460 Weatherby opinions?


AH enthusiast
Nov 7, 2022
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South Georgia
Hunting reports
South Africa
I know they're pretty far apart but I've been wanting a 416 Rigby for years for absolutely no reason and here more recently the 460 just keeps making me look. I've got a 375 on its way to me now so I don't NEED either one for the Buff I'll one day hunt but I've always been fascinated with the big bore mean rifles. I know the 460 is nowhere near as popular as the 416 but is it really that bad? I see some videos where guys are almost in tears but then several saying "it's not as bad as expected" after the shot. So from owners or those of you with actual experience; is it a good useful round with a bad rep or is it just an overpowered monster useful only for elephant and t-rex?
You can download it to levels of a 458WM up to full power 460. If you want one it would not be a deal breaker or shoulder breaker. Especially if you have a nice quality rifle.

Like anything else in life you need to work up to it. If the largest rifle you have shot was a 22LR and up picked up a 460...it's not going to be a pleasant experience. If you have been shoot full power 458Lott for 100s of rounds. It is probably not going to be that big of a deal.
A 460 Weatherby is punishing on both ends. Your shoulder and whatever you are shooting at. I have shot one a couple of times and I just don't like punishing myself that much. But then if you reload you can tailor make some rounds that get the job done without taking all the punishment that they dish out.
I have never shot a 416 of any of the manufactures but I have a idea that I need a 404 Jeffery, why? I have no idea, it is just a round that I read about and would like to try it out.
I own and shoot .458 Win, .458 Lott, and a 450 Rigby. Shooting a 500 grain bullet at velocities of 2150, 2300, and 2450 FPS respectively, there is a significant increase in felt recoil, atmosphere overpressure, and recovery time with each 150 FPS increase in velocity. A 460 Weatherby would be the next painful recoil increase. Choose your own punishment!

I like the .458 Win the most! I also own and shoot .416 Taylor, .416 Remington, and a 500/416. I really like the .416 400 grain bullet at 2400 FPS.
The rifle will most likely be the Weatherby Mark V (I wish they would offer it in a nice satin oil finish though) and after a couple boxes of factory stuff I'll be handloading for it. I've never shot any of the heavy kickers yet, only up to 300 wm and Buffalo Bore 4570's so far but neither of those bother me. Yeah I keep reading about the magic behind that .416 bullet, that's why I want one too
Plus - you will have to get past that whole Weatherby thing with your PH. The skepticism will be off the charts if it is your first DG rodeo and you are toting a .460.
I know they're pretty far apart but I've been wanting a 416 Rigby for years for absolutely no reason and here more recently the 460 just keeps making me look. I've got a 375 on its way to me now so I don't NEED either one for the Buff I'll one day hunt but I've always been fascinated with the big bore mean rifles. I know the 460 is nowhere near as popular as the 416 but is it really that bad? I see some videos where guys are almost in tears but then several saying "it's not as bad as expected" after the shot. So from owners or those of you with actual experience; is it a good useful round with a bad rep or is it just an overpowered monster useful only for elephant and t-rex?

I don't know what to write because I am hunting with this caliber for thirty years. For this reason I cannot give you an objective opinion because I am completely satisfied with this cartridge and I also think it is the best cartridge caliber 458 on the market.

A weapon of this caliber certainly has a strong recoil, but a weapon of caliber 500 Jeffery has it too, and the same crap that I can read regularly for more than 50 years about the cartridge 460 WBY-Magnum is not written about it.

Initially some mistakes by marketing were made with this cartridge by Weatherby, but as some have written, loaded to a reasonable level, slightly above that of the usual cartridges caliber 458, the cartridge 460 WBY-Magnum is a very good cartridge for hunting Big Game.
Stock design plays a part in felt recoil too. The typical Weatherby stocks, aesthetics aside, are usually well suited for a relatively high mounted scope, but not always the best for felt recoil. Take a look at a 450 Rigby stock, vs a 460 WM…
Wait until you get your 375 and shoot it some. Then ask yourself if you really want a rifle with twice as much recoil energy. A 375 is enough gun for just about anything that walks
A practical load.

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Ok, I've read and skimmed through the OP and thread!!

Are you asking the forum members to justify your purchase of a 460 Weatherby? When there are a hosts of other "shoulder friendly" calibers choose?


Are you wanting to justify the purchase for any, "big" caliber, and that big caliber in a Weatherby.

I'm not chastising you, as I purchased a 340 Weatherby over a 338 Win mag.

When purchasing any firearm; it is best to look further down the proverbial road as to what other intentions you lan to use that caliber for.

IE.: 458 Win Mag I can drop it down to just above 45-70 to use on the larger North America game animals or "beef it up" to hunt any of the he world's largest land animals.

