Many of us live in countries and urban centers where our daily lives revolve around tight little schedules and you get wrapped up in it. You expect everything, everywhere should operate at the 90 mile an hour pace you are use to. High tech, instant communication and prompt service by others is expected ......... by many even demanded. You have studied up on the hunts and what is offered and you have booked your hunt with high expectations for lots of trophies, big trophies and you have done the best you can to pack 28 days of safari into the 7 day economy plains game package you have booked.
Spend some time dwelling on the fact that you are traveling half way around the world and you will not be in Kansas any more Toto. Different continent, different country, different people, different attitudes, expectations and ways of doing things. Despite the best of planning, booking with a top notch operator and using a well respected booking agent, there are a vast number of things and people that come into play and it is rare for any trip to go off without a glitch or two that no one could have planned for or prevented.
My advice is to set yourself some realistic goals and objectives. Try to wind down before the trip and get yourself in the mindset that you are going to take things as they come. That small problems may arise, a delay, an extra night in a hotel, things may not happen as fast as you want them to ........... but you are on a trip of a lifetime and you are going to roll with the flow. Leave the 'attitude' at home, relax and enjoy the hunt, the surroundings and people you are with.