AH elite
I’m no DR expert but some of the signs are hard to ignore… such as the electro pencil.No clue. I'd love to know where these guns are coming from (I suspect Belgium for no reason other than gut) but they certainly would run afoul of CIP rules, EU law, and US law because of the fake proof marks and the removal of genuine marks. Would BATF care at such a small scale and since they aren't weapons of war? Not sure. Would the buyers care if they were spending 5-figures for guns that were utterly worthless? Probably.
There is a 577NE Belgian or French origin gun circulating the interwebs from the same electropenciler's hand too. I suspect we'll see more 577 and 600s incoming because they have the reamers and seem to have created a cottage industry out of this.
The only unknown in all of this is who's crooked and who is naive? I cannot determine who is "in on it" versus who is getting "duped".
If the importer/dealer isn’t complicit in the fraud then they have no business selling the guns.
Would love to see the import paperwork … just to see if the calibers listed match the gun that’s for sale. If not then it’s the seller doing international fraud. If they do match then the counterfeits are being manufactured over seas.