have you tried the Benelli “Ethos”?
Ive been a coach for a HS sporting shotgun team for the last couple of years and recently was appointed to the TX SCTP board (one of the larger organizations that oversees HS and collegiate shooting sports, organizes tournaments across the state, etc).. In just the last 12 months Ive seen a bit of a surge of Ethos shooters..
Specific to TX (other states may be very different) berretta reigns as king.. I dont have actual numbers.. but my best guess would be a full 50% of more shoot either A400's or one of the different berretta O/U options.. along with a smattering of A300 shooters, and a small group of kids shooting very high end competition guns like the DT11..
Several of the more prominent Italian makers (generally more expensive than the entry level Berrettas) like Rizzini, Guerini, etc) are also always present.. but I'd guess they make up 10-15% of the total number of guns you see at any given tournament..
Browning always has a good showing.. I'd guess about 10% of the shooters have Citoris or some other reasonable browning.. and Zoli, with their San Antonio operation gets a pretty decent chunk of the market.. I'd guess maybe 10% of the market +/-..
The remaining 15% of the guns are "everybody else".. (Remington, Winchester, Benelli, etc..etc..)..
All of that said.. during the 2023 season you MIGHT see 1 or 2 benellis out of 300-400 kids at a large regional tournament.. they were few and far between enough that you noticed when someone shouldered one..
While they still dont represent a huge piece of the market (specific to SCTP).. this past year, I'd guess maybe 5 or 6 would be seen a day (pretty substantial improvement).. most of the benellis you'd see were "hunting" shotguns that kids were using simply because thats what they have.. SBE's, etc.. where the uptick was (from what I was observing) came from more kids using Ethos this year than last..
Im completely guessing here.. but I think most of the Ethos shooters are kids that grew up with Benellis for hunting.. that probably did their first year or two with their SBE's or Vincis, etc.. and then decided they wanted a gun specifically for sporting, and wanted to stay with a benelli platform..
To Benellis credit, I saw very, very few benellis go down this past tournament season.. they all appear to run smooth and reliably despite being put to fairly substantial round counts and the lack of care that unfortunately some teens will expose them to..
The gun that surprised me most this past year with failures/problems were the Rizzinis.. it seemed every tournament there were at least 1 or 2 Rizzini shooters running for their back up guns, or sitting on a pic nic table somewhere trying to figure out how to get their guns up and running again..
I dont know if it was coincidence.. or if there is some sort of issue going on.. but there were A LOT of rizzini problems observed..