I will admit a 458 Lott that can shoot a 458 WM would have perhaps been a better choice. Sa Ra Sa Ra (whatever, Damn spell check!!).
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I’ve fired two .460 Weatherbys in my life. One built on a Sako action and one Weatherby. They were unpleasant to shoot to say the least, but more because of terrible design than because of the cartridge itself. They would have been as unpleasant in .450 Rigby, .458 Lott etc. Personally I’ve never been a fan of anything belted with the exception of the .300 & .375 H&H.

I agree 100% with @Mark A Oullette regarding a .400 calibre 400gr bullet. Anything from 2100-2400 does a wonderful job on most game, without dishing out to much punishment to the shooter.
Ok, I've read and skimmed through the OP and thread!!

Are you asking the forum members to justify your purchase of a 460 Weatherby? When there are a hosts of other "shoulder friendly" calibers choose?


Are you wanting to justify the purchase for any, "big" caliber, and that big caliber in a Weatherby.

I'm not chastising you, as I purchased a 340 Weatherby over a 338 Win mag.

When purchasing any firearm; it is best to look further down the proverbial road as to what other intentions you lan to use that caliber for.

IE.: 458 Win Mag I can drop it down to just above 45-70 to use on the larger North America game animals or "beef it up" to hunt any of the he world's largest land animals.

I will admit a 458 Lott that can shoot a 458 WM would have perhaps been a better choice. Sa Ra Sa Ra (whatever, Damn spell check!!).
No sir not at all, I only need to justify it to myself and I recently did that when I decided I will (God willing and the bank don't close) hunt a Cape Buff over the next few years. Just like I didn't order the 375 until I put Eland on my next safari list. No I don't need a 375 for Eland but it IS justifiable for that use and I sure have no use for it in south GA! Lol. So no sir I'm asking for real world experienced opinions because I have no way of shooting one myself before buying. I've talked myself into and out of the Ultrmags a dozen times and I too almost went with the 340 instead of the 338 WM. I admit I like a bit of overkill and with a 375 I don't need the 416 or 460 but I want a true big bore and figure I may as well go all the way but I don't want to screw up and have something ridiculous and borderline unusable. I guess I'm asking if the 460 is beyond reasonable usefulness. Btw my PH is great, obviously I'll have to show that I can shoot whatever I bring but otherwise he'll just give me hell about being overpowered and trying to compensate for something while I argue that he's just a pansy that don't like being outgunned.
Some people can take recoil better than others. I had shot 338LM mags for a while. 100 rds in a trip was not a big deal. The rifle was 20# and had brake, just so we are on the same page. One box of 375h&h gave me a headache. After several hundred rounds of 375h&h decided I need a 416REM. I did not get the same type of headache. I could feel it, it was more faint. After 40-50 rounds was no longer an issue. Then stepped up to a 458Lott, by the time that happened. I was another 150 rounds in the 416REM. The first time I shot the 458Lott, was with the 450gr TSX @2350. It was comfortable for me. No headache, recoil did not feel crazy. In fact my expectation was so much higher, I started looking at some of the .50s. Working up the tolerance seemed to work for me.

Like @375 Ruger Fan said, shoot the 375h&h first. After that you will have a better idea of what you are getting into. On the off chance you really want to step up the performance take a look at the 505 list in the for sale section, haha.
'..the horror, the horror...' Apocalypse Now....

Recoil of any Heavy Recoil Rifle can be managed by various after market recoil reducing products/ systems. Or combination of said products/ systems.

Weapon design...well that is another beast to discuss.

It ALL boils down to MULTI PURPOSE !!:

In ALL of North America and Most of the World the 30-06 is King!!! Except in Africa!!!...the 375 H&H is King!!! ALL Other Calibers are IMO specific to what species is being hunted....there are better calibers and better / multi species specific ammo!!.

Bigger or Smaller Caliber is never better If the shooter can not be proficient in using it!!.

Choosing a weapon caliber should also include the various types of ammo that can be used!!. limiting ones choices of variety of ammo is basically limiting the use of a weapon to a specific purpose!!. WHY?? would anyone choose such a tool when a multi purpose weapon that can use a much more variety of ammo for multiple purposes is available??.

Examples: in this scenario;

North American hunter using a 460 Weatherby that hunts moose and bear regularly, IMO is an albeit a good caliber and to have to hunt All African animals.


Does a North American really need a .4+ caliber to hunt North American animals...NO!!. Is a .4+ caliber better for hunting the largest and potentially dangerous of North American animals??..Yes!!..WITH EXCEPTION...Range!!. limitations.

In Africa same applies!!.

