I have given a lot of thought to even starting this post. I have reached a stage in my life where I would like to bring a few things to light. That some members especially the average working guy, who we always directed our hunts too.I will be posting a few stories. As far as I know I will not mention any sponsors.
If you consider the number of military coup d etat in numerous countries in Africa, one must ask is there a state of law in Africa, and which country represents that state of law in Africa?
Yes, South Africa and Namibia, function well from the point of view of average international hunter, but the things get blurred elsewhere.
Then you have in other countries legal option for the hunt, in 6 figure cost, and in the same time local population have average income like 200 usd per month.
There is discrepancy in added value for a hunt or animal, and I am certain that locals can hunt legally or illegally for much less money, or for free. Where is a line there between legal and illegals'?
I know a guy, who "legally" hunted in Kenya in 1990. And hunting there was banned in 1977.
And he took trophies home - I have seen them. Kongoni, Grant, Tommy...
So, Africa is mess, and we need to define what is "legal".
Similar to Kenya, shalll we compare Sudan. There is no beaten path to go there hunting, but nobody can tell me there is no hunting there at all, and I am sure there must be some regulations in force, at least on paper.
In my opinion, there are few possible definitions.
Definition 1: legal hunt means legally exportable trophies. High price.
Definition 2: legal hunt within boundaries of llocal aw, with or without exportable trophies. Hunt with locals.
African countries "not open for hunting". Another view,
Do we really think that just because, that we as foreign hunters have no way of going to some African country to hunt, that there is really no hunting for local population?
Hardly. There is some form of hunting.
Yes there is. But we have no formal access to it.
But if there is, would we go for some hunt with locals, with or without exportable trophies.
So, legal hunt must be defined, and then we can discuss it.