I have never hunted Africa but have spent years hunting all over North America but after watching hours and hours of all different types of African hunts I have noticed some PHs have follow up shots before the muzzle blast has subsided from the client and others don't even have their rifle off their shoulder. For my way of thinking you already have a PH, trackers, skinners, packers, ect. and to have a PH follow up before you even know if your shot(s) were successful seems to make you even more of just a shooter than an actual hunter than you already are.
On DG I suppose the argument could be made it's a safety issue, but isn't that why there paid to be PHs ?To put you in a position their involvement should only come if tracking a wounded animal is necessary?
I am curious to the thoughts of those here with so much experience.
On DG I suppose the argument could be made it's a safety issue, but isn't that why there paid to be PHs ?To put you in a position their involvement should only come if tracking a wounded animal is necessary?
I am curious to the thoughts of those here with so much experience.