Brian Rothhammer
AH fanatic
I’ve had a Reichert scope with Weiner Schnappenmontage mounts in it for many years and hope to find the rife bases so I can put it on a vintage MS or Styer rifle. Anyone have a set ?
The gentlemen above have offered you some excellent information / advice.
That offered by Red Leg in post #13 pretty well sums it up:
In this case, if I understood properly, we have a scope in search of a rifle. This is a different matter entirely. EAW will NOT help you here.
There are really no "rifle bases" for the Vienna mount. As I said (and showed), the "rear mount" is simply a drilled and tapped screw.
The front mount is some sort of "catch", hand milled, and mounted on the rifle. It can take many forms, and is always hand made. Do NOT use the method where a groove is placed in the receiver and then a piece is driven in. That is unkind to an old rifle. If you find one like that, we can advise, but don't do it.
I would say with certainty that the scope and mount shown in your original post was configured for a Mannlicher Schoenauer as evidenced by the offset rear mount. On a Mauser there was no reason for such offset.
These were mounted by guild shops in the Steyr area for MS ordered as such from the factory or were mounted by gunsmiths post purchase. As such, the particulars of the mounts vary greatly.
To find a rifle with 'matching bases' would require either extraordinary luck, a physical selection of multiple MS with 'snapper' bases on which to test fit the scope, or both.
There are many MS with 'snapper' bases that lack scopes, but the likelihood of spacing and height matching that of your front clasp and rear hook is remote at best. You'd likely need to drill and tap a second location for the 'hook', which wouldn't be so bad as the other hole could be filled with a flush screw. That front clasp may have been mounted to a dovetail cut through the receiver, judging by the height of your front mount. Height will be critical for scope alignment and 'sighting in', which was an expensive operation even when the MS were new. The 1939 Stoeger catalog offered, as 'cost option' added to purchase of a new MS rifle or stutzen, "Telescopic mount and shooting in, exclusive of cost of 'scope... $35.00." That $35 of 1939 equates to $702.02 today per usinflationcalculator.
Consider also that the receiver of an M1924 or later 'High Velocity' is longer than that of previous models. For which was your scope configured?
In summation, if you were to acquire a pre WW2 Mannlicher Schoenauer that already has the mounts for a 'snapper' with the front mount dovetailed into the receiver, you may be able to have your scope mounted to it by someone who is an expert at mounting and aligning scopes to early MS. They would likely need to fabricate a new 'catch' at the front and properly locate the rear screw.
Otherwise you're in search of a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering to both self and an innocent Mannlicher Schoenauer.