Search results

  1. J

    What Rifle should I get for RSA Plains Game Hunt?

    You have many great choices. For me if recoil was a factor either a 7mm/08 or a 270 would be where I would look. A M70 in either caliber would be perfect. Do consider availability of ammo or components also. That gives the old 270 a bit of an edge.
  2. J

    Who likes the 7X57

    You certainly did a great job with it, a real touch of class!
  3. J

    Handloading tools that you actually use...

    I started handloading 51 years ago with basic Lee loaders and used them for years along with a good powder scale, a hand priming tool and Lee case trimming tools. I switched to a used Rockchucker when I couldn't find Lee loaders for some calibers. Still have that original loader that I started with.
  4. J

    Your best 7x57 loads

    I use 154gr Hornady interlocks with 50gr of IMR4831. Out of my Ruger #1A it does 2730fps and is nicely accurate.
  5. J

    Who likes the 7X57

    I do the same and agree 100%. The cartridge is effective and the #1 is a delight in a deer blind or woods.
  6. J

    Who likes the 7X57

    I agree, its a fine cartridge.
  7. J

    What caliber would you choose........

    I like your reasoning. Go with it and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
  8. J

    The .300 H&H

    One of my favorites as well. Mine is a lovely #1S Ruger that loves 200gr Nosler partitions.
  9. J

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    I too share the addiction. Mine started when I read J.A. Hunters book "Hunter" when I was somewhere around 10 or 12 years old. There is no cure!
  10. J

    New scope for my 308 Norma Magnum needed. Need advice please.

    A Leupold in the range of a 2x7 or 3x9 is never a mistake. They tick all of the boxes and considering todays prices are actually affordable.
  11. J

    What was your first African Game?

    My first was a zebra. It was on my list and it was the first that we encountered.
  12. J

    Model 70 Alaskan vs. X-Bolt Medallion Maple? .300 Win Mag

    There is no comparison, the M70 hands down.
  13. J

    It didn’t hurt

    With heavy recoilers from a bench I find them manageable if I make sure that I use a high rest so that the recoil just rocks me back and doesn't just pound my shoulder. If I do that even with my 416RM 20 rounds at a sitting are not punishing.
  14. J

    Ruger triggers

    I own 2 of them and both have very good triggers. I have never used a trigger gauge but would guess them at 3-4 lbs and quite crisp.
  15. J

    Wanted 87gr 250-3000 Savage Ammunition

    If you still haven't found any ammo and have brass I would be happy to load some for you. I have primers, bullets and suitable powders. You would need to buyva set of dies but thats a $30-$40 expense at most. I have been handloading for over 50 years for all of my rifles and handguns.
  16. J

    What is the least used and least liked rifle in your safe? Why?

    I like then all but my least used is a Ruger M77 458wm RSC. Its a beautiful rifle but nothing that I hunt calls for it. On the other hand it has kept the elephants out of the garden.
  17. J

    What is it about European cartridges in North America?

    Your Rigby also costs much more than a pedestrian factory rifle. Not a fair comparison. As to the pre64 M70 I dare say that with what one pays for the Rigby a good custom maker can turn the Winchester into every bit as lovely a piece and lets not forget that the old M70 earned its stellar...
  18. J

    New Win 70 Alaskan .338 is here

    Nice rifle!
  19. J

    Does removing all oil in a barrel reduce first shot variations?

    Not in my experience. In some barrels just one fouling shot is all thats needed and in some it takes 2 or 3. I have a 7x57 (one of my favorites) that seems to shoot much better after a few fouling shots. I never take that one hunting with a clean barrel.
  20. J

    My first 375 H&H... What do I have?

    You did very well!
  21. J

    My first 375 H&H... What do I have?

    The B/L and Kuharski system are 2 piece and allow the top piece and scope to be removed and put on another rifle with a base very easily. I believe the thinking was bases are inexpensive but scopes not. That way one scope could be easily interchanged with multiple rifles. Also the adjustments...
  22. J

    My first 375 H&H... What do I have?

    If you want to keep it original but still scope it there were bases made that use the holes on the side of the reciever. They were mane by B&L and Kuharski. You would have to search a bit for one, gunsinternational is a good place to search. I have installed and used them and they work very well.
  23. J

    My first 375 H&H... What do I have?

    The rifle that you have without the rear reciever bridge tapped is correct. If you have it D/T it would reduce the resale value a bit but make it more usable. While you have that done also glass the recoil lug recess and have a crossbolt or 2 put in. They are notorious for cracking the stock...
  24. J

    Browning FN - Talk Me Out of It

    The only way to really confirm no saltwood is to pull the barreled action out of the stock to examine it. As a 1970 gun it could be either. I have owned 5 Browning Safari Grades 2 of which were saltwood guns. I sold those and still have the 3 others and they are superb rifles, the long extractor...
  25. J

    Wanted 375 H&H Rifle

    With your budget you should have no problem finding really nice. Right now on guns international there are a few very nice pre64 M70s including a lovely custom built by Dale Goens. Good luck choosing!
  26. J

    375 Ruger Scope Question Desperate Times (Possibly) Desperate Measures

    Either scope should do the job. I have 2 of the Redfield revolution 2x7s. One is on a 338wm and I've never had a problem. They are made by Leupold and are excellent scopes. You're good to go either way. Good hunting!
  27. J

    L61r finnbear how did I do?

