
  1. Cape Buffalo Double Pedestal Mount

    Cape Buffalo Double Pedestal Mount

    The double pedestal mount is a fantastic art design that creates a beautiful interaction between your two trophies. Its vertical height leaves a small footprint and will not eat up much of your room. Move it where you like throughout your house and enjoy a complete, 360 degree view of your trophy.
  2. Mountain Goat Laying on Rock

    Mountain Goat Laying on Rock

  3. Mountain Goat Standing on Rock

    Mountain Goat Standing on Rock

  4. Mountain Goat Pedestal Mount

    Mountain Goat Pedestal Mount

  5. Mountain Goat Walking Down Rock

    Mountain Goat Walking Down Rock

  6. Gemsbok Shoulder Mount

    Gemsbok Shoulder Mount

  7. Gazelle Shoulder Mount

    Gazelle Shoulder Mount

  8. Chamois Shoulder Mount

    Chamois Shoulder Mount

  9. Bushbuck Shoulder Mount

    Bushbuck Shoulder Mount

  10. Blesbok Shoulder Mount

    Blesbok Shoulder Mount

  11. Lion Roar

    Lion Roar

  12. Lunchtime!


    When it's time to eat, it's time to eat. Check out this brute force in action.
  13. Elephant Bar - Straight on Shot

    Elephant Bar - Straight on Shot

  14. Elephant Bar

    Elephant Bar

  15. Lion Chase

    Lion Chase

  16. M

    Wish you could all see this one in person

    Photos don't do it justice.
  17. Wish you could all see this one in person. Photos don't do it justice.

    Wish you could all see this one in person. Photos don't do it justice.

  18. Cats in Motion

    Cats in Motion

  19. Ridge Runner

    What do you use your back skins/hides for?

    I am in need to find useful projects for the hair on, back skins I have collected. My dilemma is that want to make something useful for regular use without worrying about the hair being worn off. Typically I have seen hides used for stool/ chair upholstery, pillows, gun cases, floor and table...
  20. MAdcox

    Got to open my birthday present a day late

    They got here! 2 years and 4 days after our hunt started. Stuff looks really good. This is my first crate and I am so happy I’ve got my hands on this stuff again.
  21. Old Cape Buffalo Mount

    Old Cape Buffalo Mount

    Cape Buffalo shot using a 416 Weatherby Magnum and 400gr solid in 1998 Zambezi valley
  22. MerlinMc

    Opinion Sought -- Exporting & Processing Trophies from Mozambique

    Opinions please: I have two crocodiles and one hippo collected in Mozambique that I want to get back to the US. The hides will be tanned into leather. And the skulls will be plain bleach skull mounts. Should I have the tanning and final skull preparation done in South Africa? Or, should I...
  23. Buckdog

    Artistry of Wildlife & Dennis Harris Deliver The GOODS!

    Dennis just delivered some critters today and created a superb grouping of little guys to hang over my spring buck slam he did last yr. My buff turned out awesome (43")and mean ass looking like he just wants to stomp you! My wife loves the giraffe all 12ft of it! Dennis is simply the best he has...
  24. Zim Waterbuck - Mokore Safaris - Game Trail Taxidermy

    Zim Waterbuck - Mokore Safaris - Game Trail Taxidermy

    2016 Zimbabwe. Mokore Safaris. Thanks Gary and Doug! Game Trail Taxidermy (USA) Address: 6280 County Line Rd, Mt Pleasant, NC 28124 Phone: (704) 782-4497
  25. Pronghorn / Antelope

    Pronghorn / Antelope

    Wyoming pronghorn shoulder mount. New Mexico pronghorn skull cap mount in the Skull Hooker Table Hooker. Game Trail Taxidermy (USA) Address: 6280 County Line Rd, Mt Pleasant, NC 28124 Phone: (704) 782-4497
  26. Zimbabwe Zebra

    Zimbabwe Zebra

    2016 Zimbabwe. Mokore Safaris. Thanks Gary and Doug! Game Trail Taxidermy (USA) Address: 6280 County Line Rd, Mt Pleasant, NC 28124 Phone: (704) 782-4497
  27. Zimbabwe Buffalo

    Zimbabwe Buffalo

    2016 Zimbabwe. Mokore Safaris. Thanks Gary and Doug! Game Trail Taxidermy (USA) Address: 6280 County Line Rd, Mt Pleasant, NC 28124 Phone: (704) 782-4497
  28. Warthog


    You might think he looks odd because he is closer to the ceiling, but that is the only room I had for him... so he is above my Liberty gun safe. Game Trail Taxidermy (USA) Address: 6280 County Line Rd, Mt Pleasant, NC 28124 Phone: (704) 782-4497
  29. TKW

    REPORT: Universal Trophy Services Mixed Review

    I received my crates from last year’s hunt a couple weeks ago so have had time to reflect on the entire process and it is a mixed review. I hunted in South Africa and on the advice of my PH and from many other past hunters I chose to use Universal Trophy Services. I decided on a pedestal mount...
  30. Ricardo Manuel Varela Alvarez


    I'm new here. Happy to help with any advise regarding with taxidermy, dip and ship, bleaching, caping, etc.
  31. Tom Hawk

    Are supportive of Market hunting

    You may remember market hunting as unsustainable, however with proper regulation, recreational hunting was made sustainable. There are certain places where it could be nessecary. Feral hogs for example. Also, would you like heritage hunting species to be turned into livestock? Farmed venison and...
  32. Jonathan Williams

    Taxidermy recommendations in Tennessee

    Im looking to find a good taxidermist in Tennessee for kudu, impala, gemsbok, blesbok and wildebeest. I would not reject any recommendations from Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, or Georgia Thanks, Jonathan
  33. Buckdog

    Christmas In October!

