@Ridge Runner , we seem to agree on some points and not on others? All well and good, we each view things through our own lens. A couple points I would like to point out though. My post you quoted was submitted almost simultaneously with the follow-on post from the OP which is directly above mine. That post contains a bit of info that might have shaped my observations a little differently if it had been included with the original post.
We seem to agree that the client should have been quicker on the trigger with a second shot. And I also agree the PH is right in stopping the charge.
Also agree, we rely on our PH for final and accurate assessment of the animal in question. We should not squeeze the trigger until the PH gives us a thumbs up. Unless of course danger is imminent and we must take action to prevent injury or death.
It seems you disagree with “arm chair quarterbacking” and feel this is unfair on my part and possibly others, but you quoted my post so I am responding on that basis.
Regarding arm chair quarterbacking, fair enough, that is what I was doing. And here is why: but first as an aside you will notice from my post I was also complimentary of the video, the video quality and the shooting by both the client and the PH. The client made a good first shot and the PH made a well placed stopping shot. The OP intro’d the video as having been done by his friend. He did a great job. It’s an excellent video. Hell, I’d hire him.
Here are my issues with the hunt portion of the video, or at least with the information available at the time of my post. The PH had an excellent initial position to observe and assess the bull while screened by a patch of bush. He appears to have done this to his satisfaction and moved himself and his client out into the open. Once the PH moves out from behind the bush he does not raise his binos again at all which I believe he may have done if he was still attempting to assess the quality of horn or hardness of boss. He seems satisfied. If he wasn’t wouldn’t he have maybe remained concealed behind the bush?
Next, after moving himself and his client out into the open, the buff becomes aware of their presence and looks directly at them. Why didn’t the PH at that time say “take him”?
Then the buff blows and swings to face them. Still no permission for the shot. Instead, “wait, wait, wait”. Why?! Sheesh, shoot the damn bull, he’s a stud! If he wasn’t a bull they wanted they could have figured it out without the buff ever becoming aware of their presence and backed out before he knew they were there. Instead, they got into a situation where NOT shooting was NOT an option.
Next on my list of armchair quarterbacking is poor communication by the PH. I would prefer that a PH I hunt with will communicate info such as, his assessment of the animal (they had plenty of time!), do you want him?, when you are ready go ahead and take the shot, be ready to get a second round into him, etc. All the things a good, experienced PH does! Next on the list, immediately following the report of the clients first shot, “shoot him again!” Regardless of whether he needed it or not.
One can hope that clients hunting dangerous game might not need such coaching and mentoring, but how many clients really do? A lot if you go by most of the Youtube videos you see. Also, isn’t it the clients hunt, not the PH’s? I know I want to be included in the decision making and I want the hunt to be mine, with whatever level of assistance the PH determines I need to be successful and safe. Not just be told to shoot.
IF the PH had conducted the hunt differently it is highly probable (in my opinion) the PH never would have had to pull a trigger and there would be no question that the CLIENT had killed HIS buffalo.
And while I am being completely candid (feel free to flame away y’all), there was a camera rolling. Things have a mysterious way of playing out in a little bit different fashion when there are lenses, not just muzzles, pointing down range. My initial assessment was that this was an intentional set up for the camera. And that’s fine if that is what it was. Just don’t suggest anything otherwise. Is that what it was? I dunno

The video was offered in a “promo” way for the videographer. I said it was great, and it was. No criticism there. My criticism is for the PH really, and a tiny bit for the client who should have been shooting again, quickly, instead of looking past the second loaded barrel of his double rifle at a charging cape buffalo. If that is arm chair quarterbacking, well... yes, guilty as charged. If this were a member who posted a video of HIS hunt, I would have had nothing to say. It was not. As it is though, I find it puzzling why anyone has an issue with anyone criticizing the PH or the client? After all, this was posted as a positive endorsement of the videographer and I don’t believe I have seen one critical comment about that?
So that’s just the way I see it. I realize not everyone sees it that way, which is just fine. We are all entitled to our opinion. And after all, isn’t this mostly what AH is made up of? Individuals posting their thoughts, opinions and experiences? Sometimes they are critical. If someone is not willing to subject their point of view, experience or media to scrutiny, and yes criticism, they should really think twice before posting it for the masses.
YMMV, but that is my