For Africa I hunt for trophies to secure habitat, reduce / eliminate poaching, provide jobs and to visit remote areas where few people have visited and to challenge myself. Anyone who challenges me on killing and not bringing the meat back I ask a couple questions back
do you eat meat? If yes then you’re ok with animals dying. If they get uppity I tell them they’re just leaving the dirty work to someone else. If truly interested they usually start asking more questions and the conversation ends with them saying I didn’t realize or didn’t think of that
How many people did you directly out of your own pocket and efforts feed in your lifetime? They usually hang their heads and move on
How much have your spent or what time have you put in to reduce poaching and protect wild areas? Another hanging head or possibly some discussion and they change their view.
I had one sierra club woman think I was horrible. We interacted in multiple social events about the third time she begrudgingly said we have more in common than different