    You did very well, those are very nice rifles.
  28. J

    .30-06 Ammo

    Yes it will! Several years ago a friend of mine was headed to S.A. for a plains game hunt and for his '06 he bought 4 boxes of Winchester premium black talon ammo. He called me the day before his flight and said the best it would do was 4" groups and asked for some help. With limited time I took...
  29. J

    Lightweight short action deer rifle

    I would like to point out that balance and good handling are more important than weight alone. While a Ruger #1A may not be extremely light it feels light and has superb handling qualities. Nothing I own points as well.
  30. J

    Custom Ammo

    Handloading is the best way to go. Unfortunately for those not already in the game many components are very difficult to find. Not impossible but very difficult.
  31. J

    Thought Provoking Question: How Many Of You Would Use A Smaller Calibre If It Were Legal?

    If bullet diameter were all that matters I could agree but diameter is but a part of the equation.
  32. J

    Thought Provoking Question: How Many Of You Would Use A Smaller Calibre If It Were Legal?

    What, no mention for the 35 Whelen? Lets be honest and admit that it is the equal of the 9.3s.
  33. J

    Lightweight short action deer rifle

    My vote goes to a Ruger #1A in 7x57 or any typical deer caliber. Mine is a dream in Michigans UP. You don't give up any velocity but its fully 4 inches shorter than a bolt action with a 22" barrel. A second shot is nearly as fast with a bit of practice and one should be enough.
  34. J

    Best starter guns for an adult newbie

    I would normally suggest either a 270wcf or a 30'06 in a good bolt action rifle such as a Winchester M70 or a Ruger M77 Hawkeye. These are not normal times as to ammo availability though so with that in mind consider the same rifles chambered for the 308win. It will do all of what you mentioned...
  35. J

    3 Cartridge to Hunt Worldwide

    It would be hard to improve on those choices!
  36. J

    Looking for a 416 REM Mag

    There is one listed on Guns International today, also a #1 in 416 Ruger.
  37. J

    .375 H&H brass... holy crap!

    Check on Gunbroker. I just bought 50 new Winchester cases for less than $90. There was a bag of 50 new Rem. cases for a buy it now of $100. Prices are very high but in todays market those are reasonable. Good luck!
  38. J

    Lightweight medium bore?

    I have one and to me is the perfect choice. Very accurate too.
  39. J

    Primer backing out due to aeroplane altitude pressure changes?

    I would wonder at what point he discovered this. I have had bullets move both in and out from the bouncing in the safari car. They were not crimped as per common advice and rendered the ammo unusable. Thankfully I had an old reliable '06 on the trip and that ammo was crimped and reliable. I...
  40. J

    Is there a perfect plains game calibre?

    Its very hard to beat the 30'06 with a good 180gr bullet. Its not sexy, just very good.
  41. J

    375 H&H vs 300 H&H

    Thr 375 with 270gr bullets will do exactly what a 30'06 with 180gr bullets will do trajectory wise. I wouldn't hesitate to use my '06 at 300yds. I like your plan to use the 375. Rick Taylor
  42. J

    30-06 load questions

    I used 180gr nosler partitions from my '06 to make one shot kills on blue wildebeest, kudu, warthog and eland with no problems. There are lots of good choices for good tough hunting bullets but ballistic tips aren't among them. I know that availability is a problem right now with bullets and...
  43. J

    How many people have a 35 whelen?

    I don't have a whelen but I do have a 9.3x62. Not much difference between them, both very effective. Rick Taylor
  44. J

    History and comparison of the 35 Whelen to the 30-06 and 375 H&H

    Its quite a stretch to presume 2700 fps with 250gr bullets from a 35Whelen. I can find no data that does that safely. Perhaps 2450-2500 but not 2700. A very good cartridge but not magic.
  45. J

    +P brass versus 'regular' brass

    The headstamp is the only difference. I am using Winchester standard brass for +p loads in my 257Roberts with no problems. I have also used brass stamped +p and found no difference.
  46. J

    The Fine Things In Life

    A big Ryman type English Setter that I trained myself and a crisp cool October day in Michigan's upper peninsula hunting for ruffs and woodcock. It doesn't get any better!
  47. J

    Opinions on 30-06

    The M70 alaskan is a great choice, perhaps the best choice. Were it me I wouldn't hesitate.