
  1. Mountain Lion Special

    Mountain Lion Special

    Life Size Mountain Lion Original Price: $7150 Special Price: $5500 + skinning* and completed in 90 Days ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Special Price valid until 12/31/2020. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ IN ADDITION to our special price and 90-day guarantee, we will be available 24/7 for any drop offs. If you harvest an animal, call...
  2. Mountain Lion Special

    Mountain Lion Special

    Life Size Mountain Lion Original Price: $7150 Special Price: $5500 + skinning* and completed in 90 Days ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Special Price valid until 12/31/2020. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ IN ADDITION to our special price and 90-day guarantee, we will be available 24/7 for any drop offs. If you harvest an animal, call...
  3. Mountain Lion Special

    Mountain Lion Special

    Life Size Mountain Lion Original Price: $7150 Special Price: $5500 + skinning* and completed in 90 Days ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Special Price valid until 12/31/2020. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ IN ADDITION to our special price and 90-day guarantee, we will be available 24/7 for any drop offs. If you harvest an animal, call...
  4. Mountain Lion Special

    Mountain Lion Special

    Life Size Mountain Lion Original Price: $7150 Special Price: $5500 + skinning* and completed in 90 Days ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Special Price valid until 12/31/2020. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ IN ADDITION to our special price and 90-day guarantee, we will be available 24/7 for any drop offs. If you harvest an animal, call...
  5. Giraffe Eye

    Giraffe Eye

    Here we have Mitch, a seasoned artist at Animal Artistry, sculpting the structure of a giraffe eye socket. Concentration and delicate techniques are required for this job. Enjoy watching the artist at work.
  6. In progress African scene in the works

    In progress African scene in the works

  7. In progress African scene in the works

    In progress African scene in the works

  8. In progress African scene in the works

    In progress African scene in the works

  9. In progress African scene in the works

    In progress African scene in the works

  10. In progress African scene in the works

    In progress African scene in the works

  11. In progress African scene in the works

    In progress African scene in the works

  12. Leopard Fight

    Leopard Fight

    To create true works of art the likes of which the taxidermy industry has never seen, Animal Artistry owner Mike Boyce relies on the following:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - His understanding of design principles⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - His first-hand experience with animals from around the world⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - His...
  13. Dual Leopard Mount

    Dual Leopard Mount

    Custom mounts require a lot of mannikin manipulation. The end result of custom mounts are dynamic and hyper-realistic scenes you can relive daily. Here we have two Leopards clashing in mid-air!
  14. Dual Leopard Mount

    Dual Leopard Mount

    Custom mounts require a lot of mannikin manipulation. The end result of custom mounts are dynamic and hyper-realistic scenes you can relive daily. Here we have two Leopards clashing in mid-air!
  15. Dual Leopard Mount

    Dual Leopard Mount

    Custom mounts require a lot of mannikin manipulation. The end result of custom mounts are dynamic and hyper-realistic scenes you can relive daily. Here we have two Leopards clashing in mid-air!
  16. Dual Leopard Mount

    Dual Leopard Mount

    Custom mounts require a lot of mannikin manipulation. The end result of custom mounts are dynamic and hyper-realistic scenes you can relive daily. Here we have two Leopards clashing in mid-air!
  17. Dual Leopard Mount

    Dual Leopard Mount

    Custom mounts require a lot of mannikin manipulation. The end result of custom mounts are dynamic and hyper-realistic scenes you can relive daily. Here we have two Leopards clashing in mid-air!
  18. gizmo

    Top of Texas Taxidermy

    Top of Texas Taxidermy is your go to for all of your taxidermy and outdoor lifestyle needs. We are committed to preserving your memories for a lifetime! Our taxidermy work is second to none, we use the latest and most up to date techniques and materials so your trophy of a lifetime will stay...
  19. Snow Leopard