    My christmas present came early this year from Dennis Harris @artistry of wildlife who delivered 20 african mounts to me about a week ago and picked up new 10 hides and horns from my garage floor. Dennis is a awesome taxidermist (not the best communicator) but he makes up for that in talent...
  34. Z

    Wanted Zebra Duiker Skin / Pelt

    Hello I am interested in buying a pelt / skin (complete or partial) any age - of a Zebra Duiker for use as a teaching aid any help or advice would be appreciated. New to the site thank you
  35. C

    Lion whiskers???

    I picked up my lion on Friday. For multiple reasons, I am quite unhappy with the job they did. I won't go into all of the details. It's a well known taxidermist, but, my point isn't to bash them (at least not at this point). I have a question. Most of the whiskers are missing and some are...
  36. Royal27

    Relive Taxidermy - Christmas in June to be delivered by Safari Specialty Importers!

    Almost here!!!!! This is extra exciting to me as it includes two safaris worth of trophies dating back to August of 2014. To be clear, the choice to wait was totally mine. I decided to wait and have everything completed at once. As others have said before me, Paul at Relive has been great to...
  37. caddman

    Long wait is over!

    Well the day finally arrived, the taxidermy from my first African hunt has arrived. After a long day's drive south to the US border, a little paperwork, and g&s tax my trophies were finally headed home. Now to figure out how to best display Matt Kaprauns fine work. Matt has All-American...
  38. C

    REPORT: Hicks Taxidermy Reviews?

    Greetings all. I'll be leaving for my first safari in Namibia in a couple of months and I'm beginning the education process on shipping and African game taxidermy. I'm concerned that the nice lady that mounts my ducks isn't up to the task of shoulder mounting a Kudu. For that reason, I've...
  39. Diamondhitch

    Leopard Taxidermy Pictures

    This mount was done by a taxidermist who I highly revere, not just for his talent as a true wildlife artist but for the natural talent and commitment to excellence that has propelled him to his first world taxidermy championship win at the tender age of 21!!! Here is the mount that earned Daniel...
  40. V

    Lion Taxidermy Head Mount

    As you are aware, personally owned African lion hunting trophies may not be imported into Australia unless the specimen was from an animal that was deceased prior to 1977. Does anyone have a trophy...
  41. R

    Greetings from TN

    Although I personally am not a big game hunter my father-in-law lived to hunt. I believe he went on safari at least 8 or nine times. He loved Africa so much that he wanted to move there. It was only his love for his family that kept him state-side. His name was Tom Waller. Not sure if he may...
  42. Iguana Mount

    Iguana Mount

    Iguana Mount Here is a close-up of the Iguana's head. By the way ... this is a skin mount ... not a reproduction! John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist. John Bellucci's Artistic Wildlife Taxidermy
  43. Iguana Mount

    Iguana Mount

    Iguana Mount Not only are large "exotic" specimens mounted, but even the smaller varieties are brought to me. This is a large mature, male Iguana. Not the first reptile I ever mounted, but one of the few I ever photographed! This was one impressive fellow! John Bellucci...
  44. Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount

    Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount

    Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount The unique feature of this Bear's front teeth came from the fact that at some time in her life, she had been kicked in the mouth, literally splitting the front of her lower jaw, giving her incisors that jutted outward. After discussing this feature with the client...
  45. Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount

    Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount

    Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount The close-up of the Bears face reveal a pleasing eye turn, turning the Bear's attention to the viewer. Also note ... the nose is the actual Bear's nose! Many taxidermists today prefer to cut the natural nose off, in favor of a plastic reproduction. It's a fast...
  46. Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount

    Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount

    Alaskan Grizzly Bear Mount This Alaskan Grizzly Bear was taken by client Jeff Bowman. The mounting of this bear was documented in Breakthrough Magazine -- a trade magazine for the Taxidermy industry -- with photos and article supplied by myself. The article included alterations to the...
  47. Lioness Mount

    Lioness Mount

    Lioness Mount Mounted around 1978, this was a captive-raised 6-month old Lioness, who was killed when she jumped her owner's fence and was struck by a car. Now ... it wasn't the fact that the driver killed a Lion that got him scared ... it was the fact that the owner was a former member of...
  48. Moose Wall Mount - Detail

    Moose Wall Mount - Detail

    Moose Wall Mount - Detail North America's answer to Africa's Wildebeest! John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist. John Bellucci's Artistic Wildlife Taxidermy
  49. Moose Wall Mount

    Moose Wall Mount

    Moose Wall Mount Siras Moose taken by Chip Noble. John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist. John Bellucci's Artistic Wildlife Taxidermy
  50. Elk Wall Mount

    Elk Wall Mount

    Elk Wall Mount Record book Elk taken by Chip Noble. John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist. John Bellucci's Artistic Wildlife Taxidermy