Mr. Zorg
AH enthusiast
My .243 Winchester Whitworth (Zastava) rifle is the same, all Zastava M70, Interarms Mark X, and Whitworth rifles are manufactured with the same bolt length.
That"s why postings saying the 7mm-08 is an American neutered version of the 7X57mm cartridge and confined to being loaded with projectiles of 140 grains and less weight that have no factual basis in the real world to "demonstrate" the 7X57mm cartridge is "more versatile" is someone's fairy tale they expect rational observers of the world outside their head to buy into hasn't got a chance, no matter who jumps on the cheerleading circut of doublethink & doublespeak.
Then the whole "short action" spectre is raised ignoring that there are rifle manufacturers who chamber 7mm-08, 7X5mm, 7X64mm all in the same action length and same magazine size for decades, at least since 1975 to present day and into the foreseeable future, allowing 7mm-08 cartridges of those three the greatest versatility with regard to projectile seating depth and thus powder charge volume capacity due to case dimensions.
And I'm certainly not kidding that this is still not a 7mm-08 cartridge to be fired in a rifle barrel twist rate of 1:10 inches. Rational objective mathematical modeling shows that my 7X64mm caliber rifles are the appropriate performance envelope for the current sole 7mm Federal Edge TLR projectile weighing 155 grains with G1 BC 0.61, as I've posted. Projectile weight plays a very minor role in that rationale relative to other projectile charachteristics.
If I was ever actually forced to "hunt the world" I wouldn't use any of my 7mm caliber rifles. I'd take one of my .30-06 rifles for the performance envelope it posesses plus widespread ammunition availability. I wouldn't take any 7mm or .30 caliber rifle to hunt dangerous game no matter what Karamojo Bell did many decades ago when elephants had much less fear from humans as a potential predator vs the circumstances today's elephants experience. Just not in any way a good idea in my personal ethics, but as always, YMMV.
I doubt I would ever be taken alive to any re-education camp if thrust into such circumstances, and I'm absolutely OK with that. Always have been.
That"s why postings saying the 7mm-08 is an American neutered version of the 7X57mm cartridge and confined to being loaded with projectiles of 140 grains and less weight that have no factual basis in the real world to "demonstrate" the 7X57mm cartridge is "more versatile" is someone's fairy tale they expect rational observers of the world outside their head to buy into hasn't got a chance, no matter who jumps on the cheerleading circut of doublethink & doublespeak.
Then the whole "short action" spectre is raised ignoring that there are rifle manufacturers who chamber 7mm-08, 7X5mm, 7X64mm all in the same action length and same magazine size for decades, at least since 1975 to present day and into the foreseeable future, allowing 7mm-08 cartridges of those three the greatest versatility with regard to projectile seating depth and thus powder charge volume capacity due to case dimensions.
And I'm certainly not kidding that this is still not a 7mm-08 cartridge to be fired in a rifle barrel twist rate of 1:10 inches. Rational objective mathematical modeling shows that my 7X64mm caliber rifles are the appropriate performance envelope for the current sole 7mm Federal Edge TLR projectile weighing 155 grains with G1 BC 0.61, as I've posted. Projectile weight plays a very minor role in that rationale relative to other projectile charachteristics.
If I was ever actually forced to "hunt the world" I wouldn't use any of my 7mm caliber rifles. I'd take one of my .30-06 rifles for the performance envelope it posesses plus widespread ammunition availability. I wouldn't take any 7mm or .30 caliber rifle to hunt dangerous game no matter what Karamojo Bell did many decades ago when elephants had much less fear from humans as a potential predator vs the circumstances today's elephants experience. Just not in any way a good idea in my personal ethics, but as always, YMMV.
I doubt I would ever be taken alive to any re-education camp if thrust into such circumstances, and I'm absolutely OK with that. Always have been.
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