I have a .280ai and .375ruger both in M77 Hawkeye African as well some earlier M77 MKII. I love them all and all are good shooters and reliable.
The .375 has nice wood but I looked through and waited for many on gun broker to find the right one. The .280 was the stained 2x4
@Red Leg mentioned. Surprisingly, I striped the tinted urethane on it and did an oil finish and it brought out some colors and grain….looks 100% better but still no high grade.
I actually find the ergonomics fine. I’m a big guy but prefer a slender rifle. I’m not sure if the stock dimensions have changed but the drop is right for me. I have a straight tube 1x8 with 30mm tube mounted in Warne qd medium rings and I don’t have issue with cheek bruising shooting irons either.
All of my M77’s the same 3 position safety my Winchester 70s have and so I don’t have any issue there after using that setup for 40 years.
They are CRF.
I like them but that’s just me….