Uh ya, it was my lion. Royal has seen the video as well as many others on here. It took 7 rounds all of which were excellent shot placement to finally kill it. Damn near got eaten because of the crappy DGX/DGS performance. The picture he showed of the solid was either the 6 or 7 shot as the last two were solids. I know because I pulled the cartridges apart to confirm the bullet type. DGX performance was even worse on my Cape Buffalo though I admittedly pulled the shot a bit. Even still I've wondered for the last two years had I been shooting a better bullet if the results would have been better despite my poor shot placement on my buff. At the end of the day I will say that the buff debacle was my fault however while I got it done on the lion it very well could have ended in someone getting hurt or worse due to poor bullet performance.
The sad thing is that well respected people in the hunting community keep showing up in the Hornady DGX advertisements. I keep thinking of TV celebrities selling reverse mortgages. It's actually very sad.