East African Impala #2
So joining Kevin, Jacques and myself in camp, were Matthieu Mairesse that I mentioned earlier in this thread. And also a client of Matthieu's from Paris named Max.
Max had already been hunting for some days prior to our hunt and was having fabulous success. By the time we got to this particular afternoon, he was down to trying a Sitatunga which they only hunted for in the mornings.
For myself I had all the animals on my list and had added a zebra. At the same time, Kevin and Jacques were trying to sort out a buffalo in the thick stuff. I didn't need to be in on that and be another person to manage for Jacques.
So on this particular afternoon, I joined Matthieu and Max along with the concession holder Vickram and we went off hunting. I had no plans at the start of this hunt to pursue a Defassa Waterbuck. I already had a very nice Common version from South Africa that I got in 2010.
But......the Lake Mburo area has Defassa WB that can push the 30" mark and beyond. And well I broke down and told Jacques/Vickram that if we were to see such a trophy I'd like to take one.
So off we go for a waterbuck. Vickram asked me if I was inclined to take another impala. Well sure why not, so long as it's at least 28" I say.
So once again we find ourselves in the area not far from where I shot my first impala and Vickram spots a good one. He thinks it will go 28" or more.
Off we go once again using termite mounds to shield our approach. Now since my zebra, my shooting has been pretty solid. But on the first shot here, I don't know what I did. It felt good at trigger pull and I usually can call my shot good or bad. I thought this one was good.
At first it seemed to be, the ram dropped immediately. But it was thrashing at the ground with it's legs and continued to. I had a sense this was about to be a problem and sure enough the ram gained it's feet and took off running from right to left. The shot was high and shocked the ram's spine, but too high to break it.
He ran behind a termite mound but I setup on the left side and got him in my sights running. I touched off a second round hoping just to him him somewhere to stop him. I clearly heard the shot hit, but he kept running. As it turned out I gut shot him, but the bullet had ripped through the liver and he would have died.
I rack in another round or so I thought as the impala stopped running. Pulled up on him and squeezed of another shot, all I got was a click. Somewhere along the line I'd forgotten to top off the magazine. Quickly I grabbed another round and dropped it into the magazine.
The impala was still standing in the same spot, but he was clearly not well. I could see in the scope he was quivering and was certainly going to fall, but I put a quicker end to this with a shot thru his shoulders.
Not my best shooting for sure, but it was over fairly quickly.
@gizmo will have a little work to do here. You can clear see the entrance/exit being a bit too high. You can also see the exit on the shoulder from the last shot.
In this pic you can see the gut shot. Again this took out the liver and would've sufficed.
A local who came in to get a share of the impala meat.