He is a FAR left, British, liberal... no doubt that most on this board don't share his world view..
He (in my opinion) sees EXACTLY what occurred on Tuesday.. whereas I'm not sure most of the people on the left in this country actually "get it"...
The liberal agenda of labeling anyone that doesn't agree with them a bigot, racist, misogynist, a homophobe, or whatever else suits your needs.. in an effort to "shame" them into submission has run its course..
The idea that you can say whatever you want, and do whatever you want, and that's ok.. but no one else has the freedom to say what they want or do what they want if it doesn't adhere to your agenda and world view... has pissed people off.. and they are responding..
The truth is liberals make up roughly half the population (and have since this country was founded)... we don't all have the same values.. and we don't all believe the same thing..
Liberals did win the "culture war" that he describes.. we entered a couple of decades long period of "political correctness".. and watched conservatives mind their manners, bite their tongues, etc... for fear of being labeled, condemned, and ridiculed.. rather than standing up for what they actually believe in and taking the fight back to the liberals..
That time has passed.. political correctness is on its way to the grave (as evidenced by a POTUSe that has said exactly what is on his mind, made a ton of politically incorrect statements, and got elected despite it...).. Labeling and shaming no longer works.. conservatives are at the point of "I don't give a shit".. call me what you want... I'm going to do what I believe is right.. and you can go to hell if you don't like it..
If liberals want their opinions valued, their beliefs heard, and their agendas pushed.. they are now going to have to start debating them and convincing people of that they have a good idea... the days of "we have to pass the law to know whats in it" are gone.. the days of someone saying "you didn't vote for Barak? youre a racist!" mattering have passed..
I'd love to think that one day in the future I could actually have a reasonable and rational discussion on a social issue with an extreme liberal.. and that I could listen to their point of view.. and they could listen to mine.. without the conversation being filled with blind, false accusations, rhetoric, name calling, and general assclownery..
you have an issue.. great.. lets hear it... justify your position.. tell me why you believe what you do... and lets talk about both sides of the coin...
Instead of you telling me what you expect me to do and what you want.. and then throwing a temper tantrum, name calling, and threatening to burn the inner city if you don't get it RIGHT NOW!