsible for creating an environment of ever evolving higher standards and better quality of service, leaving behind those who are less than hard working. I would like to point out however than if your P.H. is also the owner of the hunting outfit, you still need to give him a tip as you would with any other P.H., based upon your overall satisfaction no more, no less.

When to tip
Most people give their tip at the end of the hunt, which makes sense because it should be based upon overall satisfaction. There are some hunters who swear they get better service by offering a portion of the tip at the beginning of the hunt to the trackers and skinner, as an incentive. They explain to the hunting team that they will be well compensated at the end of the hunt in addition to what they have already received if they work hard and do their very best. Even if they spend no more than they had planned to originally, they believe this method to be an effective stimulus that makes the team want to work harder. This may be of particular importance with the skinner who often gets little attention, even though the fate of your trophies rests in their hands. My thought is that this theory is hard to prove as you will never know how hard the hunting team would have worked for you otherwise but perhaps that is not a concern if you spent no more on your tip by doing it this way. But there are definitely risks, such as a member of your hunting team, with cash in hand, may decide to take an impromptu vacation which has been known to happen.

This tip has nothing to do with tipping
Here is my tip to you which has nothing to do with tipping! Your behavior has more to do with the outcome of your hunt than your tip. You should know that the outcome of your hunt is highly dependent upon the performance of your entire hunting team and that the effort they put forth from one hunt to another can be drastically different depending on how they "feel" about the hunter as a person. It's not always about money, just being nice goes a long way too. How important it is that the P.H. and hunting team perceive you positively, for whatever reason, is not something that you will ever hear discussed, but it is really a factor that can play a huge role in how hard the hunting team works for you and how successful your hunt is.

From the moment you arrive it is important to go out of your way to have warm and friendly interactions with the staff... and I mean all of them. Remember they work together, live together and are often related to each other, if you are disrespectful to one person they will all know about it in short order. Not to say that you shouldn't complain if there is something that you're unhappy about, but I suggest you take it to the P.H. or lodge manager and let them deal with it.

Preferred form of payment for tipping
A tip should be given in cash or can be given with traveler's cheques. If a voucher system is used by the hunting outfitter, you may wish to ask the outfitter if it matters if that cash is in local currency or US$. You may be surprised to hear that many prefer US$, which should make it easier for you in terms of knowing what you are giving and not needing to exchange currency, however some still prefer local currency as it is hassle for some workers to exchange money depending on the country.

When it is okay to give an item as your tip instead of cash?
It is always very generous for hunters to bring "extras" (such as clothes, knives, cigarettes, candy, even perfume or chocolates for the lady of the house), however these items should not be considered a tip. If you wish to offer an item in lieu of a cash tip the choice should be that of the recipient, for example you might propose leaving behind a pair of binoculars or a nice hunting knife instead of a cash tip, if the person agrees great, but if they prefer cash, you should be prepared to leave the tip in that form. I do believe that those types of "extras", given before or shared throughout the hunt, can buy you a lot of good graces; these small gestures are very well received and just a nice thing to do.

How to make sure your tip gets where you intend it to?
You should make an effort to hand your tip or voucher directly to the person it is for. In this way you can help to insure that your wishes are being respected. It is fine if you wish to put your tip into an envelope or give a group tip to be divided evenly, or as you see fit, for the lodge/camp staff to the house manager if you are more comfortable or if it is too time consuming.

Factors to consider when tipping
- Satisfaction with hunting safari
- Success of hunting safari
- Country where hunt takes place
- Price of hunt
- Number of days of hunt
- Type of hunting safari (plains game, dangerous game or combination of both)
- Number of hunters with PH (1x1, 2x1, etc.)
- Number of non-hunting observers

You may not have as much contact with the lodge/camp personnel as you do with your hunting team but they are still an important component of your whole hunting safari experience. These people should also be taken into consideration when tipping as they care for your day to day needs behind the scenes. The hunting and camp staff are a complete team, each doing their part to make you hunt great and stay enjoyable, however some hunters may be inclined only to tip those who they have had the most contact with (ie. PH, trackers, driver) but it is really a team effort in every way.

Typical personnel to tip
- Professional Hunter
- Tracker(s)
- Driver
- Skinner
- Cook
- Servers
- Maids
- Laundress

Additional personnel you may need to tip
(all of these personnel may not be a part of your hunting safari)
- Meet and greet
- Lodge/camp manager
- Porter(s)
- Game scout/game guards (they expect to be tipped even though they are government employees)
- Tour guide

Who is it normal to tip and why?
A general guideline for me as to who should receive a tip goes back to something I mentioned earlier: the purpose of a tip is to reward and encourage good service. That being said, I believe anyone directly providing service to you should be tipped, as outlined in the list above. This general rule will help you to clarify when or if an outfitter is asking you to tip personnel that should be salaried workers. If someone is driving, cooking cleaning for me or otherwise involved directly in the hunting they should be tipped, however if they maintain the vehicles, garden, pool or other property they should be considered non service employees that the hunting outfitter should pay.

Asking your hunting outfitter for guidelines
You may wish to ask your hunting outfitter for some guidelines regarding who and how much to tip, however be prepared for a less than clear response as many PHs and hunting outfitters are uncomfortable providing advice regarding this subject. Always remember that any suggestion is merely a point of reference and not what you should tip, ultimately the decision is yours.

