One Day...
AH elite
Less is more ... until less is less...
1) Is it needed?
This is a cost/benefit analysis: how often do we need it vs. how often do we carry it for nothing, and is carrying it a pain...
We all make our own decision based on our own tradeoff.
Have we ever seen a hunting buddy:
So, I can see the point of less is more. After all the client is here to enjoy, not schlep a special forces 5 day combat harness and battle pack. Yes, 3 rounds in the rifle ought to be all the client needs...
But then again... occasionally:
2) Belt? Pockets? Backpack?
THIS should be on your hunting belt, and likely your belt will be different from the next guy's belt
1) Is it needed?
This is a cost/benefit analysis: how often do we need it vs. how often do we carry it for nothing, and is carrying it a pain...
We all make our own decision based on our own tradeoff.
Have we ever seen a hunting buddy:
- run out of ammo in the field?
- miss his knife?
- miss his camera?
- walk into a thorn or twist an ankle walking in the dark?
- get lost?
- misjudge a distance?
So, I can see the point of less is more. After all the client is here to enjoy, not schlep a special forces 5 day combat harness and battle pack. Yes, 3 rounds in the rifle ought to be all the client needs...
But then again... occasionally:
- a one-shot kill turns into a 6 rounds affair;
- a PH does not have a reliable rangefinder, or (so common!) a fresh battery in it;
- a 15 minutes stalk turns into an afternoon pursuit that leaves you 2 hours from the truck when the sun disappears behind the next hill;
- everyone lost their bearing zigzagging in the dense Jesse (rare, but it happens! - did you notice that a fair number of very well known PH operating in large blocks carry discreetly a GPS on their belt);
- the cell phone relied upon for trophy pics has a cracked lens, or (more common) its battery is dead after a day of roaming, location tracking in the middle of nowhere, and endless WhatsApp-ing?
2) Belt? Pockets? Backpack?
- Are you wearing now the layer in which pocket what you need is?
- Did you transfer the pockets content when you changed layer?
- Did you grab the backpack when you jumped off the truck for this 5 minute stalk that turned into an afternoon pursuit of the next world record three-toed unicorn that always seemed to be tantalizingly only another 100 yards away?
- Did you notice that the tracker who carries your pack was sent back by the PH to fetch the truck an hour away and that he took off with your pack?
THIS should be on your hunting belt, and likely your belt will be different from the next guy's belt

- it looks like we all agree on ammo and knife;
- I have personally collected most of my best animals in the last 15 minutes of light way out there, so I always have a small flashlight;
- memories are too important to me to run the risk of not having pictures, so I always have a compact camera;
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