I have used a 45-70 and 444so ive been hunting small and medium size game for years, and would like to make the jump to some bigger game animals( Moose, Bear, Nilgai, Buffalo).....
now i have rifles in damn near every caliber up to .375HH.....and i am more than confident .375 will take any game i plan on hunting.....but would i be better served with a .458 (or other .4xx caliber)? or would that be "too much" for anything in N.A.?
right now im leaning towards a CZ550 in .458
thanks for the help
Yea I know the 458l is a lot more but with most bullets it will probably leave a 45 cal hole would be my guess.
And before my arm was hurt I looked at buying a 458 win for deer and hogs