    Snow Leopard

    Found this in progress life size Snow Leopard (donated to us by a zoo) while digging through the photo archives.⠀⠀
  20. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    At Animal Artistry, teamwork and determination fuel the creative process. Without everyone’s cooperation, a mount this large would be impossible to create.
  21. Life Size Stone Sheep

    Life Size Stone Sheep

    Life Size Stone Sheep
  22. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    Working the skin into the mannikin.
  23. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    After gluing the side the mannikin, the skin is placed on top.
  24. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    Flipping the Rhino on its side in preparation for more gluing and sewing.
  25. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    Examining the placement of the skin.
  26. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    Placing the skin on the mannikin.
  27. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    Adding glue.
  28. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

  29. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    Installing metal support rods.
  30. White Rhino Mounting Process

    White Rhino Mounting Process

    Shaping the mannikin.
  31. Rhino Skin Test Fit

    Rhino Skin Test Fit

    Progress shot of our Rhino Project this week (7/27/2020). For projects like this, teamwork and communication are key. Mike Boyce (on right), owner of Animal Artistry, works alongside his team of artists.
  32. Leopard and Crocodile

    Leopard and Crocodile

    I watched a YouTube video the other day of a leopard trying to steal food from a crocodile. The leopard, after several attempts, was unsuccessful. This mount sort of captures the essence of that video to a more dramatic and artistic effect.
  33. Warthog Mount

    Warthog Mount

    Life size warthog with habitat.
  34. Animal Artistry Finishing Department

    Animal Artistry Finishing Department

    After the skin is mounted and dried, it is sent to the finishing department (aka the beauty department) for final touches — cleaning, grooming, airbrushing, and the artistry that truly brings your trophy to life.⠀⠀⠀
  35. Animal Artistry Finishing Department

    Animal Artistry Finishing Department

    After the skin is mounted and dried, it is sent to the finishing department (aka the beauty department) for final touches — cleaning, grooming, airbrushing, and the artistry that truly brings your trophy to life.⠀⠀⠀
  36. Animal Artistry Finishing Department

    Animal Artistry Finishing Department

    After the skin is mounted and dried, it is sent to the finishing department (aka the beauty department) for final touches — cleaning, grooming, airbrushing, and the artistry that truly brings your trophy to life.⠀⠀⠀
  37. Animal Artistry Finishing Department

    Animal Artistry Finishing Department

    After the skin is mounted and dried, it is sent to the finishing department (aka the beauty department) for final touches — cleaning, grooming, airbrushing, and the artistry that truly brings your trophy to life.⠀⠀⠀
  38. M

    Grizzly Full Taxidermy Mount

    Love the composition of this mount. Thoughts?
  39. Grizzly Mount

    Grizzly Mount

    Love the composition of this mount. Thoughts?
  40. Elk Pedestal Mount

    Elk Pedestal Mount

  41. M

    Sable Vs. Lion

    Sable vs. Lion
  42. Sable vs. Lion

    Sable vs. Lion

    Two different angles of our sable vs. lion mount.
  43. Sable vs. Lion

    Sable vs. Lion

    Two different angles of our sable vs. lion mount.
  44. Finishing Department

    Finishing Department

    After the skin is mounted and dried, it is sent to the finishing department (aka the beauty department) for final touches — cleaning, grooming, airbrushing, and the artistry that truly brings your trophy to life.⠀⠀⠀⠀
  45. Party Baboon

    Party Baboon

  46. Wildebeest


  47. Behind the Scenes: Bear Mount

    Behind the Scenes: Bear Mount

    Bear Mount Process Photos
  48. Behind the Scenes: Bear Mount

    Behind the Scenes: Bear Mount

    Bear Mount Process Photos
  49. Behind the Scenes: Bear Mount

    Behind the Scenes: Bear Mount

    Bear Mount Process Photos
  50. Behind the Scenes: Bear Mount

    Behind the Scenes: Bear Mount

    Bear Mount Process Photos