Hunting Dangerous Game; the Big 5; The Dangerous 7, a PH carrying a .4+, .5+ caliber is definitely a plus!!. But not necessarily needed in North America, or in Europe, or in any other part of the world.
No sir not at all, I only need to justify it to myself and I recently did that when I decided I will (God willing and the bank don't close) hunt a Cape Buff over the next few years. Just like I didn't order the 375 until I put Eland on my next safari list. No I don't need a 375 for Eland but it IS justifiable for that use and I sure have no use for it in south GA! Lol. So no sir I'm asking for real world experienced opinions because I have no way of shooting one myself before buying. I've talked myself into and out of the Ultrmags a dozen times and I too almost went with the 340 instead of the 338 WM. I admit I like a bit of overkill and with a 375 I don't need the 416 or 460 but I want a true big bore and figure I may as well go all the way but I don't want to screw up and have something ridiculous and borderline unusable. I guess I'm asking if the 460 is beyond reasonable usefulness. Btw my PH is great, obviously I'll have to show that I can shoot whatever I bring but otherwise he'll just give me hell about being overpowered and trying to compensate for something while I argue that he's just a pansy that don't like being outgunned.
I admire and applaud your tenacity. And you are very well correct.

Although the 460 would be a good choice for an eland as well with a lighter bullet for extended range over the 375. But I do love my 375.

My African battery is:
375 H&H
458 Win Mag

I picked up the 458WM as a package deal with the 375 H&H, other wise I would have chosen another of the .4 calibers.

Since it's earlier conception 458WM ammo has improved much like the 9mm. Thus I will be forever be content with my 458 WM.

I sincerely hope you will enjoy and be ever so content with your 460 Weatherby.

Happy Hunting. I'll be looking forward to hopefully one of many African DG reports from you. And perhaps some moose and bear reports as well.
Had a 460 mark V and it wasn’t for me. There are several things about the rifle I don’t care for but others like - to each their own.
Most of the Mark V’s have the bowling ball high gloss finish (euromark model doesn’t but I haven’t seen one in 460 - they might exist, just haven’t seen one myself).

The mark v is a push feed - many arguments about push feed vs. CRF for DG - I’m sure there are multiple threads on this.

I’ve read many articles and heard from PHs about their view on Wby rifles - there is still a stigma about hunters who bring them on safari. Perception is they are a new hunter with money who probably can’t shoot well. That’s easy enough to prove wrong, just stating the stigma exists.

The last is all of the wby 460’s I’ve seen have the muzzle brake - not ideal for hunting scenarios with your PH right next to you.

If you like the rifle and really want one to have one, buy it. Most used 460s come with a factory box of ammo - 19 of 20 rounds still there….
I know they're pretty far apart but I've been wanting a 416 Rigby for years for absolutely no reason and here more recently the 460 just keeps making me look. I've got a 375 on its way to me now so I don't NEED either one for the Buff I'll one day hunt but I've always been fascinated with the big bore mean rifles. I know the 460 is nowhere near as popular as the 416 but is it really that bad? I see some videos where guys are almost in tears but then several saying "it's not as bad as expected" after the shot. So from owners or those of you with actual experience; is it a good useful round with a bad rep or is it just an overpowered monster useful only for elephant and t-rex?

The 460 WX is very very powerful
500 grain at 2650 fps
Recoil is severe — I’ve been whacked twice with a Kahles - instant and severe headache

The 416 Rem which I have is not all that bad
I use 400 grain Swift A Frames and Woodleighs
I have a .460 Wby in the Dangerous Game Rifle. It's even more rare because it is LH, as God intended. I like it, but I don't love it. What I like about it is that it has a factory muzzle brake, which makes a big difference. I am going to machine a mount so that I can shoot it suppressed, using a .46 cal suppressor; I have never been dissuaded by bad ideas.

Also, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Wayne Grant carries or carried a .460 Wby as a stopping rifle, particularly on lion hunts. I read "Drums of The Morning" and distinctly remember a photo of said rifle. I'd look it up, but I gave the book away to a former AH member.
I have been shooting and using the 460 wby for a few years now and one is accompanying me on a trip to Zim in 30 days.

The 460 wby is not for the faint of heart. However, it is no where near what the fables dictate. I've been kicked harder by lesser recoiling rifles mostly due to stick design and fit. Any hard hitting simply needs to be well fitted to your body needs. If it doesn't, and you try to make the rifle fit, it will make sure you remember it.

I shoot a A2 Hannibal and have enjoyed the capabilities of this cartridge. I will be shooting Hendershot loaded ammo this trip (simply didn't have enough time to secure and load enough practice rounds) of 500 grs at 2500 fps. Absolutely remarkable out to 200+ yards for such a large projectile of its intended use.

Yes, not all can wield this cartridge well, most not in its 'stock rifle offerings. However, in a more custom build in a correct fit, it is hard to beat those capabilities.
300 gr to 600 gr, 2000 fps to 2700+ fps, you can tailor it to almost any task should you desire it.

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Hello! I’m new… from Texas!
schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.