Interesting thread with lots of opinions. My answer is Blaser R8 in 375 H&H - which I should finally receive now that Canada Post has been ordered back to work temporarily ending their strike! It is the only rifle I own in a DG suitable cartridge - will see how I like it. Trying to stop buying more rifles and redirect funds to hunting trips, but I suspect if I book an elephant hunt I will be tempted to add a 416 Rem or a 458 Lott barrel to my collection…
While I’m a proponent of the ‘use enough gun theory’ in general, I also buy into the theory that you should use a rifle you are highly familiar with. Planning to use it for PG in 2026 and buffalo/PG in 2027. If I ever hunt elephant, it sounds like it is more likely that shot placement will be the issue and that if I do my part, a 375 H&H should do its part. If there’s a failure, it’s likely to be shot placement (aka a screw loose behind the gun, not in the gun).
I think this is definitely an area where we should defer to our PH and the practical experience of those who have hunted numerous elephant and DG and documented it. Will likely never be another generation of hunters/guides with the experience some of those had in the 19th and 20th century hunting and culling many, many elephants. From my limited knowledge on the subject, it seems anything from a 375 H&H and up is reasonable though there seems little benefit to me of cartridges larger than the 500 NE or 505 Gibbs. Shot placement and penetration being so important that once again the largest cartridge you can shoot well is probably the right answer. Sectional density of some of the common loads in smaller cartridges is also better than some of the ‘bigger’ cartridges, further narrowing the performance gap.
Think I’ll have a read of my Perfect Shot II again tonight - if nothing else, it’s fun to think about! (This is particularly true as it is snowing and - 16 C here today). If I was a PH, I’d own a proper ‘stopping rifle’ and perhaps even a double. In my hands though, I think I’m best served by a 375 H&H and aim to take 15 or 20 animals with mine before I’d consider trying it on elephant.