As I said in my previous post, and here is my quote' I cannot say what the DSC President Elect meant by the quote he dropped in my office, I can only tell you what he said." And what he said was "We will continue to do some conservation work, but we are going to get back to what this club was created to be in the first place, a Hunting Club."
I am quite certain he wishes he had said it differently now! Perhaps he meant it to come out differently. Maybe he did not think at the time it would sound as damming as it was taken. And I am well beyond positive he regrets saying it not only in front of myself, but both of my partners and an employ.
As someone who worked tirelessly for 20 years at DSC, including two terms as a DSC Foundation Director, meaningful conservation grants were always my top priority, I truly hope DSC will indeed continue that mission. And I say that will all honesty, backed by my personal word, which I value beyond all else.
Certainly we have all say things we would like to have a do-over on, I know I have.
But despite what was expressed by the President Elect to AH member TSF at the AGM, what I reported in my initial post WAS said... and I stated it was presented. The question that should be debated is " Did he mean it as literal, or was he trying to indicate his defense or support of the OHAA as its President?
I will now turn my attention to my current responsibilities and exciting possibilities regarding International Hunting and Conservation with SCI.
DSC is in my rearview.
Dave Fulson