AH ambassador
Second response to latest posts.
I'd like to go back a couple of years to a day I care not to relive more than is needed. @Paul Edwards you weren't around AH at this time, so you may not have seen this.
As I recall it was early March in my morning, not long after show season that I first started seeing posts on Facebook that something had gone wrong, very wrong. Jaco Strauss of Kwalata Safaris had posted something on FB, I don't recall exactly what he said, but I knew something was wrong with Reinhard his partner. Kwalata had two clients in that both wanted to hunt lion. The lions were for some reason particularly aggressive and also decided to take cover in the thick bush that of course is available in March in RSA. Jacques Spamer was to be the head PH for this hunt.
As they approached one of these lions, visibility was limited and the hunting party was charged by the lion from close quarters. Reinhard was not able to get a shot off, but Jacques was. The shot was true and into the shoulder. The lion barely flinched. You can really only see the reaction when the video is played in slow motion. Damage was later determined to be minimal from this shot. The lion made it to Reinhard but fortunately got him by the shoulder instead of his head and I'm convinced to this day is why I still get to see Reinhard at the shows. Reinhard eventually fell under the weight of the lion and Jacques moved in. Jacques got the attention of the lion who decided to drop his grip on Reinhard and charge Jacques. Jacques in quick order put a shot into the lion's head which killed him. The bullet managed fortunately to penetrate into the brain.
The bullet used? Yes the DGX. The second bullet that penetrated the brain looked like the other pieces of junk displayed on this and other threads. Did it kill the lion? Well yes it did. But please don't forget the first shot which accomplished nothing. And don't forget that the bullet from the head shot came to pieces.
This is the difference that I and others are trying to get through here.
It's not simply a matter of did it kill or didn't it. It's a matter of how quickly? It's a matter of did the bullet slow a charge down if it didn't kill it immediately such that a follow up shot could end the matter.
And by the way guys, the totally deformed DGS I posted earlier. That was from a lion too. A dead one, eventually. Not a buffalo shoulder or an elephant brain. A thin skinned lion.
So if dead is all you care about and you're so close minded that you won't listen to other evidence or be willing to learn something that might save your life or the life of someone else then I can't think of a better bullet for you than the DGX.
Fire away!