That is a great point. I don't like the taxidermy of them at the local Cabelas. Doesn't look right to me.I think they are underrated. I am surprised how many people I have met that say they think they are ugly and aren't interested in them at all.
I will say that I think greater than 90% of taxidermy mounts of them don't do them justice. For some reason they always look very different to me once mounted.
I don’t know about a consensus, but I know when I hunted buffalo adjacent Kruger I’d have traded my buffalo permit for a waterbuck permit for some of the waterbuck I saw and I took a huge buffalo.Waterbuck are my favorite PG. Is there a consensus on the number one place to go after a trophy Waterbuck?
That is a great point. I don't like the taxidermy of them at the local Cabelas. Doesn't look right to me.
They are pretty interesting to observe live in the field. I like to watch them down in the reeds and tall grass. Beautiful animals and they taste fine if you avoid the grease on their hide/hair.
I thought my mount turned out pretty well. One thing I’ve noticed is on the waterbuck in the Eastern Cape are not quite as dark or vividly marked as the waterbuck in the Limpopo, Northwest provinceor Mozambique