I once observed two girls photographing a grizzly along a road in theTeton National Forest. The bear was eating berries less than 50 yards away. They were actually sitting done on the ground. If the bear charged they would have never made it to their car. A park ranger finally got them out of there.
They probably thought that it was a big plushy, cuddly, living "Teddy bear"! Although they forgot the bit about how "Teddy bear" could tear them to shreds in seconds!
I bet a lot of these people like the father and son who took this calf and these 2 girls are vehement anti hunters. Many anti hunters are people so far removed from nature who just see these cute animals on t.v. and then go on some sort of a moral crusade to protect them from the big evil hunter. Yet they have no understanding of animal biology, behaviour, the natural environment etc... They also tend to focus on the romantic/nice side of nature ie baby bison, bears etc... but seem to ignore the fact that death is as much a part of the natural cycle as life. IE they don't want to see or think about the fact that in order for little bear cub to survive its mother must kill a little bison calf etc... Whereas most hunters actually have a far better understanding of all of this because they depending on the person in question might interact with nature and wild animals on a daily basis. You can't be an arm chair PH but you sure can be an armchair tree hugger/ animal rights nut.