45 Caliber .452 Diameter 225 Grain FTX Flex Tip
Quantity: (97)
Midsouth lists these at .47 each.
You can buy (97) from me for $30 shipped to USA address.
Total cost: $30 includes shipping.
Questions? Send me a Direct Message
First Direct Message stating you will buy these get them.
- Must include your legal name and phone number
- Payment to me within one week
- I accept electronic payment from my gun Friend and Family...
Simple enough, right?
Box below marked .451" but these are actually .452"
Quantity: (97)
Midsouth lists these at .47 each.

45 Caliber .452 Diameter 225 Grain FTX Flex Tip 100 Count
45 Caliber .452 Diameter 225 Grain FTX Flex Tip 100 Count by HORNADY AMMUNITION AND BULLETS Patented Flex Tip® design is safe in all tubular magazines. Flex Tip® technology delivers controlled expansion across a broad range of velocities. Delivers the flattest trajectories EVER from...

Total cost: $30 includes shipping.
Questions? Send me a Direct Message
First Direct Message stating you will buy these get them.
- Must include your legal name and phone number
- Payment to me within one week
- I accept electronic payment from my gun Friend and Family...
Simple enough, right?

Box below marked .451" but these are actually .452"