Waterbuck are fascinating and frustrating animals to me. I pursued them three safaris in a row with just miserable luck. The first opportunity was in the central region of Namibia in a low-fence area about an hour from Windhoek. We were watching red hartebeest and I spotted a couple of nice bulls almost a mile away up on a mountain. I pointed them out to the PH and he made a "oh golly" noise.
It wasn't too long until dark so we drove around the mountain quickly to get in position. We got to around 200 or 250 yards from them and one was a rather nice bull. After carefully getting ready, it all went to crap. I shot the bull, and at first it looked pretty good. He tucked up a leg and went down very quickly. After only a few seconds he was back up. Flustered, and almost dark, I shot again and missed the whole dang animal. Maybe it was some issues I was having with a faulty scope. Maybe it was just me. I'll never know for sure. It remains, hopefully forever, the only animal in Africa that we never recovered. We looked for two days. The landowner's guys kept looking but never found it.
The next trip we were in a huge high-fence area with several bulls known to be on the property. There were plenty of other animals to hunt, but we got fixated on waterbuck, and we couldn't turn up any in two or three days of looking. We even went to the neighbors farm. Still, no luck. On the last day we finally said to heck with it, and just went for a drive to see what might happen. For no reason at all, a bull suddenly materialized in a place the owner had never seen one. It was a bull with a skew horn that nobody had seen before.
The .375 was true this time and he only made it a few yards. Maybe he's not for everyone, but I sort of like freaks.
The next trip I got an opportunity on another bull, again, that I spotted first. It's just awesome when that happens. We stalked in carefully and, again, I made one of the most horrible shots I've ever made. Clean miss. This time there was nothing to blame but me. We were very luck to catch back up to him and finish the deal. As far as I can recall, these two clean misses are the only ones I've had in Africa over 7 safaris, apart from a jackal or two and a baboon at extreme range.
Best of luck to the OP. Shoot better than I did!
One final story. In the Caprivi, we had a waterbuck on quota, but we were after DG. There was a nice herd of waterbuck cows hanging around a waterhole, but we never saw a bull with them. One evening, while driving through the area on our way to chase elephants, I turned around in time to see a monster bull hidden in the brush about 50 feet off the road. For a good 2 or 3 seconds it was tempting to say something, but I never did, and it ended up being a good thing.