Tipping guidelines to be wary of
Something that I would be very wary of is an outfitter who supplies a detailed and excessively lengthy list of employees who should be tipped and how much. This list may include non service empolyees and in some cases add up to an unreasonable sum of money, not within the guidelines that we discuss below. It may be hard to know if all of those employees actually exist or it may be a sign that some or all of these employees may not be receiving any salary from the outfitter and their only income is being given to them by you and other hunters. It is hard to know where these unethical practices are occurring so it is important to use your best instincts, if an outfitter seems too pushy or they mandate tipping in any fashion, I would avoid hunting with them.

There are some outfitters who, in an effort to avoid inequality or jealousy among camp staff, believe that all tips, including those of the hunting team and camp staff, should be pooled and divided evenly or as they decide, and I am not a proponent of that. I believe there is a hierarchy among workers and I would never hunt with an outfitter who would dictate how my tip should be allocated.

The only way to prevent getting caught up in these types of situations is to ask the right questions BEFORE you book; ask if they have any type of tipping requirements or pool tips. If they say we ASK that you tip a certain way, you're probably still okay as many outfitters do have some guidelines in place and for good reasons, (which I will outline below) but if they have strict or inflexible rules or requirements ask to see them before booking and use your best judgment.

What tipping guidelines are normal and why
Most guidelines concerning tipping have arisen out of necessity and are in place to help the hunting outfitter avoid known problems. These problems can range from workers accumulating too much cash through a long hunting season in the bush and the risks associated with having that cash lost or stolen from them. Some workers, with cash in hand, have been known to disappear half way through the hunting season on an unplanned "vacation" for a few weeks, not so good for the next guy who comes to hunt. Another issue is that alcohol problems are rampant in Africa and it is not uncommon for a worker to binge drink given a pocket full of cash.

Why some hunting outfitters use vouchers
The above mentioned scenarios are a few reasons why hunting outfitters may use a voucher system and ask that you comply during the active part of the hunting season. A voucher may not seem as satisfying to give to a great tracker for a job well done, but in the long run it may be what is in his best interests as well as the hunting outfitters. I personally really like to give someone their tip in cash, but I understand and am willing to give them a voucher as long as I am able to write the amount that I am leaving them and give it to them directly so they know how much I appreciated their hard work, skill and effort. And also for the simple fact that I know that they can keep tabs on what they are owed at the end of the hunting season.

How much to tip on a plains game hunt
There is a lot of advice and theories out there regarding how much to tip, which often creates more confusion than actually helping you get a better grasp on a fuzzy subject. I will share with you my method for how I decide how much of a tip to leave and knowing from the other side of the equation how much people really do leave. This method really works for all hunting safaris from a bargain plains game hunting package all the way up to a big five hunting safari.

I base my tip for the Professional Hunter on the total cost of the hunt, daily rate and trophy fees combined, excluding tax. Using that figure, I multiplying it by:

For professional hunter:
5% for an average tip
6% for a better than average tip
7% for a very good tip
8% plus for a very generous tip

I believe that this method works well because it figures in the cost level of the hunt, the number of species you take and allows for you to express your appreciation by giving you the ability to choose the percentage based upon your overall satisfaction.

As for the rest of the hunting team and lodge/camp staff I break it down as follows:

For a typical hunting safari:
Tracker: from $5 to $10 per person/day
Driver: from $5 to $10 per day
Skinner: from $5 to $10 per person/day
Lodge/camp staff: $3 to $5 per person/day

Typical personnel for a basic hunting safari:
Hunting team will usually consist of one to two trackers, one driver who may also double as a tracker, one skinner.
Lodge staff will usually consist of one cook, one server, one to two maids, one laundress. The more high end the lodge the more personnel you can expect.

For a big five or concession camp hunting safari:
Tracker: from $8 to $13 per person/day
Driver: from $5 (average) to $10 (generous) per day
Skinner: from $5 (average) to $10 (generous) per person/day
Porter: from $5 (average) to $10 (generous) per person/day
Lodge/camp staff: $3 (average) to $7 (generous) per person/day

Typical personnel for a big five or concession camp hunting safari:
Hunting team will usually consist of two trackers, one driver who may also work as a third tracker, one porter who may also work as a third tracker, one skinner.
Camp staff will usually consist of one to two cooks, two servers, two maids, two laundress. The more high end the lodge the more personnel you can expect.

Additional personnel you may need to tip
(all of these personnel may not be a part of your hunting safari)
- Meet and greet: a tip should be considered for a service outside of your hunting outfitter
- Lodge/camp manager
- Game scout/game guard: $10 per person/day, some hunters give incentives
- Tour guide
This should be made a sticky.
Hunting elephant in Zim in a few weeks. There will be an apprentice PH in addition to the PH. Any recommendations on how much to tip the apprentice?
Hunting elephant in Zim in a few weeks. There will be an apprentice PH in addition to the PH. Any recommendations on how much to tip the apprentice?
There are a lot of levels of apprentice PHs, some that are ready to be a PH and some that never will. You’ll need to use your best judgment based on value added to your hunt and if that value is more or less than the tracker added.

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Available Game 2025!

White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.
Hi gents we have very little openings left for 2025 if anyone is interested in a last minute hunt!

here are the dates,

17-25 June
25-31 July
1-28 Sept
7-31 October

Shoot me a message ASAP to book your spot 2026 is also filling up fast! will start posting 2026 dates soon!
Hello! I’m new… from Texas!